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Posts posted by Nerfoxbylozajete

  1. 3 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    Define strength. High numbers can't make up for how a weapon feels. Low numbers don't mean the weapon doesn't have a niche where it overperforms. At that point Rivens are directly tied to the game balance and they aren't supposed to be.

    Lol that was just my suggestion for an idea title of one of LuckyCharm's ideas. Note that idea titles should be short and informative since their purpose is to identify ideas based on them. You'll always be able to click on the link to an idea and find out what's the title all about there.

  2. @LuckyCharm Thanks to you I see my first issue with the main post. I need to change ideas to ideas and opinions. That way people who just want to share their thoughts will also be included in it.
    Thanks for the comment, I think you should format it so that it fits the main topic. I'd suggest adding category and idea title for every paragraph of your comment. For example
    Category: Riven Disposition
    Idea title: Disposition based on weapon strength instead of popularity

  3. [IDEA]
    Category: Riven Market
    Idea's name: Make links to player rivens external.
    My idea:

    So I might as well start this of with my idea.
    As a player who uses warframe.market a lot, I'd like to have a why to trade for rivens there. Problem with rivens is that every single one is unique so that it's almost impossible to program a market site around them. Here are my suggestions how to fix that:

    • make an option to get your riven as a link that you can copy and paste.
    • Link should contain image of a riven, indicator for which weapon it is and indicator which types of (positive) stats it contains
    • Example: warframe.com/rivenbase/soma/cc_cd_fr/83732 that would mean it's a soma riven with crit chance, crit damage and fire rate
  4. Hello!
    I've figured out that lots of people have concerns about the current state of riven mods. This topic is for making a collective effort of gathering different ideas and discussing them in order for community managers to have one topic they could refer to when communicating with devs about riven mods.



    Q: Why is this topic needed?
    A: Because there are many topics about riven mods forgotten or left without commentary. We need a place that stays alive and focuses on many aspects of riven mods.

    Q: Why are you feeling like you are permitted to start this topic?
    A: I don't feel like I'm anyone special, anyone could start it. I just have the time to go ahead and do it.

    Q: Do you have any contact with community managers?
    A: We need to get the topic going before even concidering talking to them. They are too busy to check every single post. Once we'll have some ideas discussed, I'll try to contact them.

    Q: Are you a riven expert?
    A: I am not by any means and I won't be acting like I am.

    Form of this theard:

    • I'll make some categories to make things more clear. If you want to add a category, feel free to say so.
    • Every idea/opinion will be saved into appropriate category and will have an unique number for example 2nd idea in category "3. Riven stats" will be reffered to as "Idea 3-2".
    • Every Idea/opinion will be contained of one phrase to describe it and a link to the author's post. Below the link, there will be a For/Against count and For/Against %.
    • Idea doesn't need to be a solution, you can just say you disagree with certain game mechaincs and you feel like it should be changed or you agree with it and it should stay as it is. 
    • If you want to contribute, here are two things you can do: 
      Add and idea/opinion (template of the idea post in spoiler bracket 1)
      Comment on an existing idea/opinion (template of the for/against comment in spoiler bracket 2)

    Idea's title (One phrase to be pasted in the main post)
    My idea:


    Idea's ID: (for example Idea 3-2)
    [FOR] or [AGAINST]
    My Explanation:

    • Comments that don't have [IDEA] or [COMMENT] tags are fine, they just won't be taken into account on the main post


    0. Other (ideas that don't fit into any of the category below and ideas connected with form of this theard)

    • 0-0 Example idea
      <link to the idea>
      by Nerfoxbylozajete 
      For/Against: 0/0
      For/Against %: 50

    1. Riven acquisition (drop sources, drop rates etc.)


    No ideas so far.

    2. Kuva (kuva farming, kuva drop rates etc.)


    No ideas so far.

    3. Riven stats (types of stats, stat values etc.)


    No ideas so far.

    4. Riven market (buying/selling rivens, riven prices etc.)

    • 3-1 Make links to player rivens external.

      by Nerfoxbylozajete
      For/Against: 0/0
      For/Against %: 50

    5. Riven disposition (too high, too low, disposition updates etc.)


    No ideas so far.

    6. Impact on gameplay (wepons becoming meta, strategies involving rivens etc.)


    No ideas so far.

    7. Riven cycling (chances to get certain stats, price per cycle etc.)


    No ideas so far.

