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Posts posted by Ailyene

  1. I didn't fail but this sortie was certainly harder than normal and I even died once when I solo'd with Rhino since I didn't think I'd lose 53k Iron Skin faster than I could hack as Operator (6s) before switching back to the frame.

    When I did it a couple more times with various pug groups I noticed the dropship instant downs just about anything not a tank frame, it could even kill my 14k HP cat that had like 1k armor.  I tried to destroy the turrets but they just instantly regenerated half the time, certainly this must be the real boss of the encounter.

    I do this with Inaros usually since he can still outheal anything here with Arcane Grace and Ambulace still gets oneshot without buffs.  I'd use Wukong though if its Radiation since I'd need to tank teammates as well in that situation.  Just a couple Pox hits and a headshot or two from a good primary does it in usually.

    I actually find this Sortie a pretty refreshing change of pace whenever it shows up, I usually re-run it a couple times to see what people bring.

  2. It will add a '90% Resistance' on top of Halo's 90% damage reduction but 'Resistance' is not the same as pure 'Damage Reduction' and most attacks are composed of IPS damage types instead of just one as well.  I don't think it effects the decrease of Halo's 'hp' though from attacks.

    Adaptation will probably only average around ~50% damage reduction against most IPS attacks (IPS includes almost every attack you will encounter), possibly more VS. Corpus (Puncture) or less VS. Grineer/Infested (Impact/Slash).

    As I've said in another thread:

    Adaptation applies an additive boost to your pre-existing shield/flesh health resistances.

    For example Warframe 'Flesh' has -50% resistance to Toxin so once this is fully stacked to +90% you will have 40% total resistance to Toxin (total of 60% damage reduction against a pure Toxin damage attack).

  3. 1 hour ago, (XB1)D00M INCARNATE said:

    I had the same lack luster feeling when I was playing with Nova's 1st ability and Mirage's 3rd ability for damage reduction.

    I'm now realizing that I must not understand something about "damage reduction". Anyone care to explain?

    Oh I didn't see this, I'll try to explain Mirage too.

    Mirage's Eclipse UI value that you see when you cast it is just the potential maximum you can get.

    The real damage increase/decrease changes dynamically based on the game's perception of how bright or dark it is where you are standing.  

    You will very very rarely get past 1/3 the displayed damage buff or have actual 95% damage resistance as Mirage from Eclipse.

  4. 34 minutes ago, (XB1)D00M INCARNATE said:

    I just realized this mod says "resistance" not "reduction"....what's the difference?

    It applies an additive boost to your pre-existing shield/flesh health resistances.

    For example Warframe 'Flesh' has -50% resistance to Toxin so once this is fully stacked to +90% you will have 40% total resistance to Toxin (total of 60% damage reduction against a pure Toxin damage attack). 

    Stacks additively with other sources of Resistance like [Aviator], letting you reach 100% to most single type damage sources with an unranked [Aviator] while floating if you want to test it out.


  5. He can't be armor stripped by primary status effects (unless that got changed) so I usually use either Oberon or a Sarpa with [Shattering Impact] mod to quickly strip his armor which lowers his defense so low that even with EE modifier I'm hitting 5 digits with a 1x combo Rubico Prime modded for Radiation.

    Any high burst damage weapon would probably work well on him after removing his armor, I usually use a Vaykor Hek but without his armor it doesn't really matter too much.  If you don't have a way of removing his armor, buffing yourself (Roar/Vex Armor/ect) and/or debuffing him (M.Prime/Temporal Blast/ect) is the way to go I think.


  6. What's going on is that the Operator and Operator 'Melee' are both taking a share of the affinity much like it would be if you were trying to level a secondary weapon while equipped with a melee on a warframe.

    When gaining shared/objective affinity 25% of the affinity goes to the Operator and then the remaining 75% is split evenly between the Amp and presumably 'Void Blast'.  Of course all the affinity going to anything other than the amp is wasted.

    I also prefer sleep farming for my Amp levels.  Went through all the Fortuna amps in 1~2 runs each of Telesto, Saturn when they got released, especially easy if you have the Propa/Shraksun scaffolds on the Amp.  Finish anything that gets alerted on the warframe instead of Operator to maintain the stealth kill bonus on Operator.

    • Like 1
  7. You can also proc Virtuous Fury with Void Dash too, I think each dash counts as two status procs if you do it next to the Eidolon's hitbox.  The knockback effect probably is what is being counted as the status proc for that.

