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Posts posted by Viridias

  1. True. But every hunter has a pack.


    A whole bunch of actual carnivores respectfully but empathically disagree and offhandedly attempt to drive away or summarily maul conspecifics they meet outside the mating season.

  2. And it helps that they can't exactly find or detect us (clan keys are mini void keys no ?) either :p


    The ambient radio chatter suggests the Grineer at least do actually have the means to detect the presence of "Void echoes" from the ultra-tech cloaking tech the Lisets have, but these clearly aren't accurate enough to even triangulate flak saturation fire with. The Corpus boasts generally more sophisticated tech all around and can be safely assumed to possess similar detection capabilities.


    There's also references to "Tenno energy residues" but as that always seemed to be a Solar Rail customs officer talking that tech is probably sufficiently bulky, expensive and/or fragile to require static installations.


  3. I thought jumpkicking mobs inna face was a traditional thing. 'Course that whatwasitnow, 20 Impact isn't exactly what I'd call god-tier damage...


    Also assumed title thread referred to Vaubans plastering teammates with those zap-mine balls. :|

  4. In fact, it might be cheaper for the Grineer to just build a whole new bloody ship than refit it.


    Given the amount of raw materials required and the amount of effort sourcing, refining and shipping *those* in turn requires odds are they prefer to refit & repair where possible. Likely this ultimately hinges on much the same assesments as in RL wet navies (and land armies regarding AFVs for that matter) - is the level of damage feasible to repair (and as long as the basic load-bearing framework was in decent shape it usually was), and perhaps more importantly is the wreck recoverable?


    If the stricken vessel is "dead in the water" in some godforsaken back corner of the system they'll probably just cut their losses, strip the hulk of all readily detachable and still functional components and scuttle the rest so that it hopefully won't turn into another Infested nest or rebel/pirate hideout. If it's somewhere reasonably accessible and can be moved to a repair yard either under its (remaining or field-repaired) own power or by salvage vessels that ought to be the preferred option.

  5. But he has a point. If the Grineer wanted they could make our life much harder. Now a question-why do they hesitate?


    The Tenno and Lotus making a point of not giving them a fixed target to swing a sledgehammer at might of be relevant. Having an actual empire to adminster is unlikely to be helping any doubly so as apparently the peasants tend to be revolting.

  6. In the new tutorial quest Vor quite explicitly states that the Grineer are categorically sterile and not really very happy about it either. Or their other accumulating genetic problems, however good they now may be at working around the symptoms.


    We know jack all about Corpus society and values (beyond what Ruk so succintly summed up as "greedy milk" ofc), so it's anyone's guess where their women are. Maybe they just keep those back in their "homelands" around Neptune and only send the more expendable men into the frontlines, or maybe they've gone and reinvented traditionally patriarchal mores and stick them inna kitchen making sammiches.


    Or... you know how Darvo is casually mentioned to be like hundred plus years old, and looks like thirty tops? That suggests at least their upper classes have had some pretty heavy-duty genetic upgrading done. Who says they haven't gone whole hog on serious transhumanism and done away with separate sexes altogether...?

  7. guerrila tactics can take down superior forces I mean looks at Vietnam the reason America got its @$$ kick was because the VK were doing stuff like hiding grenades in fruit carts, setting up trip mine hooked up to grenades, and making spiked pit falls do enough stuff like that and even the largest most advanced force will fall


    That's not really very comparable in detail, but the basic principle is correct. Hit-and-run guerilla tactics are the time-honoured recourse of combatants lacking the means to take on a superior opponents in a conventional fight (several Egyptian pharaohs roundly cursed their southern neighbours for frustrating promising campaigns of conquest in this fashion...), and can be nutshelled as making the other party's life miserable with constant pinprick attacks while above all sustaining your own strenght to basically outlast the opponent. If opportunities arise to hit where it hurts so much the better, but the fundamental imperative is force preservation.

  8. Some Grineer even respect us. It seems that there are different opinions on that matter. And yeah, I'd like to know why some of them hate us. Maybe it's the tyrants hating the force they cannot really control. Or just that old fear of the unknown.


    It simply suggests that Corpus would better not mess with the Tenno. Salad learned that the hard way.


    My current personal pet theory regarding the Grins' "Tennophobia" is that somewhere early on when they were getting started they stumbled onto a cryopod or two, woke up the occupants and sufficiently serious violence ensued to leave them with an abiding Fear & Loathing of weird space ninjas in ultratech spandex.

    Or alternatively back when they were still taking over Earth from whatever other warlords and factions used to populate the place one or some of their opponents managed to wake up a Tenno or two and recruit their assistance - one can speculate there may have even been an attempt to directly assasinate the Queens, who- or whatever those now actually are, which kind of personal grudge on part of the rulers would certainly amply explain the apparently rather disproportionate antipathy of the official "party line".


    The point about the Corpus is that while they don't appear to be terribly fond of "the Betrayers" in principle they don't make an article of faith about that. For the time being their policy towards dormant Tenno has apparently been one of opportunistic profiteering, and towards active ones pragmatically situational (ie. "if it's hostile, kill it"). Now with increasing numbers of Tenno awake and about and, as Alad (and Nef) found out the hard way, pursuing increasingly concerted reprisals for the former the company policy will likely eventually start to shift - doubly so as the organisation is now having serious skirmishes with both the Grineer and, presumably, Alad's splinter group and could likely do without the extra grief.

    Probably revealing that where the Grineer "assassin", the G3, are a special hunter-killer squad commissioned by someone very high up the faction's totem pole the Corpus one is really just part of Alad's efforts to scrounge up more specimen for his Zanuka Project research; that is, sent out by the splinter group's wacky leader rather than the mainstream faction.

  9. I think that the tennos were imbued with a strong sense of keeping balance.

    Leaving the orokins at peace after the sentinels was defeated, would thus unbalance the solar system.

    So the only logical thing to do, would be to wipe the orokins out.


    And this compulsion would come from where exactly? Your reasoning is circuitous.


  10. The Grineer did have a task ordered by the Twin Sisters to wipe out the sleeping Tenno, so that is one sworn enemy (see this link: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/87588-grineer-volcano-base-screenshot-session/ [old, post #13]). 


    And the Corpus did want to obtain the Tenno and their Warframe armour for profit, so that is another sworn enemy (kind of) (see this link: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/223397-a-quick-warframe-knowledge-check-what-do-you-know/ [post #16]).


    The Infestation I agree with just attacking anything. 


    The Grins are pragmatic enough to waive their dogmatic hatred of the Tenno when employing them as mercenaries, so that's kind of so-so at best. Would be sorta nice to know *why* they have such a rage on though, already out of curiosity...


    Characterising the opportunistic profiteering of the Corpus as "sworn enemy" simply suggests you don't know the meaning of the term.

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