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Posts posted by Fuemego

  1. 30 minutes ago, jasa2230 said:

    Hi all fellow Tenno! I've been playing Warframe for approximately 110 days and the last 80 of these days were all consecutive logins. I received only 2 75% off coupons and those were both when I first started playing. Now as a MR 21 I am receiving 1 morphics and just not good daily rewards. Is there any way I can receive or increase the chance of getting a plat discount coupon because I would really like to buy some plat. Thanks and have a good day!

    It is said that the chance to receive the 75% Discount coupon is very high early on in-game around MR..... 0.


  2. 10 minutes ago, spatakiller123 said:

    Title pretty much sums it up. I know selling her after everything revalults will earn me a nice penny. I kinda want to build and try out her primed variant but I never used ember before and when I did some...research I found that the opinion on ember is pretty mixed...

    So, is ember prime actually good or is she just a free plat voucher?

    Just get another set.

  3. 3 hours ago, (PS4)Coyote_x_Starrk said:

    I am sick of getting into missions with Mirage that just spam the Simulor. It sucks every bit of fun that the game can provide. Especially if its a defense mission where there is very little room to do much. I have no choice but to stand around and basically do nothing as the Mirage lazily shoots the Simulor and kills everything. Especially if you are using a Warframe like Inaros, Saryn or Atlas which requires alot of moving around and your enemies staying alive for you to be able to perform your abilities. 



    I am all for making the most of your Warframe and what it can do, but this interupts OTHER peoples enjoyment of the game. 


    Its just like Mesa before she was nerfed. 

    What if the Mirage + Synd Sim user is enjoying the game? I suggest you play with friends or alone or reroll pub. Better chance of avoiding what you hate.



  4. 37 minutes ago, Zelav said:

    I just wanted to make a small suggestion and sorry if it has been suggested before.

    I really like the aspect in trade where you can put brackets on the item which allows people in the chat to look at what that item is.

    With that being said, it would be really convenient if we were able to click on said item in brackets, and see how many items we have of that in our inventory in order to know whether or not we can sell to the person (Kind of like the indication that we see on the store if we have the item or Baro's store). It would be a really nice feature because I do find myself walking to my mod station in order to see if I have that mod in order to sell or my inventory.



  5. 18 minutes ago, Tallonn said:

    you should add vacuum alternative for kavats because i'm sure that 1 of the main reasons ppl don't use kavats much is no vacuum wich is rly usefull and doesn't hurt game balancing or anything

    You're right, but I use my Shmeeta a lot. It'd be nice to have Vacuum on it. DE claimed to be working towards that in a previous Devstream.

  6. 7 minutes ago, DEATHLOK said:

    I say stop playing around and let's just fix AoE once and for all.

    Also, as many pro gamers will declare, having to manually target Bladestorm is the best, most immersive gaming mechanic under the sun. Manual targeting has revitalized Ash, making him more enjoyable than ever.

    So, Digital Extremes, could you please require that EVERY AoE ability cast by EVERY Warframe require manually targeting of enemies from now on? This will include the obvious, such as Maim, Sound Quake, Avalanche, Tentacle Swarm, World on Fire, Miasma, Rhino Stomp, Radial Blind, Radial Javelin, Radial Disarm, Prism, Molecular Prime, Effigy, and so on. But it should also include any other ability that causes damage to enemies over a specific area, such as Sonic Boom, Ice Wave, Tidal Surge, and more. Even Nekros can manually target enemies for Desecrate!

    Enemies who are not manually targeted should be immune to the select AoE damage or effect—just like the new Bladestorm.

    This is a fantastic idea that pro gamers have already embraced. Expanding it across Warframe will allow every player to enjoy the same tactical and immersive game play Ash now features.

    No thanks. >.< What's good for the goose may not be good for the gander. And why have only "pro gamers" declared it? Who are these "pro gamers"? This is the first time I've ever seen a post like this. >.< Not everyone enjoys the Ash rework so the statement "This is a fantastic idea that pro gamers have already embraced. Expanding it across Warframe will allow every player to enjoy the same tactical and immersive game play Ash now features." has to be incorrect.

    As you said yourself, "Great. Now the Nerf crowd declares its next targets. Fantastic. Go play Call of Duty. Please."

  7. 23 minutes ago, DeiwosN said:

    So I've literally never seen anyone mention this oddity of a weapon in any way, but ever since I picked it up because it seemed an amusing concept it has basically become my sole weapon while I'm leveling up other things since the charged 'shot' requires no reloading, does frankly baffling damage, and seems to literally ragdoll any enemies in melee range around me whenever I fire it. That said, does anyone have any thoughts on/experience with it for high level stuff? It's been great for applying Corrosive procs and Slash bleeds to enemies at mid-range, and has no 'ammo', though it's a little awkward to use (I'm using High Noon stance, and getting pretty adept at timing my aiming).


  8. 39 minutes ago, lexrazor said:

    Umbra is very much overrated. The game was never about "getting everything". Think of it this way - even when Umbra is finally released, it will be for everyone. So the Founders will still have Excal Prime over everyone else and you're gonna be at least one item behind them and won't have "everything".

    +A small loan of a mil

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