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Posts posted by Kebast

  1. Thanks all, lots of good suggestions here. Several of these I've leveled to 30 and haven't looked at since, so I'll pull them out and see what I like the feel of. 

    I normally use my Tigris Prime for higher level stuff, so I might go with the Atomos or one of the other full auto options. 

  2. I'm only missing the receiver for the akbolto, so maybe I'll give that a shot. 

    The Twin Grakata seemed underwhelming, but I'll give them another look. 

    Just missing Euphona Prime receiver as well.

    I'll check out the Aksomati and Stubba

  3. Short background, mr14 with no rivens, but with most other necessary mods. I use Tigris Prime or Ignis Wraith mostly in primary (3 forma on each).

    I only have 2 primes for secondary, Vasto and Lex. I have pretty much every other non-prime secondary. I generally use Dex Furis just because it came with a catalyst. It does ok up to around lv 40-50, but I haven't put any forma on it. 

    My biggest issue is I can't find a secondary I really like. The Dex Furis is nice, I like the high fire rate, it's just horrible on ammo. Anything out there simular but with better ammo econ and more power? 


    tl:dr - find me a good auto secondary 

  4. 7 hours ago, CodeCypher said:

    Based on his first post, 

    I assume he hasn't obtained Broken War at all. Though it's unusual if he's MR 13++ (Galatine Prime req) and hasn't finished the quest. Well, not that it really matters, just curious.

     Sorry, I should have given more detail. Yes, I've finished the quest and got the free broken war. Mostly asking if I should bother collecting the optimal mods for it and hang onto it. 

    I've maxed it now, but don't have the couple of prime mods that I normally see in builds for it. It does pretty well with drifting contact. I like the speed vs Galatine P, but the damage is quite a bit less. It seems on par with Orthos P though. 

  5. Thanks all. I took a long break from this game, so just getting back in. I'm closing in on MR10, and will certainly keep both of these. I'll have to check to see if I have hunter munitions, though I don't think so. 

    I haven't gotten into the riven stuff yet. My old void build was just a reactor'd Rhino with a forma'd Tonbo (with a nice stance). 

  6. So 2 days ago I finally got the BP for Paris Prime, and started the build. Then last night I pulled Dread BP in a void mission, built it too. Now they are both sitting there at level 0. Which is better? I only really have the Amprex as a high end primary. Will either of these replace it?

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