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Posts posted by Kebast

  1. 6 hours ago, SastusBulbas said:

    I have been stumped on this MR test on a few attempts now. Been trying with ember but not getting to orbs on time. 


    4 runs out too quick even with max duration and range.

    I found it easiest to use a high strength / high duration Volt, plus sprint speed mods, with something like Ignis and Cassowar. Once you learn how to get between floors easily, it's just RNG after that. Of note, I practiced until I could pass 3 times in a row and STILL failed the test. Where, and how often, those orbs appear really makes a difference

  2. 30 minutes ago, (PS4)The_Lost_Pharoah said:

    shotgun should make it easier. you dont have to be as precise. just aim a little above there heads and try to group them together.

    If I kill anything with something other than a headshot the counter resets 

  3. I've got this same riven, but worse, it's for a shotgun. Means I can't really use a primary weapon to complete it. For yours, some have mentioned using an Amperex. 

    I'm trying zephyr with a maxed glide mod and good pistol. 

    I've spent over 2 hours on this with no luck yet. Not selling though, just peck at it a few times a day. 

  4. 2 hours ago, (PS4)xtharbadx said:

    I unveiled the same recently using arch wing and a rubico sniper.

    I did fail a few times without understanding exactely why was I failing, as in the counter on the Riven didn’t increment.


    I kept trying, using the same exact technique, until it eventually worked. I guess this challenge is somewhat bugged.

    I have unveiled the same (or similar at least) before too. This one would never work. Some users suggest this one must be tied to the ground spawn Condrocs, even though it's not stated in the text. I could never get it to work even after killing those. I tried using Volt there. Run into them, wait for them to fly, then blast them with S4. After spending 2-3 hours over several days....Nothing. I submitted a ticket before trying Oreades suggestion above.

    Support actually fixed this for me

  5. 10 minutes ago, Oreades said:

    The way I'd tackle that would be to find some Condroks, startle them, wait for them to all be off the ground and then blast them with something with stupid AOE like an Ignis 

    I did that, except I used Volt's S4. 

  6. I've tried every way I can to unlock this Riven. I've killed the birds already in the air on the west coast, and I've killed the ones on the ground you have to startle first. This Riven never shows any progress. The odd thing is I've unlocked a similar Riven before, though I can't remember the exact wording. The flying birds on the west coast worked fine for that one. Any ideas, or is this just bugged?


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