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Posts posted by TinFoilMkIV

  1. 1 hour ago, Sigma-118 said:

    Aaaaaaah aight, originally I was gonna add my thoughs on it but skipped it cuz im lazy. But yeah ill add an edit to OG post

    What'd be helpful for the crowd that don't like to, or aren't able to watch the video right away, would be to post the travel times from the end of the video. Gets the point across well enough I'd say. With video proof to show it's legit as well as the method of testing.

    That said, I agree with your conclusion that this is useful info. I at least had a general idea of the disparity, but it's different than having solid numbers in front of you.

    • Like 1
  2. On 2019-03-25 at 5:02 PM, MJ12 said:

    Exploration Kills the Game's Pacing: Pacing is extremely important for a game, and Warframe is a fast paced, 'arcadey' game in spirit. You move fast, the game's primarily end-of-mission reward structure emphasizes finishing objectives as fast as possible, and the game's grindy nature emphasizes replaying content repeatedly. Meanwhile, exploration in Warframe? You need to either memorize likely spawn points of randomly generated maps, or you need to spend time looking in each nook and cranny, walking slowly through the tile, to find 'hidden' rooms and caches. Adding insult to injury, a lot of tiles are laid out in ways which have tons of nooks and crannies and are not fun to navigate. What this means is that the moment you start exploring in Warframe, you're going to slow down the mission drastically. Mission rewards seem to be balanced heavily around the idea that the average non-endless mission will take maybe 10-15 minutes max. Exploration can easily double that. Maps are absolutely sprawling compared to the actual content inside them (which is kind of funny because the tiles themselves are generally pretty claustrophobic) and there is a relative dearth of tools to make exploration easier. Even things like plant scanning or whatever is clunky because you have to stop and notice the plant, take out your scanner, scan the plant, and then take out your weapon. It's not smoothly integrated with the game itself.

    While you're not completely wrong, not everyone considers travelling at the maximum possible speed at all times the normal pacing of the game. Also once you familiarize yourself with some of the more hidden spaces where the better loot would theoretically be found, it doesn't actually take that long to go in and grab if your goal is to not slow things down too much. Now finding the hidden spaces in the first place will most certainly slow down any given mission a ton, and I will absolutely agree that it's not an appropriate thing to do in most public matches. Full exploration similarly is probably not a great thing to do if your team isn't taking things at a more leisurely pace. More a matter of courtesy and respecting that public games with randoms are probably going to be focused on just getting the mission done.

    On 2019-03-25 at 5:02 PM, MJ12 said:

    Exploration Requires Absurd Amounts of Effort for Mediocre Rewards: Not only does exploring take forever, but the rewards it gives are almost always crap. In other words, exploration just feels bad. And even more amusingly, the ones which give better rewards (Grove, Kuva Siphons, Simaris Scans) are also all the easier ones to actually complete. In Warframe exploration is you spending a lot of time for very little reward-and at least for sabotage caches, the best rewards for exploring are backloaded, so you either ignore the caches or waste time scouring the map for all three.

    I totally agree and it's one of my biggest complaints about the level design in Warframe. There's quite a few really well hidden loot rooms and neat things to discover, but they're ultimately pointless beyond the personal accomplishment of having found them and having a more complete map knowledge. Which is nice, but it doesn't change the fact that the game itself gives these virtually zero value.

    On 2019-03-25 at 5:02 PM, MJ12 said:

    Exploration is Actually Fairly Trivial: There's nothing interesting about exploration, either. You just... go and scour every corner of a room to find something, then press X to pick it up or open it, most of the time.

    I disagree. Some people, like myself, enjoy knowing all the out of the way places that might have a slightly better chance to have something shiny in it. Granted as above, the actual value of these is extremely lacking. However I wouldn't be surprised if most players don't enjoy that sort of thing. So matter of preference that I don't expect everyone to agree on.

    On 2019-03-25 at 5:02 PM, MJ12 said:

    Exploration is Repetitive & Random: Again, once you've found your first cache, you've found them all, as far as the experience goes. You go looking into every nook and cranny of the map and you find a shiny thing that hums. It's a repetitive experience-but worse, it's not as if the repetition makes you much better at finding them. There are so many possible cache spawn points, and mission maps are so large and filled with so many random detours, that repetition doesn't radically reduce the amount of time needed to scour the map. As a bonus, your map doesn't fill in based on what your teammates are looking at (and because not only are exploration rewards hidden in out of the way areas but they're also hidden in nooks in out of the way areas it's very possible for a teammate to miss what you're looking for), so it's not easy to coordinate a sweep of the map even with four players.