    What I do in public/solo is I alternate between Void Dash and Void Strike; with Madurai, Void Dash does void damage and with macro it does 10+ hits per second giving me decent downtime DPS in public groups.

    I feel which amp arcane is better kind of depends on your circumstances, I think Shadow might be better for organized play with a Volt while Fury generally averages better damage by most calculations otherwise that I've seen, pre-Fortuna amps anyways.

    In public groups which I've played in, Fury feels like it just works better to me.  In organized play though, the goal is to just get the shield down in basically one hit so Shadow is better there to make the most of Volt shields.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Lutesque said:

    But I can still go for the Certus Brace... That would make 2-2-4 the best one right ?


    Also doesn't Propa Scaffold Crit alil harder the than the Shraksun ? Or does all the Crit come from The Brace ?

    Yeah, the Certus Brace is the best brace in my opinion.

    And yep, the Propa has 10% more base critical than the Shraksun so its a bit more likely to crit (same crit damage muliplier though).  But its not really worth it in my opinion unless you know what you are doing with very specific team setups since you are only getting 3 shots out of it at best, so if the Eidolon shield doesn't go down from those 3 shots its a huge DPS loss.

    You are onto something with the Brace as well, the brace adds to base crit so it works evenly with all Amps.  It makes even the Shwaak a workable crit Amp despite its 10% base crit and 1.6x crit multiplier.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Lutesque said:

    And that brings me to my next Amp I wana build.... Propa Scaffold and Certus Brace...


    Thats a 2-4-4 right ?  9000 Void damage with a 30% Crit Chance... is this a practical build ?

    I really didn't like Propa Scaffold when I tried it against Eidolons.

    It only gets 3 shots before running out of energy with maxed Inner Gaze waybound and the potential shield damage (522~1926 with Virtuos Fury) is not much different than Shraksun Scaffold (710~1959 with Virtuos Fury) in my testing which gets 14 shots before running out of energy.

    Also Propa does self damage, without the proper EHP increasing waybounds and arcanes I heard Operators often kill themselves with it.

    • Like 1
  10. I don't think the EE.Log is perfectly accurate in recording either damage or current HP at death, it seems to often default to recording the incoming damage as 1 and I've gotten weird numbers for current HP that should not be possible before.  Its still good if you randomly die from nothing and need to make sure that you really did die from nothing though, which has been an issue in Arbitrations in the past.


    More often than not when people get oneshot in Arbitrations its from from underestimating the enemy in my experience.  

    I.e. Even with Blessing a Toxic Ancient does enough damage to kill most non-tank frames anyways, and all enemy snipers can land both critical hits and headshots so they may do up to 4 times more damage than 'normal' for themselves.

  11. I don't know if others have this issue, but for me the Schwaak doesn't get nearly as many hits on the larger Eidolons making it generally worse for me.  Also the Shwaak would often randomly stop doing any multi-hits at all on those for me as well.

    Other than those, the other reason is probably critical chance\critical damage, most of the damage comes from critical hits as an Eidolon's unusual dynamic damage reduction greatly reduces the damage of non-critical hits and criticals are also needed to take advantage of Volt's shield.  (Shwaak has 30% critical, Shraksun 40%, and Propa 50%)

    On the Gantulyst I get 3~4 hits with Shraksun and 6~8 hits with Shwaak but it also tends toward only 2~3 Multi if not perfectly lined up.


    Shraksun with Fury:
    236~705 - Punch-through Initial
    159~237 - Punch-through Multi 1~4x (Teralyst Only)
    315~1017 - Explosion

    710(1x) - Non-Critical Damage
    1959(1x) - Potential Maximum Critical Damage

    Shwaak with Fury:
    263~664 - Initial Hit
    172~227 - Punch-through Multi 2~7x

    607(2x)~1376(7x) - Non-Critical Damage
    1118(2x)~2253(7x) - Potential Maximum Critical Damage

    Propa with Fury:
    522~1926 - Damage

    I am too lazy to calculate the average damage but they seem pretty close to me, just that Shraksun is more reliable for crits and easier to use.


  12. Friendly reminder that Adaptation gives up to 90% '<Type> Resistance' not 90% 'Damage Reduction' and applied toward Warframe Shield/Flesh health types.

    An example is that Toxin starts out at -50% Resistance so with Adaptation at maximum stacks the Warframe has 40% Toxin Resistance, so its less effective against Slash/Toxin.    Its total damage reduction is capped at 90% (under most situations) so its usually not possible to get 100% damage reduction (on its own) even if Flesh\Shield is naturally strong against a damage type (Impact\Puncture).

