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Posts posted by Wellthen

  1. -_-

    its... controlled...

    the idea both interested me and made me cautious. mob mentality is a terrible thing. but the overall influence is very muted due to the more important decisions being up to the staff. (when our opinions and ideas are asked for)

    feel free to take that as good or bad.

    What you're trying to say is that any and all gameplay-affecting decisions are made by the staff, and tiny cosmetic "decisions" are handled by a poll of people who spent 100-250 dollars on an alpha.

  2. And beta in the launcher.

    It seems like you don't understand the significance of advertising a product as "release" and charging money for it while then trying to cling to the "it's a BETA" excuse.

  3. I am genuinely interested to know people's feelings on this.


    Is the game sinking? Are there too many persistent problems/design flaws/bad mechanics simply piling up without being resolved? Does it feel like things are being swept aside with token acknowledgement and a trite, "It's being looked into"? Is player goodwill being burnt upon the altar of quicker return on investment?



    Or is the future bright? Are issues that don't result in immediate lost revenue being addressed in a timely fashion? Does it feel like the money you spent got you a good value, and would you be happy to spend more?


    I'm interested to see your responses.

  4. DE_Steve, I have a question!


    How does it feel to be captain of the ship, standing at the wheel, looking down on the deck of the SS Warframe?


    There are people running and screaming. Women weep, men gnash their teeth. There is violence amongst the crew, and order has long since fled. Innocents are pushed overboard, and many parts of the visible deck are on fire. The ship is listing badly to the left, the sails are torn, the lookout is dead after falling and being entangled in the ropes. The bow is sinking and the ship is taking on water. The rats are fleeing where they can; where they can't, they are being eaten by the desperate crew and passengers to stave off death's cold embrace for a few precious minutes. The flag, proudly flying its pink shorts across the yellow field, has been shredded.


    From your perch at the wheel, how do you feel?

  5. Can you imagine if that time-barrier wasn't in place? Warbros would have all the guns by now, would have have reviewed all of them and put many people off bothering to research them as they are somewhat lacking as of now (getting buffs).


    Also they would have bulldozed through content that DE had spent months working on in a matter of days, giving DE next to no time to get another update out before losing players.


    I might not agree with their method (straight up time barrier) but it is necessary for this particular update to give them time to work on E3 as well as come up with new content.

    It's funny you say it like that, as the content in the clantech weapons is all just placeholders; abysmal stats, ridiculous construction costs, and most are just reskins with nothing unique.


    The "Tenno Reinforcements" have as much content as the clan weapons research but don't trick people into spending thousands of plat to rush things to be able to buy/build them.

  6. Considering the direction that the game has been taking, and his position on it all, I'm sure that a ban won't threaten him too much. I don't blame him.

    If people hadn't been exploiting the keys, we'd never have found out how terrible the drop rates for blades/receivers were, or if we did it would have been months down the line. It was a necessary step to bring balance to the game.

  7. If you didn't buy any keys, how did you run over a hundred void missions for free? If other people gave you a free ride, you're leeching. If you bought the keys, this discussion is not for you I'm afraid. Btw, how exactly is this "exploit hardcore" you referred to? Would you mind shedding some light into it?

    The third option is you found all the keys. I highly doubt you got a hundred T3 keys. Let's assume you or your friends got a hundred T1 or T2 keys, for free, no platinum spent (wich is pretty far-fetched in itself, but let's go with this). Even then, with about 100 runs on those tiers of void, the chances of getting a receiver or a blade is quite slim, let alone both.

    So that takes us back, to my point: if you got all that, you either bought the keys, or you were given a lot of free rides.

    Getting free rides = leeching of people that had keys. I hope I made my point clear by now.


    You've made it clear that you were living under a rock during the last weekend. As I explicitly stated, some of us exploited hardcore to give people free runs. The exploit consisted of a person with a key making a lobby, and another person, a host, inviting that key-user into their game. This would cause the party to enter the void without using the key-user's key, but by subtracting an imaginary key from the host, giving that person a negative key count.


    Hosts were not leeching as they were providing free runs to all involved, they did not buy keys with plat, and they did not farm keys from defense missions. The key-user did not consume the key they initially used to enter the void lobby.


    I really wish people trying to argue things bothered to find out what goes on in the game. You can't have a discussion with someone who's uninformed yet insists on making blanket statements and shortsighted judgments.

  8. still.. we cannot deny them the credit of being the first clan to rush through all dojo rooms.. with 3000 plat of course...

    Well of course. Warbros is at the bleeding edge of content and is singlehandedly smacking the devs around about the unbelievable placeholder clantech weapons that we were still able to spend plat to get the labs in place for faster.

  9. Well, you did what I did. I got everything from void:

    - Reaper Prime

    - Latron Prime

    - Frost Prime

    - Some Forma (this is never enough though)

    And I feel terrible about having this all because I leeched the generosity of people offering free rides. You did the same thing, I'm sure. Personally, I feel ashamed. You should too.

    Not all of us leeched off of others' generosity to get those. Some of us exploited hardcore, running over a hundred free void runs for others to help get parts and acquiring negative key totals in the process. I don't feel terrible or ashamed about this at all.

  10. And yet you're the one who instantly went on a tirade when someone didn't agree with your way of thinking. Instead of being a little child and talking down to the devs, next time actually give some real input.


    It's time you grew up, and learned that even the devs have feelings. You want to truly improve this game? Provide feedback and information. It's as simple as that. Now, you may continue yelling at me if you like. I'm done listening to your cries for attention.


    A rather late edit, but I'd like to add that I actually agree that this weapon needs to be reworked.

    OH. I see now. You think the only way to talk to the devs is through begging-for-attention forum posts where you sing their praises. It makes sense now. We simply don't coddle people when they screw up, it's not healthy and it leads to more screwing up. DE feels it from us when they do, and rightly so; too many simpering fools treat them like holy icons that Shalt Not Be Desecrated rather than people working a job and expecting feeback on a product in beta.

  11. I'm in Broframe. We already have the Prova, Ignis, and that toxic one I currently forgot the name of. (Edit: Torid. We've also already funded the next tiers of weapons in all three of the research facilities). Does that foot in your mouth taste good? Looks like it doesn't, but eh - I shouldn't knock it if I haven't tried it. And being condescending and talking down to the devs can be just as insulting as literal words, as you can see by my notable example.

    No, what you're doing is trying to act superior with nothing to show for it but bluster and angry language, and failing quite badly. Our next energy lab research finishes in a day and a half, as does everything else.


    You can stand by and defend every terrible decision and choice you like, and we'll continue helping the game improve by not coddling the people you praise and worship. Time to grow up there, sport.

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