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Posts posted by (XBOX)CyBirdNetic

  1. If everyone has Resource and Resource Drop Chance boosters, a squad consisting of Spova, Pilfroid, Desekros can net about 300+ Mutagen Samples each in ODD after like....25 waves, iirc.

  2. So I found out yesterday that the Plains of Eidolon will be coming to console November 14th.

    First of all, I want to thank all the PC players who have submitted no doubt countless reports on bugs and issues in the release. Your contribution is not lost on us console folk.

    What I'd like to know is what should I be expecting at release? Anything I should look into gameplay-wise? Any interesting tidbits to keep an eye out for?

  3. I run two builds for Frost. One with 250% range and 40% strength with Ice Wave Impedance, and a 145% Range 250% strength build (at 250% strength, Avalanche will strip 100
    % of an enemies armor).

    The duration on the range build is about 155% and the strength build is like 60 or 70%?

  4. 6 hours ago, Comeatmebro027 said:

     and maybe let the Tenno vote for what things should be put into these offers.

    So what happens when the majority of players who didn't get their hands on 5-6 Ember sets to sell for 800-1000 each cast a vote for Ember? Would you be okay with that?

  5. Guys, I need help. I'm using Wukong with the Xingzhe helm and a color scheme that makes him look like Ganondorf from LoZ (Armor is Black/Brown with arms/legs/"face" are super light green with red accents (I'll post pictures later)). But I am having THE MOST difficult time finding an armor set up that works with him. I beseech thee, fashion gods! Bless me with inspiration!

  6. Saw a guy yesterday named fatpig39 in Trade chat looking for a couple extra plat to get his hands on the Volt Arrester helmet. I just gifted it to him and told him "Don't trade anything, just check your inbox!". After a decent amount of thanks for my generosity, he asked me what he could do to pay me. I simply told him "Enjoy the helmet. Volt is fun".

  7. 13 hours ago, secret9005 said:

    Limbo is easier and less reliant on other teammates. You just have to go into rift for energy, press 2 then 4 then 3 and everyone is cc'ed. You don't really need to kill anyone, only carriers so it's not that big of a deal not being able to use guns.

    As for Vauban, he's reliant on energy, and with strength builds to cc more enemies, you'd probably have to sacrifice efficiency or duration, which is costly either way. So you're gonna need some pads or an EV where as Limbo would only need himself. He's less annoying in the case of the gun issue, but without that, Limbo is just much easier to use.

    I usually do heiracon with a max range, low strength Vauban with Repelling Bastille. Sure, it only holds like...4 enemies in the air, but it prevents other enemies from passing through.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Legion-Shields said:

    Personally I would love to see if I could pull off the rusted copper look on his trim. If that fails, blood red for maximum edge.

    I was thinking of using the Fire palette, 2nd from the bottom and right in the middle for the primary color. JUST red enough to hide the blood :D

  9. So I, like others, are very much looking forward to Hyroid Primes release.

    Based on the color placement, what are your possible color setups?

    Me personally, I'm gonna (if possible) go for a dark coat with lighter secondary color and give his metallic (armor included) either a rusted steel / gold and a light blue energy.

  10. So I'm using my Rhino Prime with his normal Rhino skin and the Warlust helmet, but I can't for the life of me find any solid inspiration.

    I beseech thee, O mighty FashionFrame Gods! Grant me the muses with which to coax Beauty from the Beast!

    (Side note: I am missing the July 4th color pallete D:)

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