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  1. Heya, Apologies if this is the wrong topic to post in. I've been excited for the account merge/link feature for a while but it is very unclear to me what that means in practise for my specific use case. A cursory glance at the Forums and the official Cross-Save page wasn't able to clear up my confusion. I've played Warframe on PC initially and have most of my inventory there, especially with having been able to get some Legendary Cores back in the Day, as well as a bunch of Tennogen and other PC exclusive stuff. When the Switch version released I participated in the Account Migration because friends wanted to play on Switch. I later got a couple of Frames (notably Wisp who I bought with Plat at the time) on my Switch version as well as some more Warframe Slots afaik. Now, I know that bc of the Account Migration I'm only eligible to Link my accounts and choose a Primary Acc, but I am unclear on what that means for me. 1. If I choose my PC acc, does that mean that I would lose access to Wisp and any other stuff I bought with Plat on my Switch acc? 2. If I choose Switch acc, what effect would that have on my PC-exclusive Items like Tennogen, Legendary Cores, and other things that initially were not eligible to be copied to Switch? Would I lose those? As it stands right now, regardless of what I do I feel like I would lose out on rare items, and things I spent actual real money on, and that honestly really sucks. Any comments and help on what to expect would be amazing. I'd love to get back into the game, but the thought of losing out on things I bought is souring the excitement for me.
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