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Posts posted by iwoply

  1. I can't say much about your Freeze suggestion but for Ice wave, Isn't there an augment mod that does this?

    14 minutes ago, Drufo said:

    I think it could be made a bit more interesting: crystal shards doesn't disappear instantly, but have a low duration (like 4-6 seconds).

    and personally I see Ice Wave as a basic CC ability that doesn't need any adjustments for more damage or less. but  hey that's just me. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, redeyedtreefrog said:

    However, I do get that Nidus should still have SOME consequence for entering said bubbles, so I have a counteroffer: When Nidus is inside a nullifier bubble, his stacks do not give any of their normal passive buffs, nor can he enter undying while in a nullifier bubble. This accomplishes the same thing (making nullifiers something to be feared)


  3. I'd be fine with Syndicate Cosmetics being trade able but that's all. 

    Baro comes every fortnight and like you said yes, some people have work and other issues but his dates are set for each fortnight and if you can't make that deadline than you'll have to wait it out.

    I've missed multiple weekends in which he has appeared, but the items always come back around and once again like you said it may take a while but All you need to do is keep and eye out for his appearances and make sure you're stocked up on ducats. 

     In my eyes the Baro suggestion comes down too, I missed something and I cbf waiting like everyone else. These are just my two cents.

  4. 1 minute ago, Lysta said:

    But what is your actual need to point that out besides to look purely ignorant? 

    It's like someone having a missing finger, and you walking up to them and saying, "Hey you have a missing finger". What is your actual point, besides to look like a self-righteous puffed up ignorant person?

    I can't think of one good reason why it was necessary to tell him you can't understand him because of his grammar, because it seems the rest of us could.

    chill out mate

  5. You can set a macro so that you can slide attack yes.

    However setting a macro to play the game for you is ban worthy.

    So as long as you're still playing and not making a sandwich than you're all good. 

  6. I'm with you all the way up until this point. IMO this would break the game, Naramon + Zenurik or any other combinations would be insane. 

    41 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

    It would also be cool if we can equip a primary and secondery Focus,

    and have the effects of both focuses at the same time.

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