    8. Rivens slots (price, slots per MR etc.)


    No ideas so far.

    I'll do my best to read through the comments and update the topic daily.

  5. 1 minute ago, Azrayeel said:

    I see and understand your point. :)

    Thank you. The thing is as much as I disagree with your suggestion, I still need to admit that 3000 plat is a bit too much for a single mod. Rivens suffer from a lot of minor issues that need to be resolved. I'd like to start a riven megatheard but I believe nobody would listen to me. :)

  6. Well I on the other hand don't really like kuva runs. I love orokin sabotages and excavations tho. You can buy all the relics, xiphos parts and Bullet Dance from me if you don't feel like grinding for it. I'd like to have the same option when it comes to rivens. By making only unrolled rivens tradeable you would force me to grinding for the kuva and doing missions I don't like.
    That's the main arguement why I'm for making more instead of things tradeable so that everyone could play the game the way he wants and by selling things he enjoys farming could buy the things he hates farming for.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Azrayeel said:

    Unrolled Rivens should not remain at an Enormous amount of plat for long, because those who already have the said riven for a specific weapon will sell any duplicates they get

    Ok let me put it that way: unrolled rivens are worth around 50 plat JUST BECAUSE you can get a soma ro opticor riven out of them. With how few Soma or Opticor or Vectis rivens there are, price of unrolled Opticor rivens are now around 300-400 plat and don't deny they would go higher. With that said, would still need to grind in order to get some nice stats. With rivens being tradeable I can grind for things I like in order to get plat for things I don't like to grind for.

    9 minutes ago, Azrayeel said:

    You are right, you will need to work harder to achieve your youtube video contents this way.

    I have a request for you. Do 32 kuva runs and come back here. Or not even that, since resource boosters are a thing, do 16. Then imagine doing that daily.

  8. Ok now how would you solve the following problem:

    Let's say I have akbronco prime and I want to mod it for max fire rate and make a youtube video about it. I go searching for some rivens and then reroll them for the stats I need. I then record a video and riven becomes useless from this point. 

    Now let's say I'm a huge youtuber and want to make a video about Soma modded for minimal fire rate. I'd need to buy unrolled riven for an ENORMOUS amount of plat and hope I'll roll the stats I need. Worst case scenario I'll roll godlike stats and won't even be able to sell it.

    Actually one more problem:

    I love rivens and I use a lot of them even on crappy weapons, I share them, make videos about them and so on. Thing is getting decent stats takes me 10 runs on average. That's 19950 kuva spend and about 32 kuva siphon runs PER RIVEN.

  9. Ways of obtaining nitain extract:

    • Alerts rewarding Nitain Extract are guaranteed to occur at least 4 times in every 24 hour period. ~Warframe wiki
    • Hidden caches with up to 2% chance to drop
    • Ghoul bounties 

    You need a total of 145 nitain extracts to build every single item in game, not counting clan research. That means you would collect the nitain you need in 37 days if you didn't miss any alerts. Is that long? I don't think so.

    I strongly recommend using https://deathsnacks.com/wf/ as an alert tracker while doing something else. You can study or clean your house or play another game and when nitain alert pops up you can quickly do it. You can even turn desktop notifications on.

  10. Doing so would cause the following things:

    • It would increase the price of unrolled rivens significantly.
    • It would increase the price of good unrolled rivens even more.
    • People wouldn't be able to exchange rivens, try them out, reroll for funny stats or borrow for youtube purposes.

    I've noticed so far that there's a lot less issues with tradeable things than with non tradeable ones.

  11. 5 hours ago, (Xbox One)Oussii said:

    A veteran is not only someone who passed through most of the game content

    I feel like you haven't read my reply.
    EDIT: If you are too lazy to read I'll shorten in for you: I don't want to argue if I'm a veteran by your definition or not. I don't care about it. What I do care about is you and others reading my initial post and commenting on that.

  12. 43 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Oussii said:

    I stopped reading here. 

    You consider yourself a veteran with 800 hours 

    I have 3700+ hours and I dont call myself a veteran

    I consider myself a veteran because I've passed through most of the game's content. Done the missions, done the sorties, been to every single node on the star chart, done some raids, orokin vaults, bounties, simaris captures, scanned 99% of the enemies, collected curias... The list can go on and I'm sure you get the point by now. When I said I'm a veteran that doesn't mean I'm elite, better than others or I know everything about the game. If you are triggered by the word itself, you can replace it with "A player who passed through most of the game's content." I think we have slightly different definitions and you might want to redefine yours. If you have a better word for what being veteran means to me, please share it, I don't want people quitting productive discussion just because one word in my post triggers them.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

    Answer)  All Directions at once.


