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Posts posted by Manelag

  1. i kinda thought they had the same metallic texture because of the shiny textures they have


    No what you see there is the new PBR (Physically Based Rendering) that DE is slowly applying to all weapons, warframes, objects and etc.

    The shiny effect is certainly not final on those guns and is gonna be tweaked in the future (I hope) but sadly they do not share the Opticor's Awesome Material.




    I only have a few palettes, but I use a gold from the Classic Saturated palette for my 'primed' stuff, which seems to be at least 95% accurate to the current glow-in-the-dark gold trim of actual prime gear.


    For whatever reason, the image is on it's side, but this is the one that I use:

                                                                                              \/ Top row



    Exactly, alot of palettes have a "Golden" Color somewhere, hence why i named them.

  2. i saw a picture of a real gold color opticor and it made me wonder which other weapons could be colored like that.

    i dont have them so if people can try the Tetra Glaxion and the Amprex it would be nice


    Am i thinking correct that you refeering to my post here? ( https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/368848-prime-texture-feedback/?p=4083438 )

    If so i can tell you that the "Golden" Color i used for my Opticor is this one (See screenshot)

    The thing about the weapons you named to be shwon in said color is this, they don't have the same metalic material as the Opticor, no other weapon does.

    So they will just look like Butter to be honest.


    Note: Colors similar to this one can be found in the following Color Pickers - Classic Saturated, Easter, Fire, Storm and Shamrock.



  3. And the gold parts of the Soma Prime? Do those get updates?


    I second this.


    On the topic of Nova Prime's 'gold', today's Update includes the following:


    - Textures updated on the Vasto Prime and Pyra Prime Syandana now match Nova Prime’s metallic texture!


    I made this comparison here because it's relevant to the discussion.

    There is a term for the kind of "gold" the Soma Prime has, it's called Butter Gold.





  4. I really wonder why they thought that this is a good idea, i mean i get it from the standpoint that it artificially extends the game.

    However, this is not the way to solve people rushing through content, because there is no stopping them except if you pull this Farmville trick and have us wait.


    Really looked forward to Mesa, guess i'll have to buy her if i don't want to play Frameville.

  5. Hello there, so i was wondering if the current Prime Access will be available through out Christmas.

    I am asking this because i tend to pick up Games/Bundles at such prices (above 80€) with my Christmas Bonus, i haven't really kept track of how long the other Prime Accesses where going on for.


    So i hope anyone can help me with this and thanks for your time in advance.

  6. So i have noticed this bug even before U14 went live, where if you apply the day of the dead skin onto your Soma the magazine seems to behave like if you'd have no skin applied to it.

    Meaning Secondary & Tint 3 color the magazine regardless if you have the skin applied or not, i can't say if the same is happening to the Forest Skin but i assume it would.


    Here is a screenshot showing off the issue.





  7. These mods were and are obtainable (is this a word?) just playing the game.

    Now, do you want to recolour you pet? Let's buy this box. Maybe you will be lucky. 

    Can you see the difference?

    I see the difference, but i am talking about the process of it being a randomizer for which you pay with your real world money.

    Also you can get your desired kubrow by just waiting till imprints are floating around in trade chat, from there on it's up to the players if it will cost plat or not.

    It boils down to how badly you want your white kubrow now or not, if you want it now you can gamble away your plat if not then you just wait.

  8. First of all, did you really edit 'chosen' to 'choosen'?

    Second of all this is a @(*()$ color randomizer and has no correlation to a mod pack.

    First, no and also sorry english is not my first language.

    Second, a randomizer is still a randomizer it doesn't matter if it randomizes colors, mods or keys for plat, you pay money to roll the dice.

    I'm not saying that i agree with this randomness of colors/patterns but still it's far from something new.


    I think we'll be able to breed the kubrows we want, with the help of others(genetic imprints) or by trying to hatch different eggs? So with patience it should be possible to get your dream kubrow without plat.

    Pretty much this, wait till there exists a market for the Imprints.

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