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  1. Love what you guys keep doing with the game. Are there any hopes for the foundry, arsenal, mods, companion, profile, and codex UI to be revamped soon? These screens see a lot of traffic, and it would be nice to see them match the rest of the updated screens and associated themes. This endeavor originally started back in 2018, and I am greatly looking forward to these screens being revitalized. For the codex UI, a cool idea for the quests section would be to connect the mainline quests chronologically in a line with branches coming off at certain stops to demarcate certain quests as side quests or stories. This would be a cool graphic that communicates the intended flow of the storyline beyond the Tennoguide in the top right corner that gives only the immediate next step in the storyline.
  2. Lots of great changes and exciting new features. I was hoping to see more progress on revamping the remaining UI screens. The venture into revamping UI began over five years ago it feels like. Can we expect to get the rest of the screens updated by end of 2024 or 2025? Foundry, arsenal, mod, companion, profile, and codex all still need to be revamped. These are some of the most important screens in the game and see a lot of traffic. It would be great for them to get cleaned up and be cohesive with the rest of the game. Keep improving and refining the game! Thanks for all you guys do.
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