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Posts posted by Viridias

  1. And among themselves. Sargas is pissed off at Hek over the Grustrag Three and Alad V's splinter group around Jupiter is basically in an open war with the mainstream Corpus. On top of which both also have established empires to maintain and defend against any number of unrelated issues.


    Hell, most of the stuff the Lotus has the Tenno doing is nigh certainly specifically intented to keep them preoccupied with such issues.

  2. right, and vor having a key implanted DIRECTLY into his chest is COMPLETELY diffrent


    To be fair it took Vor freaking dying and getting resurrected by the Key to turn him into a self-appointed guardian of sacred Orokin ruins.


    Old Toilethead the Baselessly Arrogant suffering a containement failure and starting to grow interesting new additions to his physique is, OTOH, only too easy to see coming. Unless DE is playing deliberate bait and switch and planning to take that storyline in some completely different direction ofc...


    Kinda wondering though... until this kind of thing happens, how long until the certifiably sapient Old Skool Infested munsters lurking in the Void, particularly Phorid who seems to be the one most active in causing trouble in the system, learn of what Salad is up to? And how are *they* going to react to it?


    The Fresh Prince of Jupiter just might end up with the distinction of being the only person in the Origin System literally everyone else wants to beat up for one reason or another. :P

  3. Starmap gave feeling of being "alive" and we just have bland generic looking thingie ( dont even know what to call it ). Abomination in general.


    Liked the old one better, too. If nothing else it gave you the impression there was some kind of transportation infrastructure there, and being able to see which missions currently had teams in them was kinda convenient.



  4. You might say Christmas ornaments circe. They are al the same size.


    Well, not like there'd be any sense in having the system objects to scale. You wouldn't even *see* most of the moons against Jupiter which to a hilarious degree dwarfs everything else in the system that isn't Saturn or the Sun.


  5. U14 revamped much of the UI and introduced *at least* two new mechanics, namely the Quests and everything Kubrow-related. Small wonder an update that ambitious has had eleven hotfixes in under two weeks - and on top of everything else the game is currently being DDoS'd.

  6. There's also the little detail that when I logged in some hours back I got booted back into login out of the damn Liset after some five minutes. Stability being like this for the moment doesn't really incentivize trying to run missions...


    Also as of this writing the poster above had a postcount of 1337. :D

  7. Also to reply on the stalker being good, I don't think he's bad and in Tenno standards he must have been highly ranked to have custom made weapons. I think the stalker thought that the Tenno were the ones taking over with the excuse of balance to keep them human. So he decided to make sure the Tenno didn't get out of control. Which could be a reason that after the jackal fight he reminds you of the consequences of too much power


    We have not the foggiest who the "Low Guardians" actually were and what their relationship with the Tenno was, other than that they were clearly a separate organisation. The name suggests an existence of a separate force of "High Guardians", which may have been the Tenno or, say, the personal bodyguards of the Orokin rulers (this has AFAIK been the usual case IRL where similar names were used).


    Whoever the LGs were they were clearly unable to keep the Tenno mutiny from summarily massacring the gathered Orokin notables or exact retribution after the fell deed, so clearly they were not on par with the veteran supersoldiers in combat ability. Quite likely, going by what snippets we've been given of the manner in which the Tenno aquired their Void powers and how they were regarded, these Guardians either lacked comparable abilities or only had lesser versions thereof. If we go with the latter it could be theorised the Lows were either the products of efforts to find alternate means of creating Void-powered warriors or "partial success" Void exposure cases who survived but did not exhibit the power levels that would have qualified them for frontline service in thw war against the Sentients.

    Or whatever.

    Which, of course, raises the question where the Stalker's powers come from. Was he of some kind of officer class among the LGs? Did he only aquire his powers only after the Fall, one way or another? His Codex entry makes it sounds like his Batcave is located in the Void or the Dark Sectors or something similar, as well as that where the Tenno went into cryosleep he stayed more or less active - did he simply start out with only very weak powers and develop them into their current level over God knows how many years of practice (and maybe minor Void exposure)?


