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Posts posted by Nani

  1. Weapons that you set to not be visible when holstered are still visible to other players.

    Even though you personally don't see the hidden weapons on your frame when you view your own Profile, other people still see the weapons when they view your Profile.

    And when you walk around a relay other players can still see your "invisible" holstered weapons.


  2. Sometimes while in Razorwing, Titania is able to destroy a nullifier's bubble perfectly fine, but then she can't damage the actual enemy that was inside of that bubble.  This bug is easiest to reproduce if you go to Galatea, Neptune, which is a Corpus capture mission.  Try to knock out the Corpus Nullifier Capture Target using only Razorwing weapons.  This problem occurs with Nullifier Crewmen, Corrupted Nullifier Crewmen, and so on.


  3. The Gross Income in the Profile screen is really showing Net Income.  It's showing a correct number for Net Income.  The problem is that it's labeled as Gross Income.  It appears to be calculated this way:

    Credit Reward is completely ignored, and Mission Credits is the only thing that it's counting.  But also, it's only counting half of the Mission Credits if you used a credit booster.

    In your example, you got a Credit Reward of 44,800 from the Akkad mission.  This got ignored by DE intentionally.  Then, you got 10,746 Mission Credits.  If you cut this number in half, you get 5,373 credits.

    If we compare your before-and-after Gross Income numbers from your screenshots, we see that your Gross Income increased by 5,376 credits.  There's a small amount of rounding, but this is approximately the 5,373 credits that I mentioned above.

    The complaints to DE to "fix Gross Income" haven't produced the outcome you want.  I recommend that you change your tactic in order to get different results.  1) Ask DE to correct the label on the current metric to say "Net Income", and then 2) Ask for a brand new metric to be added above it for "Gross Income".


  4. 你作為一個戰術獎勵收到的Stratos的國徽是不是一個印記。這是一個標誌。你需要去到徽屏幕來使用它。

    The Stratos Emblem that you received as a tactical reward is not a sigil.  It's an emblem.  You need to go to the Emblem screen to use it.


  5. 你作為一個戰術獎勵收到的Stratos的國徽是不是一個印記。這是一個標誌。你需要去到徽屏幕來使用它。

    The Stratos Emblem that you received as a tactical reward is not a sigil.  It's an emblem.  You need to go to the Emblem screen to use it.


  6. According to its description in the Market, the Cicero Crisis Antidote Pack is "A collection of blueprints containing formulas to create every type of antidote."

    But when you buy the Antidote Pack you only receive 5 of the 6 different types of antidote.  The market description says you will receive "every type of antidote", but for some reason you don't get the blueprint for Vermillion Antitoxin.  In order to get all 6 types, you're required to purchase the Vermillion Antitoxin separately even if you've already purchased the pack.

    A side note to anyone wondering what this is: the Cicero Crisis is long over, but you can still use antitoxins on Earth Sabotage missions in order to get extra mission rewards.


  7. The lowest possible energy drain for Ivara's Prowl ability is 0.25 energy per second.  So there's no bug.  That being said, you inspired me to do some number-crunching of my own.

    With a maxed Primed Flow, a maxed Endurance Drift, and minimum energy drain, Ivara can stand still and remain invisible for 51 minutes (50:56).

    You can increase this length of time even further, if you trigger an Entropy effect right before you activate Prowl.

    This information is provided for entertainment and research purposes only.  Please don't stand still for 51 minutes in a mission, or DE will make you sit in the corner wearing a pointed hat inscribed with the letters "AFK".  :)


  8. I tested this, and I was able to confirm your findings: Vauban's Repelling Bastille augment mod doesn't work on Mutalist Osprey Carriers.

    At 100% Power Strength, Bastille is able to simultaneously suspend 12 enemies in stasis.  To make testing your claim easier, I put a maxed Overextended mod onto my frame, in order to lower the Power Strength to 40%.  With this configuration, Bastille is only able to suspend 4 enemies at once.

    I took Vauban Prime to Hieracon, Pluto, which is an infested excavation mission.  I did a test run without the Repelling Bastille augment mod, and then another test run with the mod.  In both cases--as we would expect--the first four enemies to enter the area were suspended in stasis.  And even if those first four enemies were Mutalist Osprey Carriers, they still got suspended.

    But any Mutalist Osprey Carriers that tried to enter the area, beyond the base threshold of four enemies, were able to fly right up to the excavator as if Bastille weren't even there.  At the same time, the Repelling Bastille augment mod successfully blocked dozens of other enemies from entering the area.


  9. Here's another example of the wrong weapon being equipped during Razorwing.  This time I wasn't in bleedout, but it's a similar issue so I'm keeping this in the same forum thread.

    Notice how I'm using my Synoid Gammacor while still channeling Titania's 4th ability.  Instead of firing Dex Pixia, I'm using my secondary weapon to shoot the Grineer Trooper.





  10. There are numerous mods that do not get recognized as being "Recent" mods.  For example, if you play a mission and you pick up a Stormbringer mod, and then after the mission you sort your mods by Recent, Stormbringer will be nowhere near the beginning of the list of mods.  I've made note of several examples that I've come across while playing Warframe, and I've recorded the names of the mods.  Below is a partial list of affected mods:


    Ammo Drum
    Eagle Eye
    Hawk Eye
    Heavy Caliber
    No Return
    Pathogen Rounds
    Reflex Coil
    Shotgun Spazz
    Speed Trigger
    Swift Deth
    Trick Mag


    As a counter-example, here are several mods that work correctly (again, this is a partial list; there are many more mods):


    Cleanse Infested
    Coaction Drift
    Critical Delay
    Magazine Warp
    Tainted Mag



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