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Posts posted by NightBlitz

  1. during the last dev stream it was mentioned that so much stuff is being planned for U19 that they might have to split it up a bit to keep it from being too big. this might have been a joke, but it didnt entirely seem like one, so we'll just have to wait and see

  2. 2 minutes ago, marshmellory said:

    7k oxium is like... not really that much. at least you can grind that and get it within an hour. 20 nitain is ridiculous tho, unless you've been doing all the alerts.

    dont know about you, but most people ik cant farm 7k oxium in an hour, maybe 4 hrs with a good team, but and hour? for 7k? when only a single mob in the entire game drops it and said mob likes to not show up when you need oxium? go back and redo your numbers dude


  3. from what i gathered from the last dev stream, umbra is still a ways away, i took it as they want to release it with a huge chunk of lore that involves not just the umbras but the other warframes as well. while it MIGHT  come with u19, theres nothing to indicate that it actually will, and if it does then it'll probably the related to The War Within. .....actually, that would make some sense potentially, depending on how they're working with The War Within, but players should never just assume something is going to happen, unless the devs directly state the X iis going to happen, then if it doesnt its not the players expecting things that were never confirmed

  4. dont mean to be rude, but at least freaking wait till the rework is live to complain about it, all we know about it is a couple minutes of short talk and a very short demonstration of it. these 2 things mean nothing compared to actually testing it out yourselves, so stop whining about it like you're 5-year-olds that demand everything the way they want it

  5. 17 minutes ago, Bizzaro21 said:

    mhm, during the last 2 months, i literally didnt do more than log in for the tribute thing, and dude, if it`s one or two things, each costing 600 ducats, that`s over a thousand ducats, for what? because some people don`t wanna get off their high horse and admit he is fu**ing overpricing?

    some of his stuff may be overpriced, yes, but not all of it. most of it i fairly reasonable, he's the only way to get a lot of that stuff without getting it from other players. I usually don't get stuff from him myself because i dont run the Void much these days, but im not going to go claiming that everything is over priced

  6. 12 minutes ago, ZodiacShinryu said:

    My guess is he is asking "Does the vandal receiver part not drop to keep people playing archwing?"

    Though in reality its just a statement that is complaining at the low drop rate of that part.

    tho to be fair, that one part is known for its stupidly low drop rate

  7. 15 minutes ago, SquirmyBurrito said:

    This kind of stuff is ultimately what lead to me dropping the game. I get that addressing popular things makes sense from a financial standpoint, but the longer less popular things are left to rot the worse things get.

    if you dropped the game then why are you here on the forum? ive never understood people that do that.

    2 minutes ago, treltheblue said:

    they said today they don't wanna do a bug squash month kind of thing where they spend time evening things out, but... they really should.


    What's worst is they seem to know all these problems. They've mentioned hating that carrier is used more then other sentinals by a 2/3 ratio. I'm sure similar must be the case for frames, guns and powers.


    It would really help if they looked at stuff like what people just never used and spent a month asking why and fixing that. No need to upgrade everything, some gear should suck, No ones crying over the MK. 1 Paris and how it should be up with the other bows, and as long as the ether reaper doesn't need a high MR and works decent on infested like its fluff says, it can be temporary. Just give every weapon family some redeeming features, there should be at least ONE good scythe/machete/dagger/etc in the world.


    Best thing is, it'd help other balance too. If a Zephyr with a scythe and Djinn turning up on a level 100 infested intercept is less of a joke not that many people will cry that other people just tonkor it all away.

    the way i interpreted it is that the dont want to do large updates that consist of entirely fixes for a bunch of small issues, not that they dont want to sit down and work things out. however, working o things takes time, and obviously they arent going to inform us on everything they do (for instance, they mentioned that they ARE working on the umbras, but what they're doing with them is a secret, hopefully this shuts up those people screaming for umbra every week, dang they're annoying).

  8. 10 hours ago, Archwizard said:

    Please change Nyx's and Limbo's proposed "passives", and give a new one to Chroma. They're not passive at all if you have to invest energy to use them, they're just ability effects.

    if you actually paid attention, limbo's is still very much under work. this was straight out stated in the stream. and giving chroma a new passive? he'd end up losing what makes him...well, him.

    also, it doesn't seem that you understand what "passive" means...

  9. 26 minutes ago, xxswatelitexx said:

    That bouncepad has to go. It serves literally no purpose besides comedic value of shooting enemies from bridges. I don't care if it is another utility like a shield osprey. But right now Vauban only has 3 powers which actually do something. 

    either it needs to be removed or it needs some major rework done on it...

    as it is its less useful than just jumping

  10. 4 hours ago, drunkpunk222 said:

    Add section where we can report scammers and others who play against rules, why im reported without reason and cant report others for reason, when im playing i blacklist atleast 20 ppl everytime, my blacklist is neverending, all i can do is reporting ingame about bad language, i can do much better! Almost not playing , nothing to do, there is still no endgame content(game is too easy, you need to waste like hour to reach challenging mobs in any mission), sorties are too easy(someone who run first kill everything others like sheeps just playing afk, ofc whats the point to do something, i dont need there any help also, i better kill alone and get all focus xp) and boring and not rewarding for endgamers, active focus skills im learning are broken, madurai i mean, even then useless , i kill faster with weapons or skills.

    dude dude dude, the game is still undergoing major work, and is technically considered to be in Open Beta still. they get to that stuff in time. the only relevant issue atm you pointed out is the first one

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