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Posts posted by moondog548

  1. 26 minutes ago, Digital-Dreams said:

    Could you share a build or explain how Gas is good then? Because I must be building wrong if everything I test Gas with is weak as S#&$

    It's actually been explained in this very yhread already.

    The cloud's damage is based off the damage of the hit that proc'd it. Big hit = big aoe dot. Crit/bane/headshot/etc for big hits.

    But as people point out, weak procs from anywhere can and will overwrite your strong ones.

    • Like 3
  2. You moved the prompt back so that newbies wouldn't be freaked out or confused by how close they had to be to talk to this pushy 'puter. That's good!

    But the problem is that one can't talk to him now without being that arbitrary distance away, which is hard to pin down sometimes.

    Please make it so that you CAN interact with him closer than where you placed the prompt trigger.


    • Like 2
  3. 9 hours ago, Arcane_Vai said:

    Thanks for clearing that up, I thought it was like that in all cases now.

    I used that node to rank up Voidrig in the past and didn't know about the change.

    Well it's always worked the same on lua conjunctuion survival. That was the first time nechramechs were allowed in a non-railjack and non-open-world mission.

  4. 20 hours ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

    It's on a timer for that mode in particular, it is intentional. I recommend doing a railjack survival of you want to level up like that. 


    There is also no timer in open-world zones.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

    All challenges keep their progress. If you didn't do the earth bounties this week, intentionally only do 2 out of the 3, and you'll see it come back next week once you've cleared some of it, with the progress not being reset.


    And like I was saying earlier, the permanent weekly ones have a number attached to them to keep track of everything. If you don't finish these, I can guarantee you they'll come back the exact same way you left them, had it happen to me last season.

    Well alright then! Thanks for the rigorous answer!

    Sounds to me like OP should mark this thread "solved" 😉

  6. 6 minutes ago, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

    They do, in fact, keep the progress you've made on them. DE made it so the challenges have a number on them specifically so that the game can track each of them individually and bring them back in order. I had that happen last season for Eximus kills challenges when I was playing much less.

    Does that apply to this challenge specifically, as one of the three challenges that are present every week, though?

    I generally always get them done, so I can't say off hand. But since they pop up every week I assumed they completely refreshed.

    If progress does carry over tho, then I'm shifted from "slight problem" to "no problem".

  7. 1 hour ago, OracleHisty said:

    . I'd say potentially moving dojo resources to an "alliance vault" would be better, and only treasurers can utilize the shared "alliance vault". Would make dismantling dead clans a lot easier by transferring the resources from said dead clan to another clan that is more active.

    Now that's a great idea!

  8. 2 hours ago, quxier said:

    Yes, if you have to cheese then you are not playing. However if you don't have time for 15 missions per week you are not playing too much to begin with. It's sad reality but that's not game for you. They want you to play regularly. 15 missions per week is not a lot.


    ps. Well, of course you can pay but that's not playing.

    That's not penalty at all. Like do you care about nighwave? Are you doing it? You say that you "don't need 7k" each week. But you already doing other missions that counts toward that challenge. On top of my mind this week is 9 missions sortie + 3 exterminate (sortie can have exterminate). That's 12 (9-11 if your sortie has exterminate). Like, what penalty? 

    It's basically free points.

    Of course you can say that you don't want to do e.g. exterimnate. Sure, that's valid point. However whole Nighwave is build around doing simple tasks to try different things (and do stuff at all with recent additions). If you don't like it then it's problem with whole system not this task in particular.

    I have a real problem with game systems that give you 0% reward for 99% completion.

    But that's just one particular matter in isolation. I'd call it a pet peeve except I'm objectively correct about it. 😜

    You have handily won the broader argument that we weren't actually having. 🏆

    As I said, we agree that Nightwave is generally a-ok. Pretty sure OP does too.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, quxier said:

    If you are not like OP then it's easy to do any short mission 15 times per week. 2 missions daily give you 14. It counts everything (duviri, rj, open world etc). Basically any activity that show "success" will give you +1 to weekly 15 missions. If you cannot even do this much then you are basically not playing WF at all.

    If you're spending your limited playtime cheesing instead of doing the content youbwanted to do, are you really playing?

    But we agree much more than we don't.

    Yes, the nightwave duration is generous enough that you don't NEED this 7k each week. But it would still be better if the penalty was proportional.

    Like you and others pointed out, it makes more sense to count multiple rounds in some way as equivalent to mission completions for the purpose of this particular challenge.

  10. Right now when you purchase all the nifty things in the focus school "represent" shop, all further focus accumulated s wasted.

    You can buy the poster as much as you want, but it can only be displayed, not sold or put to any practical use.

    Adding lens blueprints for the school for each of the sizes would allow us to put our focus to use, still, either crafting the lenses if we want too, or at least selling the blueprints for a non-zero amount of credits.


    Alternatively: allowing us to sell the poster for credits would be "good enough". I just hjink the lens Idea is neat for completionists'/collecters' sakes even though a player wouldn't "need" more lenses of a school at that point.

  11. It is a lot, and the problem isn't so m7ch that it takes a lot of game time to complete within a week so much as the fact that it resets every week.

    If you could carry over your progress at least, that would help folks who can't get it done most weeks tremendously. They will still progress slower, but not nearly as penalized by this significant "break point" in the progress curve.

  12. On 2024-05-19 at 10:57 PM, moondog548 said:

    So instead of one boilerplate optimal loadout we will have three boilerplate optimal loadouts that we have to manually swap each mission.

    I love the thought and effort put into this, and it is an incremental improvement, but the actual problem is even more fundamental.