    My two cents is that Adaptation is somewhat situational and better against some (Corpus\Sentient) than others (Infested\Grineer).  Usually better against single damage type attacks, Puncture (since Ferrite is so weak against this), and multi-hit attacks (shotguns).

    Also the mod has some bugs to take into account: It stops working if you die and it might have reduced effects against some damage types; like against Shields I noticed it only blocks 45% Impact damage instead of the expected 60% at 90% Impact Resistance.

    Whether its right for a frame and situation depends, others have already broken down those details better than me and I'm not really an expert with high end tanking since no in-game situation really ever calls for me to tank more than level 136 mobs.  And those Overtakers and Snipers can only hit between 4~15k EHP at those levels.



    • Like 1
  13. I didn't really like the Propa after trying it out, its kind of annoying to get the most out of it and it feels like it does less damage than the T2 scaffold.

    Against the Teralyst, Propa Scaffold did 522~1926 damage a shot.  Virtuos Fury was used here for the sake of comparison and since its much easier to proc (spamming Void Dash); Virtuos Strike\Shadow seemed too difficult to use with it when I tried them so I'm not sure if those would be any more optimal, Propa also only has 2~3 shots\chances to take advantage of those buffs due to energy drain.  Not sure if the new crit brace actually does anything right now, I wasn't feeling it at all.

    Also against the Teralyst, the T2 Scaffold did 159~315 x2~4 (punch-through) + 236~705 (explosion impact) + 315~1017 (explosion aoe).  Virtuos Fury was used since it has seemingly 100% innate Impact Proc.

    So against the Teralyst the T2 seems to do more damage due to multi-hit punch-through and the explosion dealing two damage values but since it only does like 1~2 extra hit(s) on the larger Eidolons the Propa Scaffold damage is closer on those.   But even on a per shot basis against those the T2 scaffold seems to do more damage if you add up the numbers.  The only redeeming factor seems to be higher base crit but the lack of multi-hit makes it totally hit or miss.

    X2X Amp (Fury): 315 + 705 + 1017 = 2037

    X7X Amp (Fury): 1926, or 2361 with Virtuos Strike, and 1449 Virtuos Shadow or without Arcane

    Anyways, this is just my opinion after trying both out for just a couple minutes and comparing them.  Pretty sure I'm missing something obvious since I haven't hunted an Eidolon in a while, and they have some strange semi-scaling\dynamic defense I never understood.


  14. 5 hours ago, zaonyth said:

    Damn , lucky you, coming up on 200 kills and still nothing... Small question : have you maxed the vox solaris reputation ? I'm trying to find out if there are any pre-requisites for dropping it or if its  just insanely bad luck.

    I can't speak for them but I know that I got it before maxing out Vox Solaris at least.

    All my runs were solo so there wasn't anyone else there either. 

    I had gotten lucky and got it in the first 50 kills before I even knew it could drop from it, took me until my 123rd kill to get Critical Focus though...  Feels like RNG has a desire sensor sometimes.

    • Like 2
  15. Yeah, I've encountered this Corpus adaption of Combat Formation Bravo as well.


    When they stack up, their shields overlap and protect each other making it more difficult to destroy either.  

    Also when the bottom pylon is destroyed the top one remains floating in mid-air leaving it much more difficult to attack still.




    Another instance of it, also at the same location:


    This appears to be the result of both pylons being fired in the same trajectory. 

    While both of these pictures show it on the same location on the mountain, I've seen it happen on the building nearby; also at this Profit Taker spawn location, too.



  16. 1 hour ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    Before I start, please believe me when I say I'm genuinely not being a nay-sayer for no reason, I'm genuinely confused and trying to take this on good faith.

    There has never been any mention of this, and I say this after spending the hours before replying to you reading through patch notes.

    First off, I'm absolutely shocked, because where:

      Hide contents

    Main ability description:

    Mirage adapts to the lighting conditions of her surroundings, gaining a maximum of 115% / 125% / 150% / 200% weapon damage while bathed in light, or reducing incoming damage by a maximum of 25% / 40% / 60% / 75% and reducing enemy accuracy while in the shadows. The effect lasts for 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 seconds.

