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Posts posted by Sitchrea

  1. If you do want to get into lore... they are. Sentinels have health and can bleed just like Tenno, so they can be considered at least as living as the Tenno can be.


    Their red health is not specified as "robotic" anywhere I can see, so it's most likely the standard "flesh" that Tenno and Corpus have at their core (note that Grinner flesh is specified as "Cloned Flesh" and has slightly different properties than natural flesh).


    Also consider that the Wyrm prime parts include the "Cerebrum", which indicates organic functions (the cerebrum being a part of the brain opposed to a computer part).


    Also inb4 "They're not living because we don't need to feed them or do maintenance" - We don't need to do that for the Tenno themselves either but they're definitely organic and living.

    Well actually... Neither Sentinels or Tenno are "Alive" in the normal sense. Tenno are just conduits for ethereal void ninjas (Thus explaining how they can change shape, powers, and genders). Sentinels are similar, however they are nothing more than robots, really. (just because something can bleed and have health doesn't make it alive; Moas and Ospreys have health and can bleed, but are certainly not organic.

  2. In Devstream 36, during the Archwing gameplay showcase, the idea of mining and exploration was teased. I for one nearly jumped out of my seat when I heard this. Combined with the immersion factor of the new skyboxes in orbit above planets, ambient radio interceptions in the Liset, the potential the Amazing quest system has, and the upcoming addition of World Hubs, asteroid mining would make me throw every last penny I have at the screen.


    A game mode with no enemies (Or at least a low chance of spawning a few random patrols) that allowed for simple small-scale space exploration and mining would easily make me and I'm sure many others sink another 100-200 hours into the game simply by flying around with the Archwing. This would also have an excellent meta-game application, allowing for another means of acquiring certain resources.


    Perhaps each planetary body could have it's own mining area?


    The vast creativity and artwork done in this game is amazing, and the feeling of being in space is done incredibly well with the new living skyboxes.Saturn is my favorite; I have spent so much time simply watching ships come and go in the skyboxes, I sometime forget I'm supposed to blow them up! lol


    All in all, DE does a great job, and I would love to see the addition of mining into Warframe as was teased in Devstream 36.


    P.S. Birdlifters

  3. I REALLY hope they continue on with the mining idea for Archwing. Such a good idea...


    I would love to log on after a hard days work and simply fly around an asteroid field, soaking in the serenity as dust particles fly by and observe a few ships fly by in the distance.


    Ah... DE, please make it so!

  4. What kind of quests are being looked at for addition to the current pool?


    Quests such as story-based linear narratives, optional side-objectives, or quests meant for further upgrades to features such as mods, Kubrows, ships, or perhaps future combat involving Archwing, perhaps?

  5. Welcome, Gaviao! As one of the first Xbone players I have met on here, I shall offer three tips of advice in Warframe...


    Alad is Salad, Nerf and Derf, and Stalker whispers sweet nothings


    Enjoy the game!

  6. A lot of people say it should be neptune [for obvious reasons] but neptune is the corpus home world.


    I'm thinking it should be Uranus. Seems like they should do that because Tyl regor is getting reworked, so why not, right? New boss on a new tileset. We have breathable air on ceres and on any planet with a corpus outpost tileset, so why should we care too much about realism when it comes to planets?

    Putting an atmosphere on a large asteroid: Feasible for an FTL civilization

    Covering Earth in forests: Given time, maybe.

    Creating underwater cities on a gas-giant planet: Totally possible! (...not!)

  7. I'm still hoping for different bandwidths to monitor.


    The grineer customs agents.

    The emergency response infested channels.

    The corpus home shopping network.

    Phobos Got Talent.

    (Just think--kril and vor making snarky remarks about the crooning abilities of variouis grineer... and the grineer themselves singing! "Iiii-iiiii-iii, rus reaarr kos yoooooooooo-ooou, I rus rearr kos YOOOU!" Vor: "You just signed your death warrant." Kril: "Pure Auditory Perfection!")

    This, this, and all the this!

  8. Title.


    Please DE, give us an option to shut Ordis up. He is not funny, not witty, not unique. Just annoying.

    It's okay for the first few times you hear it, but I really don't care if he was thinking or not, especially not when I hear it way too many times during a session anyway.


    I know you tried to give a guide to players, and it's nice that you tried to make him entertaining.

    Sadly, he isn't. Unlike Shodan, unlike EDI. Hell, even the EGO-bot from Defiance is more entertaining than Ordis.


    Everytime I hear him speak, I wanna crash my ship just to make him shut up. Please give us an option to turn him off, so people who like him can keep him, and people like me, who don't, can stay in their ships without getting annoyed everytime that stupid thing starts talking.


    Ordis sucks. Big time.