    Still as someone with 4,000 in-mission hours. Ive never been this uninterested in the game. What I do is the same Survival / Defense endurance runs they added 4 years ago and not much since then has kept my interest more than a week or so. Excavation had me a while... but you can see the theme I'm sure. If I can't push the limits or add some risk into the game then I'm not interested in playing.

    Remember that second-guess moment when you're not sure if you want to risk to 30 primes you farmed for one more round? Yea, kinda like that.


    So you are one of those lucky ones who don't suffer from burnout at all. I'll admit, doing 1h20 defence is fun but also very exhausting, at least for me.

  14. 4 minutes ago, Sajochi said:

    Devstreams where they address our questions and show upcoming content as well as their thought process. Dev workshops that ask for feedback. Responses on twitter, reddit, here that gets fixed on the next hotfix when addressed. If none of that is communication, then please tell me what is.

    They unfortunately address close to nothing during devstreams but since that's just my opinion, let's leave it like that. We won't convince each other on that matter. I agree on the dev workshops but responses on twitter, reddit and here are pretty rare and most of the time don't bring anything new to the table. I'm not saying there's NO communication (and if you haven't noticed that, please read my post once again) because it's actully pretty good compared to other game devs but why should we stop here? Also Warframe has an unique way of launching new updates that requires more feedback.

    9 minutes ago, Sajochi said:

    When a huge chunk of the patch notes is literally about fixes for raids, because they had a habit of breaking if you so much as glanced at them, there's obviously a big issue. And Scott wasn't exactly overjoyed about stopping and removing raids for the time being. He designed them and he even seen the current ones were a waste of time to keep going. Plus, a lot of players seemed to miss the part where they said they'll take what they learned and apply it to new raids that fits with the overall gameplay of warframe. 

    That just means the code was lacking. If it's worth fixing or not, that's another thing that I don't have any in-depth knowledge about but the Idea, visual design and puzzles were very good (and you would probably agree on that too). I didn't miss the part you are mentioning and I'm glad that they "promised" to redesign raids instead of shuting them down completely. I just wonder if there will be people who used to run old raids when they bring up the new ones.

  15. 16 minutes ago, Sajochi said:

    DE communicates far more than they're ever given credit

    Evidence needed.

    16 minutes ago, Sajochi said:

    Raids have always been a huge waste of resources.

    I'd like to know why do you think they are a waste of resources, I find raids to be the only content in warframe that requires cooperation. In fact it's the only content I use in-game voice chat in.

    16 minutes ago, Sajochi said:

    This whole thread has valid concerns but at the same time they're not something that can be solved easily. You have thousands of different wants and ideas clashing. We help by giving good, constructive feedback, but trying analyze which direction the game is heading actually halts progress because we end up bickering over it.

    I'm not analysing it nor it's the point of this topic. I'd just want to know answers to those 5 questions I've asked. I probably won't get them but It's worth a try.
    EDIT: I'd also like to agree with you on that those issues can't be solved easily. Sure they can't and they should be solved one at a time. That doesn't mean I can't mention them all tho.

    16 minutes ago, Sajochi said:

    Eidolons are not new player friendly. Level 60+ missions are not new player friendly.

    I've never said they are, forgive me for a bit of generalisation in the 6th point.

  16. 1 minute ago, Alcatraz said:

    Reddit, Twitter, support desk, and launcher crash bug reports, are all things outside of the forums where probably more bugs are reported than on the actual forums.

    If I made it unclear that I'm aware of other sites for bug reports, my apologies. That doesn't change my initial point of bugs not being adressed properly. Also note that moving the topic to the forum archive takes about as much time as deleting it. Then all you need is to search for keywords. You aren't wasting any time and you've got yourself a nice database. :)

  17. Hello!

    • First of all I want to make a statement that it's not one of the "why I quit Warframe" topics. I've spent more than 800 hours playing and I'm not gonna stop here. With the recent updates I'm just worried if I want to dedicate more time into playing a game that I won't be enjoying in the future.
    • About the form of this post, I'll state my points in a few phrases and then contain the detailed explanation in the spoiler brackets in order to not overwhelm you with the wall of text.


