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Posts posted by ArchangelusAlpharius

  1. 6 minutes ago, rohankeluskar1 said:

    urm inventory protection doesn't work. just lost potato bp when pub squad decided to extract while the update was going on. I warned them but nothing I can do when 3 out 4 people are standing on extraction point.

    The update added protection. It can't work until you download it. 

  2. So, stillprettynewtenno here, with questions on Syndicate weapons. 

    1. Why is Vaykor Hek considered good? Wouldn't a Syndicate Modded standard Hek be better, with its higher single shot damage?(29.4 pellets?). 

    2. Why is the Simulor good, and how does it work?

    3. Sancti Tigris VS Vaykor Hek?

    4. If I join an opposing syndicate to access their offerings, what is the process of rejoining your favored syndicate? Do I have to sacrifice every tier again?

    5. Opinions on which syndicate weapons to farm for first? I'll be buying Red Veil offerings since I am not getting anywhere close to spacenaziassassins. 

    6. Standard plat rates for syndicate weapons?

    7. Advice?

  3. 21 minutes ago, (PS4)jonnyblaze1976 said:

    ive been out of the pc game so long i just cant. trust me i tried. on the other hand im a surgeon with a dual shock controller and since i found out to today i can actually use my dual shock 4 on pc i think that may be the way to go. im not giving up on ps4 version because im far too vested (time played and actual money spent), but pc version does have its advantages and would like to play it some.

    thanks for the quick answers tennos

    Surgeon hmmm...watch out then, or you may be operating on yourself for carpal tunnel if you use controllers for PC. The controls are very extensive, and they are ALL used pretty frequently. 

  4. You can, but it makes everything significantly harder, unless your controller has 20+ buttons...and at that point, why not use keyboard. Besides you can rebind keys, and I highly suggest switching use(X) to (E). And if your mouse has multiple buttons, thats good for swapping in skills, weapons, and toggling channeling or scope. 


    On a more serious note:

    (Also by kick I mean everyone leaving and reforming, right after being told that with a MR of 7, that I probably don't know how to play)

    1.Is it worth it to unlock all mission nodes on mercury to cheese farm dual stat nightmares? I only really want to find new plat farm methods since T4s S/MD/D are fun, but in the case of S and D personally only get interesting around 40+(Blame goes to my 6 forma tonkor <3) Plus I got a void burn after binge farming rhino during the 4 days before he left, and saryn farming for profit recently)

    2. Is Lex Prime considered an end game pistol? If so, I have a Blutato and forma standing by.

    3. On the topic of pistols: are the Clemkatas worth it for Void? I pop em out when nullies show up, and I am currently farming to make the 60k DPS corrosive build, but how well will they fare against a 150 bombard?

    4. Are any of the (Non-Boltor)Prime Rifles good? I enjoy the Braton, but I'm not so sure about the Burston. Is it worth min maxing with a truth mod or am I better off just foddering it?

    5. Is Rakta Cernos truly the end game bow? Since I've deliberately pissed off the veil, should I join them anyways for it? Or should I bite the arrow and buy it?

    6. How many hours, on average, does it take to finish the second dream(sans natah). I'm hoping to get that instant revival tree, so I can perfect my EV/Bless spam Trinity P, my Roarno P and The Invisible gunstealing Ba****** P.

    7. How does extractor destruction work? Since DE is occasionally reopening the vault, I'm worried that if I do obtain a prime extractor, that it will get lost because of some OVERLYPROFITHUNGRY CORPUS...hem might destroy it.

    Also, Saryn best Wifeframe?




  6. Wall of Questions Incoming :3

    1. Where do I find up to date, appropriate prices for stuff? Since trading is Laissez Faire, and thus the buy low/sell high mentality is in place, I'm relatively sure that I can't trust 1/2 of them. So I was just wondering if there are places I can get the correct market prices (Other than Alliance chat which may degrade into offers of 1 plat).
    2. What is the best way to farm fusion cores? I'm getting to the point where I am close to maxing out some weapons and frames, and thus I need to R10 a bunch of mods...I have used Hiercon, but I keep hearing about something called Triton?
    3. How prevalent are players that will kick you from a squad for the want of not "carrying" someone who just got the squad invitation?
    4. Is it better to have multiple copies of a corrupted mod for the purposes of switching between mod ranks?
    5. Do Sorties still drop 25 fusion cores per run? I've been running them and only getting Nezha parts
    6. What is the best way to rapidly rank a Warframe after forma?
    7. I've been trying out Irradiated Disarm Loki P for T4S/D/MD, but does anyone have a good guide/build for it?
    8. Are the forums a good place to find people willing to help you in game?
    9. I'm looking for weapons that will function past my new goal of 65+ on T4 survival...which ones tend to work well?
    10. Are the rumors that they WILL remove multi shot and other damage boosting mods?
    11. I understand the rough equations for enemy scaling are on the wiki, but is there anywhere I can find the base stats?(Weapons, Armor, HP, the whatnot)
    12. Twoooooooooooooo Grakata Clem CL-Lem Cleeeeeem?
    13. Oh, do I have to finish the archwing mission to build an Odonata Prime?
    14. Are there any good locations to find valuables that can be sold for plat that aren't the Towers or Derelict? I'm asking this because I need the higher end mods for builds, don't want to buy them, and want to make a profit.
    15. Is there any cure for repeated attempts of your left kidney to sell itself in order to buy an Excalibur Prime from DE?



  7. So yeah, I guess I'm now a slightly less new Tenno...but I'm still intent on learning and draining as much information as Trinity's use EV.
    I'm looking to become far more effective at running Tower 4s (60M+, Wave 60+, etc).
    Since I am new, I just don't know how to properly build for the high tier endgame...at most I can run 60s, but absolutely not efficiently. I am worried over damage falloff and enemy scaling...so any help to maximize the builds I have, and the ones for the future is really appreciated.

