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Posts posted by CaptainJLP

  1. There's 2 possible explanations, I mean provided the affinity you have gained it seems your one is pretty legit, though I believe kills refers to those done by the warframe and not weapons used - possibly kills with weapons done by celestial twin are not counted as warframe kills (just speculation, I don't really use wukong), just in case that's potentially a reason. Or for some reason (The buggy nature of warframe) wukong's abilities just don't count towards the kill count on the profile.

  2. A room within the corpus ship has the ability to have a syndicate medallion spawn behind a wall.
    This is the room:



    This is the location in the room.




    You can see this medallion by using your camera to clip through the walls and as you can see the quittance in this case, is very unreachable.





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  3. If you have one medallion of any type, you are unable to turn it in, you have to wait to you get 2 or more of that type of medallion. As of right now, trying to add a single medallion of any type (whilst only having one of that type in your inventory) doesn't allow you to turn it in. 


    EDIT: I have found the cause of the issue, you cannot turn in a lone medallion of any type IF you do not have enough daily standing left (say you have a single medallion worth 5000 standing, you cannot turn it in if your daily standing cap is <5000, due to this bug). However with syndicates (I.e New Loka, Steel Meridian etc) this shouldn't be the case as they allow you to go over the daily cap

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  4. The title says it all, was going to sell a boar prime blueprint as part of the set, and it was mastery locked for the person I was selling it to. He was mastery rank 12 - boar prime requires mastery rank 11. Here is evidence. Not sure what other mastery ranks it doesn't support.


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  5. I'd like to say, I like this post, because I hate the safety distance. However I'd rather if we had an alt fire without the feature for cautious shot users and so it can be used in arctic eximus bubbles. 

    Edit: yes I do realise this is just about reducing the distance before it can explode* (kuva tonkor that is)

  6. 4 minutes ago, Command5 said:

    Just killed the lich, got no weapon from it. Before making choice (convert or kill) I doublechecked that I choose to kill him, so pressed and hold 'D' key to kill. By the mission end got the message 'lich vanquished' and thats all, no weapon.

    Did you have an avaliable weapon slot? If not from what I remember it should be in your foundry

  7. Wisps Motes do not take on additional power strength changes (I.e Growing Power, Fissure Buff, Pax Bolt) when they are re-casted and instead still retain the previous power strength buff. It is very inconsistent and very easy to reproduce. Just re-cast wisp's motes with the added power strength buff while having their effects without the added power strength on and you will notice they don't change and going into the new mote still only applies the weaker buff regardless of it being casted with higher power strength.  

  8. 9 hours ago, rand0mname said:

    Now, I have to ask, what is that blue aura, please?  Syandana effect or Ephemera?

    Misa Prime Syandana (Misa Prime doesn't create the effect though) and Smoking Body Ephemera which drops from the stalker.

  9. 25 minutes ago, Firetempest said:

    Is it the very last phase? Its like 3 to 4 seconds stun when its health his zero. its a lot shorter than all the other stuns. It'll nope and regain all health if you take too long.

    I got it happening in any phase after destroying the pipe. In this run I got him doing this after destroying the right pipe first and some random luck. 20 void dashes seemed to fix it up. P.S he can go much faster. I don't fully understand it, but it's annoying as.

  10. 15 hours ago, PETI258 said:

    Probably I am not the only one but the moving blood annoyed me the whole 40 mins not seeing clearly my or other players health and it is just an unnecessary addition to the game in my opinion.

    Even if you are standing inside a bubble with 100% integrity it is still there so what is the point?
    Here is an old post to see:


    Yeah, I have made many of them, at least two or three of the reports are archived right now, glad to see I am not the only one. The mechanic has been broken for a long time ever since raids / trials were removed I believe. (This game mode came from one of the stages in the Jordas Verdict trial). No one appears to care about it though. Here's an up vote.

  11. You are invincible while devouring and gain health. If you are able to devour an invincible enemy endlessly it's not game breaking as you don't really contribute to any objectives by doing so. I.e if you devoured the fugitve or very high level enemy endlessly in a solo hydron run, the enemies able to attack the defense objective and if you were to do so in survival you would run out of life support. I do see how you can consider this game breaking, but it is pretty much intentional.

  12. If you have play tested this mod, you would have noticed that the self damage reduction isn't actually in place as it currently stands.
    Here's a quote I created in a bug report I recently visited.

    12 minutes ago, CaptainJLP said:

    It appears that it is reducing damage by 15% (which is the the exact number used in the total damage reduction) in my play testing.
    An ogris does about 180 shield damage without the mod and with the mod it reduces the damage to 152 shield damage.
    Which means the damage reduction isn't taking effect at all in fact.
    Because 180 * 0.85 = 153 (the game rounds it down by 1 it seems) which means only the total damage is being reduced, whilst your self damage isn't being reduced.

    This is perhaps a bug and in the next hotfix or update, there will be a fix implemented. So objection 2 where people say it doesn't accomplish it's understood intention is kinda false due to this actually being a bug and we don't know if it will accomplish it's intention of not one shotting every warframe in the star chart.

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