    • Last thing I want to inform you about is that english isn't my native language. If you happen to find some badly phrased thoughts or just grammar/vocabulary errors, be sure to point them out.

    With all of that being said, let's get to the point of this post.

    What I'm really worried about is that I have no clear answers to the following questions:

    • How are DE planning to make Warframe veterans play the game?
    • In which direction are DE planning to expand Warframe? More of an open map game? More lore heavy game? More grindy game?
    • What are the plans for endgame content and on what principles it'll be designed?
    • Is Warframe aiming for a huge playerbase that plays for a couple of hours or for a smaller playerbase but with more average playtime?
    • Are DE planning to have community be more or rather less involved in creating the game?

    Those are the questions that can be answered in just one phrase. A clear statement from the devs would clear a lot of speculations.

    I'd also like to point out some issues I have with the game itself:

    1. Update management - most of the new content feels like unfinished and done in a hurry to meet the deadlines.


    I'd love to wait a week or two longer in order to get an update that's not full of bugs and badly designed content. Fissures were unplayable for 2 weeks, PoE matchmaking was horrible and there are still some unadressed bugs according that topic. I can understand that your resources and time are limited but why just not admit to that and say "Guys, we need more timeto bring you new content that's actually fun to play. Having a whole playerbase as essentially beta testers is extremely benefitial but that brings me to the next point.

    2. Community involvement - having PC players testing the latest builds is really nice but with far from ideal bug report system and communication between DE and the community getting worse, it's causing more harm than good at the moment.


    We currently have NO reward (even verbal) for finding a bug - a feature MANDATORY in every game testing community. A simple "You have contributed to fixing a bug! You've made the game better, thanks!" would do much good, not mentioning some actual rewards (special "bughunter" sigils or a "bughunter" syndana or even a bug net weapon that does 1 damage with 1% crit and status... Basically anything that we could equip and show off a bit "Look, I've contributed!". That would require bugs being regularly adressed and fixed. Every topic should have a reply showing that the bug is acknowledged. Topics with fixed bugs should be closed, put into an archive with some additional tags that would help people responsible for bug fixes check if any of the recent bugs happened before... Without all of that' what's the point of us getting the unfinished build as an official release that is THE ONLY build available for PC players? Why discourage new players or those who value immersion the most without any benefits? If you really want the community to be involved in game testing without discouraging casual players, launch a test server of some sort or just a pre-release build that's AVAILABLE but not  MANDATORY for the people to play the game.

    Another thing is the community feedback. I'm not gonna talk about if it is adressed or not because there are many different opinions on that. Let's just focus on HOW it's adressed. 
    The only real way of being involved in the feedback is writing in megatheard according latest update. It usually goes like this: new update is launched, then feedback is taken into account for 2-3 weeks and during that time most of the major issues are either solved or band-aid, then it suddenly shuts down and no more feedback regarding that topic is acknowledged and implemented, it then generates long lasting issues. 
    Note that community is never asked in advance if they would like to see some things being added. It always happens after the release. I want to point out that no game dev after 8 hours of coding/designing will spend their free time playing that game for another 8 hours. And If they do, the power of having all the things unlocked instantly is just too tempting to avoid it. Meanwhile there are players with over 2000 hours spend in the game. Why not trust them a bit? They've grinded for every single item in the game, they know how it's like. Wanna improve conclave? Reach out to the people who play it daily! Wanna redesign the raids? Ask raid communities which things they liked and wihch ones they would rather change. Wanna launch a system that would help recruiting new people to clans? Ask leaders of the biggest and the longest lasting clans, what do they need to bring more people in?

    3. Unsupported features - there are many features (conclave, lunaro, raids, collectables, void in general, archwing), that are either unsupported at all or just not being further developed.


    We currently have NO reward (even verbal) for finding a bug - a feature MANDATORY in every game testing community. A simple "You have contributed to fixing a bug! You've made the game better, thanks!" would do much good, not mentioning some actual rewards (special "bughunter" sigils or a "bughunter" syndana or even a bug net weapon that does 1 damage with 1% crit and status... Basically anything that we could equip and show off a bit "Look, I've contributed!". That would require bugs being regularly adressed and fixed. Every topic should have a reply showing that the bug is acknowledged. Topics with fixed bugs should be closed, put into an archive with some additional tags that would help people responsible for bug fixes check if any of the recent bugs happened before... Without all of that' what's the point of us getting the unfinished build as an official release that is THE ONLY build available for PC players? Why discourage new players or those who value immersion the most without any benefits? If you really want the community to be involved in game testing without discouraging casual players, launch a test server of some sort or just a pre-release build that's AVAILABLE but not  MANDATORY for the people to play the game.