    Way to bash people's creativity! +5 in the insult skill tree!

  9.  With this thread I wish to bring together two major points of feedback I’ve been thinking about, the mod system and the functionality of forma on weapons and Warframes. First and foremost I wish to state the urgency of this issue. Warframe is an incomplete game and I’m prepared to wait patiently for all of the new content that DE is working on this year. The issue is the path Warframe is on. While DE knows where they want Warframe to go they are surely going to make new content to try to balance high level content with a non optimized mod system. This worries me greatly because it will hinder Warframe beyond repair if this is continually built upon. Take from this what you will but I believe action should be taken quickly, relatively speaking. Please bear with me as it will take a while for the main point to be obvious, please try to read the entire post in order feedback makes more sense that way.




    The main culprit here is forma but in my previous thread I suggested temporary removal of its functionality on weapons. I have since realized that this course of action while completely in DE’s power is not what needs to be done. This action was a suggestion to force players to play the new mission types added to planets and realize how much playable content DE has created. The problem with this suggestion is that while forma helps players equip their weapons with all of the max ranked damage mods it still doesn’t change the fact that there are still high tier weapons that power players through content. This fact in itself is the main issue plaguing Warframe, and it is what will hinder Warframes ability to survive long term.

     The philosophy is that if a weapon takes more than 1 shot or 3secs (extreme values used to get my point across) to kill an enemy it’s a bad weapon. This is what fuels players thoughts that some weapons are useless and that Warframe needs endgame. The truth is that Warframe already has the tools to provide engaging high level content but this fact is hidden behind the insane power scaling and the non-existent progression.


     In a good balanced shooter the typical grunt enemy dies in 2-3 shots with a semi-automatic rifle, 5-10 from automatic, and 1-2 from a shotgun. From a veterans perspective the only good weapon I just listed is the shotgun, not taking into consideration the pros and cons of each weapon. The semi-automatic rifle is good at picking enemies off from a distance but is still powerful enough to be useful if they get too close. The automatic is good at close-medium range and is useful when you’re swarmed by enemies, you kill in the same amount of time as the semi-auto but require more bullets to hit. Shotguns typically only work well in close ranges similar to melee but you’re reward for getting close is great damage, the idea here is risk / reward. In Warframe this kind of balance is non-existent on the high end of weapons and content. There’s only what gun has the most damage output, I need to kill this enemy before it one shots me!


     We have the big bad guns but what are we going to shoot with them, that what most veterans think when they play Warframe. The one thing on most of their minds is endgame. The idea that they are so beyond normal missions that they need something special to make them feel engaged. The idea that the game has ended for them and they need something to use their hard earned power on. If you’ve been around since closed beta then you know exactly how this happened.


    Closed beta debacle, the rise of endless defense and hardcore play


    Here’s the story, back when Warframe was in its infancy there were 7 game modes; exterminate, sabotage, spy, capture, rescue, defense, and assassinate. Back then the most interesting thing to do was kill Jackal who at the time was the only true boss type enemy in the game. The defense mission type typically had a set amount of waves. That was until DE introduced the endless defense mission type and leader boards in a clutch effort to gives us something to do, while fun when first introduced this spawned the first hardcore Warframe players. Suddenly people were starting to do hour long defense some even pushing it beyond that. Because of this people started thinking about endgame.


     Now let’s fast forward to mods/damage 2.0 when the real impact of this bit of history was felt. By these two updates we had gotten survival which was basically an easier version of defense having infinite enemies, and nothing to protect but yourself allowing you to go longer. At the time defense/survival were Warframes the endgame made by the players for the players. Damage 2.0 made an even bigger power gap between weapons  than there ever was before, because enemies were tougher and the player created endgame now required only the best weapons to succeed. This also introduced the idea of useless weapons. Mods 2.0 changed the way we made ourselves more powerful by now relying on chance to progress, but more importantly now in order to make our weapons more powerful we needed to use mods. Ok now here’s the best part, where forma makes in grand entrance. The hardcore defense/survival guys hated this new system because you couldn’t put all of the max rank mods on your weapons you had to compromise when it came to fusion levels. A bunch of feedback threads later the orokin void was introduced and forma was born, eliminating the level cap of 60.


     But now that we finally have a good assortment of unique missions all people can be bothered to worry about is endgame. You had your defense/survival its only purpose was to entertain you while DE made new content, we don’t need it anymore. They’re the most toxic game modes to ever be introduced to Warframe! We don’t need enemies with infinitely rising health to be entertained playing Warframe anymore!