    I'll agree the caches are not great. Partially because their reward pools are very sub-par (with a few exceptions.) for what's often a significant detour from the objective. Another part is that all of the extra goodies you potentially pick up during the search basically amount to spare change and a couple extra rounds in your gun you probably won't use. So I would agree in terms of cache hunting that it's generally not the most enjoyable activity. Even for someone like me who wants more reasons to explore.

    On 2019-03-25 at 5:02 PM, MJ12 said:

    Trivializing Exploration is Impossible: At the very least, Spy Vaults and most puzzles have some sort of Warframe that can trivialize them, effectively letting you skip them if you don't like playing them. If you're like me and hate having to memorize the shortcuts for spy vaults and deal with timing puzzles and 'stealth' minigames with zero margin of error, you can take Ivara, Loki, or even Ash and trivialize them (and memorizing the shortcuts in the first place is a method of trivializing them). Even better, all three of these frames are actually viable in content besides trivializing stealth puzzles. There's nothing that lets a player go "I hate finding caches/the Silver Grove/Simaris Scans/whatever the thing you need to scour the map for, I'll take this gear item/Warframe/weapon/pet to basically get to ignore that system entirely."

    I get where you're coming from, but I personally don't find it good design to give out a tool that just removes part of the game. Not the way Warframes co-op is designed at least. If the rewards are worth spending a fair bit of effort on, then it quickly becomes the expectation that you bring these tools that make the task trivially and basically non-existent, otherwise you're "playing it wrong". Though I suppose it comes down to how much time it saves. As long as it doesn't push the "proper" way to beat the challenge into obsolescence, then I'm fine having crutches for people who just want the thing done and over with.

    21 hours ago, NezuHimeSama said:

    I think, if anything, there should be better loot distribution in exploration. I still find it quite fun to scour a map for loot, but the things you get are either trivial, or require scouring a map for one or three things, with everything else being trivial. But, I think there are good ways to fix this.

    In particular, making different tiers of containers, that spawn regularly in different locations, and have different drop tables. For example, you could have common containers that are just right there in the open, containing primarily ammo and credits, with occasionally common resources, health, energy, or affinity drops, and then slightly different uncommon containers that spawn only in treasure rooms and hidden rooms, and have a more traditional reward-centric loot table, with common and uncommon mods, uncommon resources, and cyan stars, and then rare containers(not like the current ones) where you get a guaranteed rare container in certain tiles, and a high chance of spawning one in others, which would always give some kind of good drop, be it endo, small amounts of kuva, rare resources, rare mods, cyan and sometimes amber stars, even occasional blueprints for market weapons or specters, or maybe a relic or two. These would have, say, a 10~20% chance to spawn one in a hidden treasure room, a 1~2% chance to spawn in a regular treasure room, and a 100% chance to spawn one at the end of a parkour/super treasure room.

    Then, something similar with the lockers. Normal common in-your-face lockers contain health or energy orbs and larger amounts of ammo than you get from containers, but require more effort to open. Uncommon lockers, sometimes spawning in treasure rooms, and always spawning in hidden treasure rooms, have a higher chance to drop things like endo, amber(not cyan) ayatan stars, maybe even a low-tier ayatan statue, small amounts of kuva, rare resources, rare mods, ect. Rare lockers would have a very low chance to spawn in treasure rooms, decent chance to spawn in hidden treasure rooms, and a guaranteed one or two at the end of a parkour, and would always contain something like an amber star, a large endo pile, a small amount of kuva, or a useful rare mod, stuff like that. Each locker would drop multiple things, like a common locker could drop two sniper ammo pickups and an energy orb, or a shotgun ammo pickup, a health orb, and a common resource, and a rare locker could drop, say, an amber star, 150 endo, and a relic.


    By mixing it up like this, you increase the chances of the player feeling rewarded for exploring by giving them a "rare container", but since the drop table contains things that aren't broken to give out at that frequency, and there's no guarantee of any one specific drop, it doesn't immediately become irrelevant after you do it one or two times. On the flip side, because it's not super uncommon, and the rewards are things that you can afford to miss, the player doesn't feel forced into always searching for it in every mission. This would provide a good balance of time vs reward vs compulsion that would encourage players to explore without forcing them into it, and would reward exploration without breaking the game balance.

    This is something I've personally wanted for a long time. There are actually a lot of really neat hidden loot rooms to find, but the "loot" you usually get is worth basically nothing. There are a select few things that can make exploration looting somewhat worthwhile, but they're so rare that the vast majority of the time it's basically a scavenger hunt for a lottery ticket where everything else is just loose change. It's a lot of wasted potential and effort in my opinion. And I entirely agree that it shouldn't be to the point where scouring the map is a must for maximum efficiency, but it shouldn't be a total loss like it is now.


