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Posts posted by Yorinar

  1. I agree that Teralyst is unfun.  Hypermassive bullet sponge that feels more like memorizing a series of keystrokes than anything else.  I don't play with organized groups, so it's even more of a nightmare.  Basically 9 out of 10 teralyst fights for me are:

    1. jump in and out of operator in a timed pattern so consistent i could probably set up a macro to do it if i were into such things
    2. revive everyone else
    3. shoot forever
    4. watch teralyst go into the lake.  A lake filled with my tears.
    5. wait 100 minutes

    I loved focus before PoE, i had maxed out naramon and would invisimelee everywhere to my hearts content.  Basically it took all the time I spent on that and flushed it down the drain because it's asking me to devote a thousand hours to just get back to a fraction of where I was before.

  2. On 5/4/2017 at 9:58 AM, [DE]Megan said:

    Removed Lua Spy missions from Sortie rotation due to extensive Client loading times on min spec machines. Please note that we are working to fix this and add Lua Spy missions back into the Sortie rotation.


    I'm fine if you just leave this out.  Those are orders of magnitude harder for me than regular ones, so I just skip sorties that day when I see it on the list. :P

  3. Trying to be as constructive as possible, which is difficult, because Conclave is very frustrating and these challenges only serve to remind that it exists.  

    Number one problem for me is there is no clear indication of how to hit something.  Melee aim is random, weapon aim is only vaguely predictable with these challenge weapons.  In a good pvp system, you can at least tell the general direction of where your attack is going to go.  I'm sure that can be mitigated with practice, but when it just feels like you're cheated out of getting hits that you thought were directed right at someone (like seeing my sword go through someone and doing no damage), only to be killed by a melee from well outside the visible range of any contact, it doesn't encourage me to play it ever again.

    Movement is sluggish compared to the way I normally fit my frames and it feels like I'm crawling through mud.  This makes it even more difficult to enjoy this mode in the slightest.

    So please, in future, no more of these conclave challenges.  If they must happen, please give us a way to hide them, so they don't have to annoy me.  When I make the mistake of playing a match or three, I leave feeling like it's time to quit playing warframe for a long time.

  4. 1 hour ago, Calvyr said:

    As aggravating as getting 80 Endo is, I'd take that over a Stretch or Metal Auger mod. This whole thing is so infuriating. The spawns are still broken, the hologram map is trash, the drop rate of serum is still too low, and the whole idea of having to do this nonsense to get pieces for Nidus is beyond me. If they're going to make us do this to get the frame, we should actually get the frame. Considering how long each run takes in comparison to a boss run, I really can't fathom what DE were thinking. I can do a normal boss run in under 5 minutes and I'm guaranteed to get a part, even if it isn't the one I need, it's still a part. This nonsense, however, you could run it 50 times and not actually get a single part. And I refuse to pay for Nidus with platinum. There is no justification for it, so I will not do it.

    DE, PLEASE, fix this. I'm losing a lot of faith here.

    I understand you, believe me.  This is the F2P business model, though.  You can spend $5 and buy the frame outright (or however much it costs), or you can grind 30 hours to get it for free.  To save $5, you work at wages that would make even third-world child labor factories blush.

  5. 12 minutes ago, phazefox said:

    precepts AREN'T limited to |- slots, you can put precepts in any slot you want on a sentinel's mod loadout, i for one use guardian, sanctuary, medi-ray, coolant leak, regen, both base precepts and vacuum on all sentinels.

    after i posted that i tested it.. facepalm lol

    13 minutes ago, Babellon said:

    Regen as far as I can tell doesn't do anything significant. I simple downed state will revive your sentinel. I know not everyone wants a downed state to do that, but I've yet to have regen ever work. So I'm curious as to the logic behind it. there are a couple mods that seem like they are ineffective, those being, regen, and coolant leak. 

    maybe i'm mistaken but for carrier prime which has a lot of hp at max level, it's a pretty good heal that can save it without a down. last time i checked that still worked

    but since i was mistaken about only 4 precepts, it's a moot point for me now

  6. I hated the old Void where I had to manually form parties unless I wanted to solo -- which got old fast.  Now you get a much wider variety, automatic matchmaking, and the ability to choose from 4 options instead of getting stuck with a single (usually garbage one).  The new method burns more keys/relics per item, but you get more items in a shorter period of time.  I'll take that trade-off.  I guess I'm part of the problem when it comes to ducat prices because I'm flush with ducats like I never was before.  Even when ducats were first introduced and I traded in hundreds of hours of void farming, I had less than I do now. And I haven't spent hundreds of hours on fissures.

  7. Wouldn't ranking up take the same amount of time? It's just that reaching max capacity is faster with your suggestion.  You still have to slog through til 30 the same either way if you are interested in mastery.

    I'm fine with your suggestion, but I don't really mind the current way since they are the easiest levels and pass the most quickly.

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