    The issue


    Ooh tenno reinforcements, I hope this isn't just another useless weapon or else it’ll just be more mastery fodder. Why are you wasting time making new missions we need endgame. The single most ignorant comments I see on a regular basis. I’m hoping that if you’ve read to this point you get what I’m trying to say? Forma and endless defense/survival create impossible to balance scaling, and toxify the Warframe community.


     High end weapons such as the brakk, soma, boltor prime, and marelok are what have fueled this endgame philosophy veterans have developed. These weapons are some of the most powerful in the game, this isn’t bad as everything I’ve just listed has a considerable wall that prevent players from getting them too early. These weapons however were made toxic by the mod card system. The mod card system created another veteran philosophy, “why would I use a braton when the same mods are infinitely better on the soma” I quote. This excuse is used often by the veteran community and fosters a dis-appreciation for the content that DE creates.


     So there’s the problem lied out and explained thoroughly, so where is wit that we go from here? The simple truth is that nothing needs to be removed in order for Warframe to get on the right track, all we need is change. Mods need to be rebalanced, the forma system needs a second look, and survival / endless defense should be changed.


     If you were to go into any earth mission with basic weapons (for the purpose of this explanation let’s say you’re using Excalibur, latron, aklato, and the cronus), a sentinel, and only install 30 points worth of mods you would surprised at how balanced it feels. Warframe has an effective level cap of 60, with forma there is no level cap. Currently planetary missions are balanced around the idea that your level upon reaching planets such as Pluto and Eris is 60. This is an issue in that not everyone has access to Orokin potatoes. Instead of progression items these are currently premium items. This made sense in the early days of Warframe to a degree, but now Orokin catalysts/reactors are required in order to do high level content.  This level of power was optional when first introduced because everything could still be done without them. Orokin potatoes should be part of the natural progression system as they are no longer good candidates for premium items, better premium items are being created such as cosmetics.


    Mods Feedback


    The hive mission type was intended to be a high level activity. A great effort was made to balance it to be a kind of endgame mission. While I won’t go into the specifics of that mission type here I will say that this is appropriately difficult. This is blanketed by the power granted by mods. As I’ve said before all mods need a balance pass, as they are now they’re balanced with the assumption that you are using forma. I’m sure that this was unintentional at the debut of mods 2.0 but that’s what happened. Mods should instead be balanced around the idea of 30-60 mod points being available at any given time, plus the boosts granted by auras and stances, and the forma rework I explain ahead. This kind of balance can be achieved by reevaluating mod values and max ranks, and also setting mod rules to prevent players becoming overpowered. For example: cutting serration’s rank by half, maxing the damage increase at 75%, doing the same for heavy caliber but maxing it out at 100% damage and making a rule that you can only use either mod not both on the same weapon. Thinking this way can help bring back balance and eliminate cookie cutter builds. What I keep trying to push is that the mod system is unique and gives Warframe a different feel than other games. Instead of trying to get DE to remove it we need to let them build upon it. Mods need another evolution.


     While I’m on the subject of mods I want to talk about this trading card system DE has in place. What makes this system interesting is the fact that mods are literally trading cards. If you’re having trouble finding a mod you want giving trading a try just might net you that mod. What makes the system frustrating is unorganized drop tables, the problem is that it makes little sense and doesn’t provide progression. The fact is that these rng mods drops can foster progression. The key is the intelligent placement of mods within the drop tables. Let me literate here, say you are on earth you expect enemies to drop basic survivability and weapon modification mods. This makes sense since this is the first planet of the game you need to get your feat in the ground in order to have a chance at making it in later planets. Maybe while you’re on earth you find a rare mod what a treat but when you tell your friend they inform you that they haven’t gotten said mod. What happens now is that they do that same mission repeatedly trying to get that mod halting their progression. The first of two options will simply applying said mod to other enemies so your friends can have another chance at it later in the game. The second is expanding tilesets to have a wider variety of different layout I’ll elaborate on this in a separate forum post. But if all else fails you still have the trading system which needs to be introduced early on in order to prevent this situation. Explaining the availability of trading and the fact that you can obtain rare mods from other player need to be clearly explained and openly presented to new players.


     Moving on to Mercury and Venus home to Grineer and Corpus enemies respectively, you would expect things like your first cold elemental mod, puncture/impact damage mods, and bane type mods. It is drop tables like this that create the idea of progression in a system like this. On low level planets; you expect to get basic mods that prepare you for the game ahead, mid level planets; provide mods that introduce you to new mechanics like combined elemental damage, energy channels advanced form of channeling, and heavy impacts radial knockdown when dropping from great heights, plus offering mod rank bonuses to reignite interest in the mod system, and high level planets; offering advanced multi stat mods, rare mechanic based mods, and complex mod rank bonuses. This drop table philosophy would be a good outline to work with.