    Another thing is the community feedback. I'm not gonna talk about if it is adressed or not because there are many different opinions on that. Let's just focus on HOW it's adressed. 
    The only real way of being involved in the feedback is writing in megatheard according latest update. It usually goes like this: new update is launched, then feedback is taken into account for 2-3 weeks and during that time most of the major issues are either solved or band-aid, then it suddenly shuts down and no more feedback regarding that topic is acknowledged and implemented, it then generates long lasting issues. 
    Note that community is never asked in advance if they would like to see some things being added. It always happens after the release. I want to point out that no game dev after 8 hours of coding/designing will spend their free time playing that game for another 8 hours. And If they do, the power of having all the things unlocked instantly is just too tempting to avoid it. Meanwhile there are players with over 2000 hours spend in the game. Why not trust them a bit? They've grinded for every single item in the game, they know how it's like. Wanna improve conclave? Reach out to the people who play it daily! Wanna redesign the raids? Ask raid communities which things they liked and wihch ones they would rather change. Wanna launch a system that would help recruiting new people to clans? Ask leaders of the biggest and the longest lasting clans, what do they need to bring more people in?

    4. Focusing on too many things at the same time.


    Things that DE is focusing on at the time or promised to do so:

    • Damage 3.0
    • Raids redesign
    • Dark Sectors 
    • Umbra warframes
    • Continuation of Apostasy

    I think you could add many things to that list, I just pointed out the recent ones.
    Keep in mind that Damage 3.0 alone will require deep look into every single weapon in order to test if it isn't too weak or too strong ore easily exploitable with new stats or unplayable for some reason and how will that correspond with warframes that require weapons to work (excalibur, mesa, harrow etc.).

    What's the point of announcing things years before they get released? All you get is some short lasting hype and after the hype comes the frustration.

    5. Forum management.


    I'll bring up the topic of negative rep. I'm not saying we need it, I'm saying we need a way to differentiate a person whose arguements are illogical, who doesn't always respect the rules, who uses manipulation and lies to convince people to his point of viev. You can kinda see it by looking at the rep to posts ratio but if someone is only active in let's say clan recruitment or some niche topics won't get a lot of rep. It gets worse tho, people started using "Woah" ad "Haha" rep to state their disagreement with the one posting. That gives them POSITIVE rep and makes other people trust them more. This issue needs to be adressed, because I am inquisitive enough to search for someone's post history but not many people are.

    I think we need more community managers in general. with every topic unanswered comes one frustrated person. And although spending time on responding to people posting just one phrase or things like "DE buff my favorite weapon" is just not worth it, there are many topics with good and in-depth suggestions left unanswered.

    6. Illogical approach to making game more newbie-friendly. - Rather than making every kind of content incredibly easy and forgiving, I'd suggest to focus more on teaching new players mechanics of the game, launching proper tutorials and not hiding everything in one database (codex).


    Not much more to add on that topic. Making content easy kills a lot of fun and challenge even to the new players while also not making them more informed about Warframe's mechanics. I feel like initial tutorial should contain a smaller version of every mission (1 min defence, 1 min survival, sabotage with 1 hidden cache that's clearly telegraphed to the player, quick interception with 2 points to secure and so on). That being said the tutorial should be optional for all those who are either being taught by their friends or switching platforms or for any other reason.

    That's all from me for now. Make sure to keep the discussion nice and kind, I'm not writing all of these because I don't like the game but because I care about it getting better instead of worse. :)

  18. 31 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

    Except a lot of us don't want Lore Fragments as a drop but rather as a discover-able item...like how lore items have always been handled up until now. So no - it was an arguably BAD idea. Have you seen the amount of hate that Lore Fragments got for just being a drop item alone - never mind the crappy drop chance it had?


    It only matters when it concerns the latest top selling / popular items. Why? Because it affects DE's revenue.

    Yet people continuously give feedback about long-standing issues and bugs and that feedback has been continuously ignored and overlooked.

    A lot of us don't want RNG lore and a lot of us don't mind it. I'm with the people that don't like RNG lore at all but let's be honest we won't bring it back. It's like the void keys... I still prefer void keys over fissures but with the help of our feedback we managed to change fissures from terrible to playable.

