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Posts posted by AutoPhox

  1. First impressions of Titania:

    Spellbind can be cast on dead bodies, which is a frustrating waste of energy.

    Lantern enemies float away like a helium balloon so their AoE is rendered useless.

    Other than that, She is a very fun frame with good CC and interactive mechanics! Happy to see a frame thats designed around buff/debuff support. Its great to be able to contribute to a team without resorting to kill spam or trinity.

    The Silver Grove quest was really fun too. I found no issues in my play through, aside from learning where the plants are located. (wiki)

  2. The new void fissure system is pretty fun! i like the visual effects(the enemies may be too shiny at times) and i think this is a little more immersive than just camping a fissure spot. Although, its a little less interactive than before. 

    Keep up the good work tho!

  3. I understand how you feel. Im not quite as livid, but ive basically given up on the system. I just ignore it now, simply because its completely counter to objective and co-op play as you stated. Lets hope they get around to a rework once War Within is done.

  4. 1 minute ago, Inarticulate said:

    Considering you can actually see the destroyed relays on the new star chart...

    This is true, and interesting. Im sure its just an egg for us to look at for now. But hopfully, they come back in some way.


    At least Earth has Maroo's bazaar. Not that it helps in this topic, but it still allows newbies to be able to interact with other players and share info etc...

  5. Not sure what youre looking for. Void murders or prime farm. They both still exist, just seperate now. you can freely go to the void without needing keys and just sit in endless missions all you want. Or, look at the fissure menu and find a fun map to farm parts on. (honestly, i like doing fissure maps that have capture missions in pubs. that way the prime parts can be gathered fairly quickly)

    Good luck Tenno!

  6. 12 hours ago, DelialFallen said:


    It would appear our mileage is proving to be a vastly different experience.  All Tower 4 and 3 fissures I have attempted solo have been failures due to too few reactants dropping from enemies or too few enemies spawning at all.  So to me, it feels like my success depends on a toss of the dice more than something I can do anything about.  It's been an incredibly frustrating last few hours to say the least.

    quoted for truth

  7. I have failed 4/6 void fissues T1 and 2's due to lack of spawns and or orb drops. I wouldnt mind failing a mission because it was too hard or i was not prepared, but to fail because the game simply doesnt allow skill/preparedness to influence the outcome is broken. I just sat there watching the timer as if doomed to fail before i started. I dont want to play a rigged game.

    Im sure a fix is being worked on, but i just needed to vent a bit.

  8. I like the new relic system. I wish the drop rate of fissure glue for solo play was a little higher, but conceptually, its fun. I like having the excuse to go back and explore all the different nodes in the system.

    The junctions are neat. Its like a scavenger hunt style side quest.(im a vet so i dont need to proceed through them to get to new planets. i can work on them at my leasure.)

    The new archwing movement is really fun too. 

    I also appreciate how DE is working their butts off to keep up with all the issues.

  9. There is a middle ground here. the wall run was fun, badass, and in some spots practical. Honestly, if its more than two hops, or if im going vertical,its difficult to steer. I still feel like a floppy fish and cant hit a landing when im wall hopping. That, and it basically turns every tileset into a flat plane with how easy it is to traverse.

    There has to be a middle ground where hopping and running can be interchangeable and used as needed.

  10. Practice! there's a function for that on the conclave window. I use it to gauge where to aim the reticle at different distances from the goal. Try from close range, near the pillars, the two-point line, and at mid-field. This helps to zero in your shots when running around in a real match.

  11. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Filthy113 said:

    Here's where I chew your head so insert such phrases destroying your pathetic attempt at getting me to blow up.

    Now here's me after being banned "I can read and it just doesn't make sense. The read makes it seem way worse so I'm asking why does it appear to be worse. I work a lot and don't have time to grind grind so as a adult my opinion is valid and I'm asking a question. 

    K, glad your an adult. I just wanted to know why you came to that conclusion, because i came to a different one:

    From what i can tell, Projections are received similar to keys are now. (no change in grind) Then we bring the projection to a void tear, shich will always be open somewhere, just like entering a void key mission. (no change in grind). then we get the reward based on RNG (no change in grind).

    Now there are a few added mechanics to manipulate the tear scale/drop tables, with no mention of a time-wall. So, im going to assume that the grind is about the same, but will feel less due the dynamics of changing Void tear sites.

  12. 12 minutes ago, (PS4)Filthy113 said:

    I've skimmed through this and read it a few times I still cant make sense of what the heck is going on? Why make the grind WORSE and more drawn out this doesn't seem like a good idea.

    My opinion this isn't going to be good in the long run.

    If you cant make sense of it, why are you assuming the grind will be worse?

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