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Posts posted by CaptainJLP

  1. For me, all I would like is something that highlights the enemies heads when using snipers as long as they are in LOS (Line of Sight), so i can actually head shot the infested since its almost impossible to know their head hit boxes also keep in mind PoE is only 3km x 3km in size, so 2k shots is nearly like shooting an enemy on the other side of PoE with the decreased sniper zoom "Buff" (although you can use zoom mods/rivens), though I don't think they will add a night-vision / see through walls type thing to snipers as it probably would ruin one part of the Zenith's Secondary Fire Mechanic which allows you to see enemies in range of the disk through walls and shoot through walls (Yes I know snipers will not shoot through walls, just pointing out the mechanic).

    Anyways pretty good concept, this is just my opinion.


    EDIT: Remember the more you go out, the more the higher enemies you'll face, something to keep into consideration when using a sniper with 50% of it dmg taken away from it and we still yet to know where the view distance is capped at, it could be 1,000 metres away from the player, it could be 500 idk?

    Or mabye its around 2km?

  2. Ever since I've been using Vectis Prime with Ash / Ash Prime I have encountered a bug where going invisible with some (mabye all) snipers (I have ONLY tested it with Vectis Prime and Snipetron Vandal) will show your invisible warframe in their Zoom HUD which can be frustrating at times. This bug seems to occur when using anything that grants you invisibility e.g Smoke Screen, Invisiblity, Metronome etc. For now my only way of avoiding this bug is changing my energy colour to Black ( Smoke Colours ).

    Also when using Ash / Prime you can see the smoke particles which surround his left arm, on certain angles when inside the sniper Zoom HUD, though this isn't very important as it has probably been in the game for a long time.



  3. It happens to me as well it is especially annoying when your in the obstacle course, but I have found a weird way to stop it from popping up, just click on an elevator and click the console to ride it up or down, once it reaches the bottom / top it seems to fix it self and the GUI functions correctly again, though it will only stay like this for the remaining time you are in the dojo for, if log out and back into the dojo it will reset applying the bug to the transporter again.

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