    I'll once again agree with you that long-standing issues mostly aren't resolved, let me just point out some things

    • In every patch and hotfix there are couple of bugs fixed so it's not a dead area
    • Finding an issue in a part of code you've recently added to the game is way easier than finding and resolving an issue that has been there for ages. 
    • When it comes to rebalancing, you move one stone, you launch an avalanche.

    I'm not trying to protect the devs, I disagree with lots of stuff they've done with this game, I just empathize with them a bit. They are lazy people like me. :)

  19. Hello!
    I just wanted to adress this particular part of the patch notes:


    Ghoul Bounty Changes:

    A couple of weeks after the Ghoul Bounties Debuted, we saw the system begin its life as a recurring set of dynamic Bounties. Their second appearance just wrapped up, and unfortunately we were unable to address the issues the community had with their Rewards (namely sparse RNG Lore).

    This Update brings changes that will be visible the next time the Ghouls Appear!


    Ghoul Lore Fragments are simply way more likely to drop within Bounties now.

    Ghoul enemies themselves can now also drop the Lore Fragments (and Ghouls always have a chance to appear outside of Ghoul Bounties!).  

    Ghoul Bounty tables have received new items including Nitain, Cetus Wisps, and Breath of the Eidolon! 

    As you can see, our collective effort payed off. We once again managed to influence the shape of the game that we all play. Here are some of my thoughts on that topic:

    • First of all it's good to see that DE is aware of the feedback. There was a lot of [Hate] about how good it was in the past and how terrible it is now. I hope this changes will at least convince some people that our feedback still matters.
    • Making Lore Fragments drop from enemies was a brilliant idea imho. Now ghoul farms are an option and you can always count on a lucky drop when doing something else (fishing, Eidalon hunting etc.).
    • I really like Nitain and Cetus Wisps in the bounty table. We finally have a semi-reliable way of farming nitain. That makes bounties a conciderable option for at least some players.
    • One thing I'm missing is adressing the issue of bounties in general, this topic isn't about bounties tho so I'll try to battle with bounties elsewhere. :)
  20. Hello!
    I think I have some different thoughts about the journals:

    • What people keep proposing here as a solution is often Increase the drop rate! or Make it drop from the ghouls! or Make it a guaranteed reward! Now that's not really the problem, is it? We are not mad about journals themselves being rare. Tempo Royale is rare, rare containers are... well... rare, yet ain't nobody got problem with that. The problem is repeating the same boring procedure over and over multiple times.
    • How does the bounty look like? Go there, do that, go elsewhere, do another thing. There are many issues with bounty construction and I'm sure those are adressed in other topics but I'll mention some I came up with just for the sake of perspective:
      - Too much time spent on getting from one place to another
      - Archwing used basically as a form of transport
      - Most of the rewards being totally useless for vast majority of the players
      - Bounty tasks being a copy of normal missions
    • Problems I have with journals themselves:
      - Journals aren't things collected at the time of doing something else (like cephalon fragments)
      - Can be acquired ony in one way 
      - You won't get anything useful in the process of farming for them
      - They aren't adding anything new to the game, gameplaywise (unlike somachords)
    • Possible solutions:
      - Add some useful rewards to the ghoul bounties (kuva, chance to get extra ostron standing, significant credit rewards, eidalon resources etc.)
      - Make bounties less stage-by-stage and more unique (puzzless to solve, defending actual camp members at camp liberation) that comes with bounties taking longer to complete and less of them needed to get what you want. I'd rather spend an hour doing various things to complete one bounty and get some fancy rewards than repeating the same quick bounty 5 times.
      - Make missions specifically for journal entries... Right now they are called ENCRYPTED for no reason. :)
      - Want people to use archwing/fish/mine? Make those activities part of bounties (for example: catch a giant fish aiming for it's weakpoints).
      - You have a giant map of PoE to use, make it useful for things other than time spend on travelling from one place to another (like some timed races, long range fights, giant structure defences, air fights, air supporting other players etc.)
      - Make harder bounties give more journal fragments (some end-game bounty with ghould boss giving 3-4 entries as one of the rewards for example)
      Most importantly - give us longer, better designed missions with better rewards without the need for doing them 24/7.
    • I actually have one request to DE if you are reading this: play the game you are developing. Don't use dev codes to get things you want, farm for at least some of them. You'll recognise the problem for sure and game will be better in no time. :)
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