    What I'm currently using:

    This is my current Rhino Prime Build, and I spam 3 as much as possible


    I am considering stripping out Rhino Sized Fragmentation Grenade(Iron Shrapnel) for a Primed Flow, as well as replacing Continuity with its Primed Variant. In addition, I was thinking of maxing blind rage. I am worried however, about the increase in energy costs, due to blind rage, however, I am aware that maxed blind rage is very much used on many other warframes. Also I am not so sure about the loss of utility surrounding RSFGs removal, as I will no longer be able to use it to rapidly reapply Iron skin or function as a low cost panic button stomp. Any suggestions regarding what I should do? Should I bite the bullet and buy a spare Blind Rage? 

    I also have Loki Prime which I am currently modding, and a Trinity Prime which just finished baking last night. I really need a reliable EV/Blessing Spam build for Trinity though, since I have no idea how she works.
    And my beloved Unlimited Blade Works Excalibur. All of these have Potatoes

    This is my current Tonkor build, and it has been completed


    I use it constantly, but I wish to branch out. I have a Boltor Prime, Soma Prime, Braton Prime, Burston Prime, Paris Prime, and Dread all potatoed, but I am not sure how to proceed with them...especially since I need to go trade for more plat and trade chat has been a bit slow for me for the past couple of days.

    This is my dream TWOOOO Grakata build, and its barely even close


    This is what it currently looks like


    I also have a Lex Prime, which I want to use, but I haven't gotten the mods, and a Vasto Prime currently in the Oven

    I do want to know any secondaries that would be considered great for T4 S/D/MD

    As for Melee, I have both a Redeemer and an Orthos Prime, both based around range and damage, but I haven't figured out how to channel efficiently.

    Thanks a bunch,



    PS, How do I avoid falling to my doom? It seems to happen multiple times a mission where I bullet jump into an endless pit. :3


  8. So far, I like the Rhino Prime. After playing a total of 7 days, 6 of which spent drooling over Excalibur's Unlimited Blade Works, and trying to convince my left kidney not to sell itself so I can try to bribe DE to give me an Excalibur Prime farming the void, gradually working my way up to T4 and learning how to actually be a team member, I actually managed to get all its components to drop. 


    And its fun...but immediately after putting it on, ranking it to 20, and trying to get into some voids...well, this may be paranoid, but less people seem to be adding me to group. It may be they filled up fast, or entered the void before I could send...but the nagging feeling is there. I am aware there is the "Noob Boltino" stigma, and as such I want to know how to make my Rhino into a proper team player, at least until I can acquire those Trinity Prime Components.


    To those players out there that know how to play a Rhino in a team fashion...what do I do? How do I avoid acting like many Rhinos before me, and screw the team over by being selfish?


    I've also theory crafted a build, and would like feedback on if its supportive enough. I tried to stick as much into buffing Roar while making Iron Skin able to tank a few hits at 40+ Min/Wave in T4.



    I guess you can throw on Corrosive Projection instead of Rifle Amp to deal with heavy gunners?


    Thanks for helping me out...any information helps both me and whatever team my newbie self is on.

  9. Thanks everyone. Also, to clarify, I mean planet/mission/level lockouts, not mastery. I have been hoping to get Trinity's part BPs and ingredients, but I'm still way to weak to even try...I still don't know how to manuver very well either. And thanks everyone who offered me a friend invite. I will learn to the best of my ability from you guys and gals.



  10. So, I heard its fairly common for high mastery players to take new guys on runs to help them with making their first weapon or frame...


    1. Is there any truth to this?

    2. How does it work? Does this bypass lockouts?

    3. What do the new player have to do to pay back for the assistance?

    4. Does it give much affinity?

    5. ohgodifthisistrueanynoblesoulswillingtohelpascrublern2play?

  11. Greetings AOD,

    I would like to join the in game clan. However, there is a potentially unique problem. I already had access to the AOD TS, on part of diplomatic relations via WoT. Would I be allowed to use the TS for Warframe, or continue it's use for WoT clan Diplo only?


    (I still have the address, but the password was lost when I had to redownload ts 6 months ago)

  12. Thanks a bunch guys and gals...

    Just a few more things to put my mind at ease if you don't mind.

    1. I have Trinity's Blueprint, but I can't figure out where to get the Head, Chassis, and System BPs or dropped premade.

    2. Is it risky to buy a Loki Prime Set for 65 Plat, or should I be safe and buy it for 100 or so? Are scammers an actual threat?

    3. Sets usually have the Overall BP as well as the finished Head, Chassis, and System, right?

    4. Where should I start farming, with regards to building weapons and frames, since I have now only 6 hours in the game?


    ArchGrakataWing release when?



    So yeah...I'm new...approximately 5 hours old. I came to the system after getting information from an old friend, and discovered the Legend of Clem. I believe I have currently begun to understand how to jump (After an unfortunate incident involving getting stuck in an infinite loop of falling into a alloy pit on a Grineer vessel). So in other words, I am a complete scrub, and shouldn't be trusted with the space bar.


    I do have some questions however.

    1. Is the Trinity a good frame to aim for in early game?

    2. Is Prime Access worth it? If so, is this upcoming Saryn alright, or should I wait for Valkyr?

    3. How do I get good at maneuvering and not fall off every available edge?

    4. What is the inflation on Vaulted Primes?

    5. What should I grind for since I am mastery 1, and how should I go about it?

    6. I see Loki Prime's set selling anywhere from 65 Platinum to 250...why such a large price gap? Also, good uses for Plat?

    7. Am I over thinking this?




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