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Posts posted by (XBOX)Kuhl MC

  1. Hmm, I'm not a big fan of self damage either (looking at you Kulstar), but with Cautious Shot even my Ivara won't die from a shot directly to her feet with my 100% Status 22000 viral damage Kuva Ogris, so I guess it works as intended...

  2. Hmm, my Kuva Kohm with a crit build easily outperforms my standard Kohm with a pure damage build on close to medium range (my riven has + firerate, + damage, + multishot on it) while both weapons aren't modded for max status. The bigger problem I have with this disposition changes is, that some of my rivens had rolls with -100%+ Impact on them, eliminating those nasty impact procs that make enemies tumble around therefore preventing proper consecutive headshots (e.g. on my Quartakk). Now the - percentage has dropped below 100% and I get those procs again... annoying. In case of the Aksomati Prime, I feel the prime performs slightly better due to the higher status chance, even with lower riven stats. Nevertheless I like the normal version better, because the prime is so HUGE, it looks absolutely disproportional on certain frames 😉

  3. Nice, now I know at least, how these containers look like... Never saw any of those yet. Great job DE, putting a desirable reward behind a time gate, abysmally low spawn rates and a convoluted loot pool full of useless filler crap (=Captura scenes)... I'll pass on that one until someone at DE is finally struck by a lightning bolt of sanity.


  4. From what I have experienced so far, Railjack needed at least three more months of development for the current content to work properly, not to mention all the missing features. Its getting more and more obvious imo, that DE is lacking the proper manpower to cope with their increasingly ambitious projects and to enable them to release them fulfledged in a reasonable amount of time. Instead we get barebone content, released piece by piece, each riddled with issues and bugs, missing out on almost all features initially proposed... At the moment, it seems to me, that they lost control over their game. I only hope, they can gain it back somehow.

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  5. vor 21 Stunden schrieb (XB1)Tucker D Dawg:

    i'm getting close to abort farming avionics. I do all my play solo anyway but the pathetic drop chances (esp. given console doesn't have the updates to that - and DE hasn't even decided if they are going to hotfix or cert some of these yet - per meghan's xbox stream yesterday), we are missing some ship spawns entirely, and the whole RJ is just exterminate with a few 2 minute side missions occasionally tossed in - i'm close to aborting to save myself the 2 minutes each run since I don't care about the rest of the trash or the mission "rewards"

    I don't understand why anyone would abort farm the sentient ship in public though as having a squad generally significantly slows loading times - maybe not an issue on PC? And if they are doing it for specific drops, and don't care about the load time inefficiencies,  its an even worse idea to do public as others in the squad might have different objectives leading to host migrations causing lost items even if they DO get what they were looking for 😂


    In its current state, playing RJ on console is a waste of time. Abysmal drop rates and the possibility to even miss a rare drop, because you simply can't find it anymore after the end of the battle... On the other hand, I will be forced to switch weaponry after the update, so I will need tons of Titanium again... Sheesh!!


  6. vor 13 Stunden schrieb Aesthier:

    I can't wait until after months or even years of complaints about the RNG of Vidar reactors DE decides:

    "We came to the conclusion that the Vidar reactors are seeing to much use in the game so we have removed the additional avionics capacity they gave and replaced it with a Ripline ability for your Railjack so you can now sling fighters off the map thereby negating your ability to gain loot off them.  It is our hope that by spreading the avionics capacity that Vidar reactors gave across the other reactors and tying that additional capacity to a forge button lasting 3 seconds with a cooldown of 280s we can entice players into using the other reactors instead."



    I mean that is the way they do things after all.

    Lol. But samewhat true, unfortunately.


  7. Vidar reactors? I thought, they were just a myth 😉 Now that I've heard, how bad those could actually roll, I'm almost lucky I got spared from the frustration... Whoever is responsible at DE for such a wide RNG range to actually be implemented should immediately be repositioned to another task as they are obviously incapable to deliver a fun experience for the players. Still running my 64 capacity Lavan reactor from my very first Veil mission, never had any other reactor dropping since then (except for the useless Zetki ones). Can't wait to see its capacity, when we console players will get the updates, too. Guess, the best thing to do in the meantime is to farm tons of Titanium as I will have to exchange my whole weaponry (DE, Titanium is the dealbreaker, not Astride, by the way).


  8. Here's a list of all unpleasant surprises, that happened after entering a crewship/location (e.g. Grineer Galeon) during a Railjack mission:  Weapons seem to loose all their mods and deal almost no damage anymore. Shedu cannot be fired anymore. Operator abilities cannot be used anymore (e.g. Zenurik's energy regen, Operator just hops around) . Frame and/or Operator loose all abilities from equipped arcanes (e.g. Magus Repair, Arcane Grace). Warframe abilities stop functioning (e.g. robbing enemies with Ivara's prowl). No possibility to land finishers on enemies while invisible. All these effects last until the end of the mission, sometimes even dying won't fix the issue... Needless to say, this makes playing those missions a pain.