  3. 1 hour ago, Valiant said:

    Yeah...Want to use the smoking ephemera but sometimes it looks really bad due to my energy colour.

    Definitely needs a separate colour but should not be in regalia as I don't want it copying that sections colour either.

    Why not? The point was to give it it's own color selector, as every item under regalia does. Not have it copy from something else, but give it it's own options.

  4. Not bad. I might suggest adding a bit more of a description of what you think the actual effect should look like to some of those. The Windy and Toxic ones specifically are good in game descriptions, but wouldn't do all that much for an artist trying to figure out what you'd want them to actually look like.

    Also might check this thread. Already had [DE]Drew stop by and take note of it. Probably best to keep it all in one place if we can.


  5. 37 minutes ago, Zahnny said:

    If this was made a thing, I'd hope the bullets dropped would be based on what weapons you are using (if applicable)

    e.g. if a weapon reload drops a magazine on the floor that magazine would be used by the Ephemera or even alternate with your primary and secondary.

    Maybe have the insides and a few bits have colorable glow. So you can make them look either like regular casings or some kind of energy round without needing extra models.

  6. One thing I'd like to see, if it's not already a thing because I've seen so few ephemera in action, would be to have a bigger or more intense effect for foot ephemera on jumping and landing.


    Lotus petals body effect - basically Warframe themed cherry blossom petals that trail off behind you.

    same as above but metallic, because it doesn't seem the engine supports that as a customizable property and I think it would look cool.

    Leaf body effect - much like the petals, but larger and less numerous

    Falling dust/sand body

    Pixie dust body effect - falling dust but make it sparkly

    Firefly body - glowing motes of light that drift around semi-randomly before fading away.

    Dripping water body - If possible. The current blood effect has me in doubt on this one honestly. I'd like to see one that looks more like it's running off the warframe and not some huge globs of low gravity stuff.

    Cephalon datascape body - trail of those trapezoid shapes that are often shown with cephalon's data type stuff.

    Cephalon datascape foot - same as above, but placed on the ground.

    Ripple footprints - some distortion plus a ring of color. Make the color focused enough that intense colors could go well with Octavia's sound-rings. When muted it could go well with Banshee and possibly Hydroid as a pseudo water ripple effect.

    Splash footprints - makes a small splash like walking in shallow water and leaves behind a wet patch for a short time.

    Muddy footprints - distinct footprints with some extra mud outside the actual print.

    Loose change - footprints that leave single credit chips behind. Not able to be picked up.

    Distinguished wealth - body effect that has doucats falling off behind you. If possible have them be able to bounce off the ground before fading away, otherwise just fade before they reach the ground.

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  7. I think I'd want to see a corrosive/toxic footstep ephemera. Something like leaving acidic burns on the floor with some fumes coming off.
    Maybe a radiation based one using the style of the new melee elemental effect?

    For something slightly more unique, how about Eidolon based footsteps. Leave behind small pools that have the Eidolon style energy tendrils coming off of them. Might even be able to make a body version of that and just have the energy tendrils fade in and out in random places.

    Some infested ones sounds like a good idea. Could use effects based off some of Nidus's stuff to make those. For a body one you could use the spore-swarm type things you see in infested missions.

    Going with the afterimage idea, we could also do a body Ephemera that leaves a full speed trail behind you. Probably want to make it short duration so it wont hang out much unless you're moving decently fast.

    Now that I'm thinking about it, it would be cool if we could get an Ephemera-like slot on melee weapons to give them unique effect/trails that would override the elemental effect.

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  8. A decent idea. Though I'd propose the alt fire be a toggle to duplex-auto mode. For those unaware of how the whole two weapons in the game using this work (Tigris and Zylok), it fires one shot upon pressing your fire button, and a second upon releasing it. This means a brief click results in virtually simultaneous fire of the two shots. While a held click allows you to delay the followup shot for as long as you'd like. I don't believe the gap between the two shots is affected by fire rate, or if it is it's very minimal. The gap between each burst is basically the true fire rate in this mode.

    I'd say this is the best currently implemented fire mode to simulate good dual wield firing. Also I'd prefer toggle so people can just use their preferred style without requiring heavy use of the alt fire button.

    Also about the Akjagara. Each gun shoots two bullets. Used to be shotgun style. They changed it to Quartakk style burst for some combination of consistency with non-shotgun style weapons, and as a buff to it's status chance.

  9. I completely agree. There are a lot of really neat hidden areas to find in all the tile sets, but there's almost no chance of anything worth while showing up in them. I also really enjoy exploring the maps, but it seems like there's little point after seeing the secrets once or twice. And those are only worth a damn to people who just like to know things like that exist. I can understand they don't want people to feel like they need to learn all the secrets to play at full efficiency, but there's gotta be some middle ground between that and totally worthless.