    His weapons are actually the easiest to explain. If they weren't at least partially part of his original kit as a Low Guardian, after the fall of the Orokin and the Tenno retreating into their long sleep he basically had a free rein to take his pick from the ruins of an empire - and due to his previous position he probably had a fairly good idea of where to go looking for armouries and storages.


    Insofar his motives go his main thing seems to be trying to keep the awakened Tenno from meddling too much in the developements of the current era. Probably thinks they should leave it to the "locals" to take things where they want without the interference of such ancient specters from stasis pods.

    Seems kind of tilting at windmills mind you, but then nobody said Stalky is very sane...

  8. I suggest RA Salvator :P


    Oh God no, that hack can barely manage cheap sword-and-sorcery fantasy stories. And never without extra portions of cheese and pretentiousness from what I've seen.


    Personally I like the bits-and-pieces way DE doles out the backstory - makes it something of a puzzle you have to figure out for yourself, and goes well with the premise of the Tenno's memory wipe and a major collapse of civilisation having happened somewhere along the way.


  9. more in the way of 'I'm going to mindf*** you so hard you'll run to the shiny orb and wish you were dead"


    Hey, you can at least (about) guesstimate where the parts came from in this case. Most of the other helmets... probably better not think too much about it. >_<


    And in Soviet Russia shiny orbs run to YOU! (Also, kill.)


  10. Supply & demand. Seems to work pretty well in other MMOs - try finding rare, in-demand stuff in say the Neverwinter AH or the Vindictus marketplace at anything but "seller's market" prices. Yet amazingly enough you can get rid of far more common stuff people nevertheless want to buy in either, at prices that usually aren't the equivalent of 1 plat. (Helps ofc that neither uses "real-money" currency for this sort of thing.)


    More practically, the current system of spamming the trade channel with WTS/WTB/WTT messages seems terribly cumbersome and inconvenient, and basically would appear to require the relevant parties to be reading it at the same time instead of, you know, actually playing the game. You'd think would-be sellers being able to list their offers in some kind of marketplace where potential buyers could then look them up would make everyone's life plain easier...

  11. Huh, I'm kinda reminded of the palm blaster thingamajig the Cerberus Phantoms use in ME3. That one could also generate a directional force field for defense, I seem to recall...

  12. Idk, the idea of an actual *trench* sounds iffy in practise - what with interfering with the basic map geometry and thus likely being appallingly prone to bugs and glitches. Hence the suggestion of the razorwire field - far less potentially problematic and while admittedly not quite the same we're not actually at the Somme either, and still an iconic feature of the war.


    As for the ult IMO just create the explosions without messing around with any ghostly soixante-quinzes or such - it's not like Hydroid's conceptually similar ability actually conjured up a load of muzzleloading naval guns either, after all. And the infantry did always rather resent the way the artillery killed them "over the horizon"...

  13. More on the original topic, I got thinking about the lance idea. On the face of it it's really pretty silly, as footmen don't really have the mass and weight to generate proper momentum behind a braced lance; there's a reason those were cavalry weapons and quite a bit of effort went into figuring out ways to keep the shaft from plain starting to slip from the rider's grip upon impact.


    OTOH, something like Rhino's Charge or a horizontal application of Zephyr's Tailwind could probably generate useful amounts of force, but that seems kinda situational at best so meh.


    But why be constrained by common sense? We already have a number of more or less impossibly functioning weapons, and this is a Rule of Cool setting with Sufficiently Advanced Technology. Take the Jat Kittag, also known as "Jet Kitty" in some circles; it's a honking big warhammer with a damn jet engine built in. Why not give your high-tech "foot lance" a set of rocket thrusters, maybe a set near the tip and another at the butt-end for balance? THAT ought to put enough Newtons behind the point to skewer stuff in a suitably spectacular fashion.

    Only problem is I'm not really sure how this would work controls-wise, since you need to use it as a normal stabby spear too. The old charged-attack mechanic woulda been useful here... :c

  14. Until we see conventional RPGs (liquid copper shot out at high speeds in a narrow stream will emulate a spear) and reactive tank armour. 


    Ever heard of "long rod kinetic penetrators", or APFSDS to use the propur letter-soup monster, which is what the REAL tanks use on each other? Shaped charges are for ruddy mud-picking peasants and eggshell softskins that don't even lift.

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