    Mod rank bonuses


     Offering mod rank bonuses would evolve the mod system to allow for greatly expanded build creativity. Simply put when a mod reaches a certain rank similar to stances it unlocks a new effect. For example: at rank three thunderbolt unlock the ability to force proc elemental effects on explosion user beware, or at rank 3 and 5 respectively warriors grip; increases melee block damage reduction while channeling, and reduces the channeling cost of attacks for 15secs after successfully blocking damage, or at rank five you could choose a that or a second option to create mod variance


    Forma Feedback


    So if you’re still with me (congratz) you know why I consider forma bad, it breaks the level cap. The concept behind it wasn’t the problem the unbalanced mod system was the problem. But even if the mod system is improved forma still allows you to break the level cap. What forma need is a rule set to prevent its utter domination over the game. One issue plaguing forma is the amount of it you can use on your Warframe. Currently forma can be used on Warframes/weapons 8-9 times, completely sufficient to allow a non-existent level cap. With forma every mod in your load out can be max level with no consequences. Reducing the amount of times forma can be used while an option removes the concept of putting extra time and effort into your weapon and being rewarded for it.

    Polarization rework concept


     This concept will allow forma to remain unchanged other than its affect on mod slots. Instead of adding an actual polarity it instead polarizes the slot and reduces the cost of any mod applied to that slot in the future by 1 mod energy per forma (this will have no affect on the actual mods just the mods slot). I don’t know how many forma should be allowed to be used in this system but I’m sure DE can figure out how to balance it. This is simply a suggestion for reducing the power forma provides while still making the effort spent forma-ing your gear worth it.


    Survival and Endless Defense the final confrontation!


    Finally let’s recap why these two game modes have stuck around for too long; they create hardcore gaming mentalities, they create toxticity within the community, they foster ideas of endgame and a dis-appreciation for game mode implementations, and they create over negativity to weaker weapons. The idea of enemies infinitely rising in level was poorly implemented and should have only been a temporary addition at best. Set times / waves should return to low level survival / defense missions, and some of these mission types on nodes should still have the endless, but not the infinitely rising.


     There are better ways to counteract boredom associated with the repetitiveness of what I just suggested “and some of these mission types on nodes should still have the endless, but not the infinitely rising”. The upcoming survival changes are a perfect example of mechanics that can be messed with to make these missions interesting. Instead of having enemies level rise every 5minutes/waves have a new event happen each wave / reward cycle. For example:


    Defense; waves 6-10 the number of enemies per wave has increased, waves 11-15 enemy reinforcements have arrived special/heavy units now spawn, waves 16-20 the cryopod has taken extensive damage its health has been permanently cut by 25%, waves 21-25 an allied engineer has arrived if he survives for five waves the cryopod damage will be reversed


    Survival Planets; 6-10 minutes our heater nodes have been compromised their effect radius have been reduced, 11-15 minutes a repair crew has arrived protect them all or less heater nodes will be repaired we may not get this opportunity again, 16-20 minutes a large beast has been attracted to the fighting it is a shared threat but not all of the grineer are focused on it do not loose focus you have two enemies to deal with now, 21-25 minutes sub-zero winds have compromised all heater nodes beyond repair you will have to survive off of enemy life support.


    Survival Ships; 6-10 minutes due to oxygen deprivation enemies have a higher chance of carrying personal oxygen tanks, 11-15 minutes enemies have found our tenno operative save him before our mission is compromised, 16-20 minutes the lack of oxygen has affected your stamina you can no longer sprint, 21-25 minutes I can no longer support you with oxygen tanks may the orokin bless you…


     Thinking about it this way which option sounds more fun infinite scaling or interesting wave activities/mechanics?




     With all of this in mind I hope DE can use this thread to prevent Warframe from going down a dangerous path. All examples provided are merely a representation of the design outlines I’m suggesting for the various systems. If any of the actual suggestions are used that’s just a bonus. After all this is a feedback thread not a suggestion thread.


     I’ve worked very hard to make this post clear and easy to read. I’ve spoiler tagged longer sections so that the initial impression of the post isn’t overwhelming. I’ve also tagged bold titles to major sections to make finding them post read through easier. If you agree with any of the feedback in the post or simply want to provide your own feedback please make a comment, it’s the simplest way to support the thread so that it remains relevant.


    Index of supporting threads

    -coming soon


  10. Speaking of firing ships, why not have the ship tilesets that have the fire hazard sometimes shudder a bit during the mission run, as though being hit by a shell? As for ground based maps (Corpus Outpost etc.), random shells hitting the ground (at outside) and dealing a bit of damage to the Tenno (because gameplay mechanics), with inside also shuddering from the impact. 


    That can place a small answer to where the shells are hitting. 

    All of this already happens in Invasion missions.

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