  10. To those saying we should only buff and never nerf, that's an objectively bad way to attempt to balance a game. For one, you can essentially nerf things by just buffing everything else, which just makes things more convoluted and may in fact be more work. ex: 50% of the weapons and all the enemies get a 1,000x stat increase. The other 50% of the weapons in the game just got effectively nerfed into oblivion even though their stats weren't touched. However, the far more important part is that certain effects cannot be overcome by other numbers. How much damage does a stunned enemy need to do to be a threat to a player? How much health can survive an instant kill effect?

    If all we do is increase numbers and make enemies resistant to effects that completely negate their threats, then we just a system where everything you see on paper is wrong and unnecessarily hard to interpret. If every enemy has 99% damage reduction and 75% status resistance, then your 1 billion DPS gun with guaranteed statuses doesn't actually do either of those things. Simpler is often better when you want people to actually be able to understand what's happening in a game. Sometimes that means you need to nerf things to keep them in line.

    For example. I imagine most people can easily enough tell the difference between a gun that does 9 damage per shot and one that does 10. But what about a gun that does 137827498432.54 and one that does 1171533736676.63? Big numbers can be fun to look at when they fly out of an enemy and the enemy completely disintegrates, but they don't actually make the game better, and can in fact make it harder to understand.

    Also if we only buff/powercreep things to the new gold standard, it is possible to reach a breaking point where things start to fall apart and aren't fun anymore. It might be amusing to cause any enemy that looks at you to explode, and have a gun that literally nukes the entire mission leaving nothing but rooms full of loot, but that will only entertain for so long, and ultimately will invalidate almost any other way to play. Not to mention the enemies required to pose any kind of threat to an uber godly player would have to be equally ungodly, unfair, and unfun to play against.

    Ultimately the problem is, in it's current state it's almost impossible to make challenging content that's any fun when taken on with the highest end gear and setups. This isn't a problem for everyone, or even most players I imagine. While I'm in favor of reigning in some of the more ridiculous things we players can pull off, I don't actually expect it to happen any time soon, if ever. For those of you who don't have an issue with the current state of things, then carry on and please enjoy. I still find plenty ways to have fun myself but I can still dream.

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  11. 16 minutes ago, OSsam said:

    the game has great potential for PVP but we are seeing nothing for it the Pve is great and all but dude it became boring after a while .

    so i really hope the pvp in warframe well get a buff.

    What's wrong the with the current PvP? What would even be changed without making it play entirely differently from what Warframe is now?

  12. 23 minutes ago, (PS4)Cargan2016 said:


    and every single dev post on it they want it to be more like a tv series with each new set of missions being like new episode

    Which is great and all, but the statement in that source is almost completely identical to what was being said about Destiny when it was first being marketed. 10 year journey doesn't mean anything beyond EA calling it the next big thing. Don't get me wrong, I want Anthem to be good. As noted a few times before, some competition should be good for Warframe. I don't see Warframe being put at real risk by a decent competitor at this point in time, so theoretically it would result in good things for us players. Also Anthem does look cool and like the kind of game I could get into if it doesn't get utterly trashed bye EA's usual scumbaggery.

    But what I want, and what I think is going to happen are two different things. I'm not actually expecting much from Anthem, though I hope it will surprise me.

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  13. Just now, (PS4)Cargan2016 said:

    its been widely known for long time I havnt dug far enough back to find the contract but its refrenced again here 


    I was speaking about Anthem being 10 years of one game. I know about the Destiny situation more or less. It's one of the big reasons I have no faith in EA committing to a single game that long term.

  14. Just now, --Q--Stryker said:

    Check my previous comments farther up, it was a vague comment during E3

    Which is why I have no intention of trusting that statement actually means what you want it to mean. Heck the person who said it may very well believe it too. I still don't believe that's what will actually happen. I'll be quite happy to be proven wrong.

  15. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)Cargan2016 said:

    ea has caught too much flack for lootboxes lately they going to be busy running damage control and trying to salvage thier fifa games to worry about an unproven title

    For the moment maybe. If Anthem picks up I seriously doubt it will stay that way for long. Don't forget, if it doesn't utterly fail, they do plan to keep it around. I have a hard time stopping myself from feeling like it's merely a matter of time before EA does their thing to it.

  16. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)Cargan2016 said:

    they have already stated they have 10 years of development plans

    The same was said for Destiny, and their contract seemingly includes 4 separate games over that period.10 years of a title does not equate to 10 years spent on a single game in modern AAA gaming. Even if they actually meant it that way, it's hard to trust both the actual intentions as well as avoiding serious meddling with EA involved.

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