    The game has been allowed to morph over the past decade into one mode of play: dps everything in the world asap.

    You can't fix that by just tweaking the spices on the dps we do and the everything being dps'd.

    We need different enemies that act in fundamentally different ways other than hordes that can (and therefore MUST) be dps'd asap.

    And keep the hordes, don't get me wrong! That's awesome gameplay! Just don't let that be all there is!

    Sorry to be redundant, but I thought of a better way to encapsulate what I think is the crucial point:

    The fundamental problem is that in virtually every moment of warframe gameplay, time-to-kill is the ultimate key to success regardless of nominal gameplay objectives*.

    So while elegant balance passes to the damage-type system are good, you are still constrained by the ultimate player goal of using that system to maximize the bottom lline of killing enemies as quickly as possible.

    Change that reality via enhanced enemy behaviors and mission parameters, and you'll be able to put all those cool damage types to more interesting uses!

    Lots of other posters have said lots of other good things, so I hope y'all are really reading deep here!


    *(Spy missions are the lone exception, but only partially. Avoiding combat is optimal, but that is yet another challenge that is either an automatic success via correct wf loadout, or virtually impossible due to enemy spawning and behavior. And when combat can't be avoided, time-to-kill once again becomes priority #1.)

    • Like 1
  13. So instead of one boilerplate optimal loadout we will have three boilerplate optimal loadouts that we have to manually swap each mission.

    I love the thought and effort put into this, and it is an incremental improvement, but the actual problem is even more fundamental.

    The game has been allowed to morph over the past decade into one mode of play: dps everything in the world asap.

    You can't fix that by just tweaking the spices on the dps we do and the everything being dps'd.

    We need different enemies that act in fundamentally different ways other than hordes that can (and therefore MUST) be dps'd asap.

    And keep the hordes, don't get me wrong! That's awesome gameplay! Just don't let that be all there is!

    • Like 2
  14. On 2024-05-14 at 11:10 PM, (MOB)drakefrost said:

    Or farmable booster perhaps (e.g. Reducing crafting time by 1h), but for generic items, as the reason above.

    VERY cool idea. I'd make it like "double crafting speed" for X hrs tho to work consistently with the other types.

  15. Let us helminth-subsume weapons to get a kitgun part from them (barrel, stock, grip, mag, etc) then let us build custom kitguns (granting no masyery) with those parts with each component relevant aspects of the original weapons.

    Barrel could give base damage and damage types. Reciever can give crit stats. Stock can give status stats and unique traits. Grip can give mag/ammo stats, etc. just for general example.

    Make it expensive as hell and nerf the stats as needed. :p

  16. 7 hours ago, Gaxxian said:

    Ikr? Playing a looter shooter and expecting to get loot its so silly... Its like playing Mario expecting to do some platforming or a Souls expecting never dying. Such babycriers that want loot...

    In fact, i would remove all the loot from EDA, that will teach them to just play for the fun.

    If there is a lot of people that play like that, maybe it would explain why there is many people saying that EDA is challenging.

    I'm genuinely sorry that the content has dissappointed you to the point of getting upset. I'm also sorry that your upset has been met on occassion with unsympathetic and unhelpful replies.

    But this here response is a straight up willful denial of the reality of the circumstances  that you're mad about. These statements have no relation to the state of the game nor the comments you quoted.

    We can keep a productive discussion going about how the game mode could be better improved if we can keep our tempers.

    • Like 3
  17. 18 hours ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

    All of this could be agreed with... If only very valuable rewards (such as archon shards) weren't locked behind this anti-fun content. But sure, keep skipping and refusing the rewards, if it's apparently an option for you. A lot of people have a different opinion on "skipping rewards" however.

    I know you know this, and I know it's been said many times. But here's one more since you forgot:

    Bird 3 and the netracells give you the exact same rewards in somewhat smaller quantities... than the by-design-top-teir-activity.

    Is that optimal design? I dunno and that's subjective anyway.  You would clearly prefer things otherwise, no argument on that! But any feelings of being FORCED into this content or that you NEED these rewards is absolutely just your personal subjective perspective.

    No doubt a system is possible that would better please everyone by some margin. I'm just seeing this one doing a pretty good job in the context of the wider highly-rewarding game.

    • Like 3
  18. 4 minutes ago, drakolich21 said:

    Yes, if you're standing. Teammate got downed between us pressing the button and the boss teleporting everyone in, so they bled out outside of the arena.


    that at least sounds like something that DE can fix, not a design feature. 🤞

    • Like 1
  19. I think it's ok that the literal top teir content in the game is something I don't necessarily complete to max every single week.

    My casual butt did complete it to max last week, since Qorvex and my riven'd tenet plix (yes, I am an unashamed "randomizer adept") were options and my pug was coherent enough to do what needed doing (including rezzing one guy and killing his angel a couple times).

    Those moments were fun.

    This is the third week I have attempted DA. First week or two it was available I did other stuff for fun and profit.

    Unlocked elite on my first week because revenant, much to my surprise. Second week I settled for the "break even to 2 netracells" prizes.

    Then I think I skipped another week and had lots of fun and progress doing other stuff.

    This week things lined up in my favor to give it a full try, and thanks to my squad and my own good play (which I'm capable of from time to time) it worked out to be pretty fun. And I got a hilariously inappropriate hood ornament for bonus.

    Moral of the story: even though I've been playing steady for 11 years and that's the only reason I can usually pass the gear check for content like this, I still have plenty of productive fun doing other content that isn't the literal, by-design, pinacle of the current game! And yet sometimes I can still take a valid shot at it!

    It needs work, sure, but it looks like a resounding success for what it's intended to be.

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