  9. I fully agree. Liches and RJ were rushed out to still have some content in 2019. From a marketing perspective, the buggy mess that RJ is, did more harm to Warframe than anything else in the past. They surely made a ton of money with their aggressive monetization (Lich weapons being Forma sinks, Exilus Adapters, too, with their constantly subpar innate polarity, expensive ship skins, that offer less than a Deluxe Skin package for the same price and of course the dreadful repair drones...), but hurt their reputation drastically at the same time. It has to be monitored carefully, whether DE will continue to spiral downwards the slippery slope that they stepped on or not, only time will tell. I personally have a lot less fun in playing the game than I had before the latest two updates due to the excessive RNG factors shoved down my throat, it more and more simply feels like an unrewarding waste of time...

  10. Random avionic capacity, that can roll lower than on standard items combined with abysmal drop rates... It's just a flat out progression blocker. What to do with some cool battle avionic or a ship upgrade if you are unable to put it in? I got extremely lucky on my very first veil mission to drop a Lavan reactor with 64 capacity. I played a ton of missions since then, but never got anything better so far (Vidar reactors are a fairy tale, they don't exist in reality imo). My ship is still the best in our clan, because all other clanmates are still forced to play with the Mk III dojo reactor (and the clanmate that accompanied me on my first veil run got his Lavan reactor with a low roll...). This needs to be changed. Gating core progression behind RNG walls will kill the whole gamemode before it's even properly fixed.

  11. Hmm, when piloting my ship, I always fire the cannon myself, even if it means to be a sitting duck during that time... Its damage in the veil is too low, though. Having a good enter teammate, that uses the slingshot consecutively to get rid of the crewships is way more effective anyway. A bit more power to the cannon would be much appreciated to have a proper alternative, though.

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  12. vor 30 Minuten schrieb -AoN-CanoLathra-:

    Are you talking about my statement of DE's intentions? Or are you arguing that they didn't mess it up in this PA?

    If the first, allow me to refer to the original Dev Workshop on the subject:

    If the second, a simple calculation using semlar.com/rivencalc and warframe-builder.com can prove that a decent riven for the Aksomati (Damage, CC, CD, Multi, Elemental, etc.) will outperform, in terms of on-paper DPS, the Aksomati Prime with the same build and the same (lower disposition) riven, and you would then have to prove that the increased status chance on the prime makes it an upgrade instead of a sidegrade for that build.

    I don't see this being the case. The Aksomati have a disposition .25 (1.25 vs 1.0) higher than their base counterpart, which is a very large difference compared to the minor increase in most stats. This makes the relatively minor difference in base stats insufficient to make the rivened Aksomati Prime a strict upgrade over the rivened Aksomati.

    Now, if it turns out the DE intend for rivens to make every weapon a sidegrade to the others in it's family, then they are just shooting themselves in the foot, because who would buy PA if it has weapons you have rivens for? You would only be getting sidegrades, not upgrades, thus only unique primes (euphona, dakra, etc.) would be worth getting outside of MR (unless the new primes have a really interesting mechanic that makes their stats mostly irrelevant). This is likely the same reason why rivens are for weapon families, instead of for specific weapons.

    So, assuming DE actually wants to sell PA in the future, Primed weapons must be stronger than their vanilla counterparts, even with a riven thrown into the equation, and the Aksomati Prime do not meet that expectation.

    Fully agree. I guess DE wants to somewhat counter the powercreep, that started when the Arca Plasmor was introduced and continued afterwards. Problem is: If prime variants of weapons aren't upgrades anymore due to lower riven disposition, why should I bother with the prime or a riven respectively? If that's DE's intention to even out the weapons from now on, I must admit, that I'm just getting the worst Destiny1 vibes right now, where they made all weapons equally boring and underperforming in PvE, just for the sake of PvP-"Balance", which they actually never achieved... Playing Warframe for over 4 years now, but the new PA is the most underwhelming regarding the weapons so far. My motivation to further grind for Kuva weapons has also suffered severely, now that their dispositions are lower than those of the original weapons. The grind somewhat feels unrewarding to be honest.

  13.  Hmm, I got 25 million nanospores rotting away in my inventory without purpose, just saying. I agree with your points, though. Currently processing my 9th lich (I'm on console, mind you), got my 4th duplicate in a row and I'm already feeling worn out by the system, mainly due to the fact, that the third whisper takes way longer to complete than the first two. Why make the last one more tedious to complete? There is already enoug RNG involved in the system (duplicates, random bonus rolls, ephemera), that you need to spend a significant amount of time anyway, if you want to have all weapons with proper stats, even with trading. The same goes for certain drops (I'm looking at you, War blade and Braton Vandal Bp). Some items are locked behind abysmally low drop rates or multiple RNG walls (low drop rates in big loot pools), that running the activity once again feels like a waste of time after a while, if I could spend the time running fissure missions instead, sell the stuff and buy those missing items for plat. I don't mind grinding for stuff, but the correlation between time investment and reward propability needs to be incentivicing enough to do so and for certain items in this game it definitely is not, so I simply gave up on them and the corresponding activities (e.g. elite sanctuary). Another point is left behind content. It took almost a year of constant content drought until Fortuna was finished and what now? A gorgeously looking but empty open world filled with interesting locations that have no purpose at all. The same boring bounty structure from PoE, that everyone was totally burnt out from after two intensive months of grinding to fulfil the ridiculously high material requirements for arcanes and all the other stuff, but this time with even bigger lootpools and therefore even lower drop rates... And what about the third orb mother? Still deep diving in one of the coolant ponds until eternity...

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