    • Maximum damage bonus and damage reduction are affected by Ability Strength, and the damage reduction cannot exceed 95% under any circumstances.
    • The damage buff grants a multiplicative bonus that's applied to a weapon's total damage (e.g., with a maxed Intensify and a weapon that inflicts 250 total damage, a rank-3 Eclipse will increase the weapon's total damage to a maximum of 250 × (1 + 2 × 1.3) = 900).
    • The damage reduction is not affected by Toxin b Toxin damage.
    • Duration is affected by Ability Duration.
    • Mirage is encased in a white reflective surface while in light. Her body partially fades away and emits smoke while in shadows.
    • Holograms from Hall of Mirrors do not gain Eclipse's damage bonus.
    • The damage bonus from Eclipse does not apply to any damage bonus from elemental augments like Shock Trooper; both will be applied separately.
    • Has a casting delay of 1 second.
      • Mirage can resist knockdown during the casting delay.
    • Can be recast while active to refresh the duration.
    • Companions are not affected by Eclipse.

    I literally double-checked my points before I replied to you, this is nowhere on the wiki at all, and is nowhere else on Reddit or the Warframe official sites either.

    And second:

    I'm going to have to double-check you on this, because written numbers are not screenshot numbers. Unfortunate, but true, and I'm not saying this because I'm being difficult. I have to be empirical here, and anecdotal notation is not evidence.

    Thanks for making me go back to this, making me doubt is the best way to make me double-check the workings, but I do not have any reason to believe you so far.

    I'll have to get back to you after the holidays, because this... is strange and if it's true I'll be sure to spread it around to newer players. Until then, all situations I've observed so far, including up to running Mirage Prime for three months after her release (and then dropping her because I love my Zephyr...) is that her abilities are polarised to either/or, not qualitative.


    Oh, looks like it was just removed by user "Fragile Codes" on October 30th this year.

    The line "Damage bonus or resistance is determined by environmental lighting at Mirage's current position." was part of the article ever since it was created by "USouLz" on October 11, 2014 until then.

    And yeah, its understandable to have doubts and no offense is taken.  I wholeheartedly support retesting Eclipse and think skepticism is healthy.

    If you just have like 5 minutes though, that's just about all it takes to load up Warframe and see the numbers are nowhere near what they say they are and change depending on where you stand.


    Anyways, it looks like another wiki user just reverted the other user's change so its back in the Warframe Wiki page again.


    If you want a post specifically from Reddit on the issue back from 2016:


    Edit 2:

    There are actually an enormous number of threads on this in the forums here its just that they get archived so they don't show up in normal searches anymore like these:


    Also a bunch of people not knowing that it scales to lighting and reporting it as a bug:


    • Like 2
  17. 34 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    Actually, no, in the entire time since her release, I've never seen a patch note that says anything about this. And believe me, I read them all.

    Unless this is a secret nerf, Mirage has always been polarised, either in the dark or in the light.

    Could you show me your testing, please? Because there is absolutely nothing, ever, in her patches to suggest this is the case.


    Well, here's the numbers I recorded from poking a turret in PoE last year.  Its not like its new information that it scales to lighting\darkness since its been on the wiki page on it for years now.



    Using Mk1 Braton w/Serration vs. Lvl.16 Turret with 746% displayed bonus:
    38 damage unmodified damage against turret (No Buffs)

    48 damage - Standing in Floodlight at night/morning (26% damage bonus)
    48 damage - 75m of day left  (26% damage bonus vs. 746% displayed bonus) [Standing in Floodlight]
    50 damage - 70m of day left (32% damage bonus)
    129 damage - 65m of day left (240% damage bonus)
    175 damage - 60m of day left (360% damage bonus)
    222 damage - 55m of day left (484% damage bonus)
    246 damage - 50m of day left (547% damage bonus)
    256 damage - 47m of day left (573% damage bonus)
    260 damage - 45m of day left (584% damage bonus) [Perfectly Midday]
    240 damage - 40m of day left (532% damage bonus)
    232 damage - 35m of day left (510% damage bonus)
    208 damage - 30m of day left (447% damage bonus)
    150 damage - 25m of day left (295% damage bonus)
     70 damage - 20m of day left (84% damage bonus)
     90 damage - 15m of day left (137% damage bonus) [Standing in Floodlights from now on, too dark for damage buff normally now]
     60 damage - 10m of day left (58% damage bonus)
     48 damage - 05m of day left (26% damage bonus)




    I couldn't find all the numbers I wrote down for damage reduction but the numbers I found should still be enough to show that its not a static 95%


    308% Power Strength, Level 31 Grineer Scorpion in Hydron, Overhead Swing attack only :

    Test 1:

    1056 > 855 (199 damage) <- Unbuffed (0% DR)
    1056 > 965 (91 damage) (60%) <- Random location.
    1056 > 955 (101 damage) (50%) <- Random location.
    1056 > 936 (120 damage) (40%) <- 1 meter off from 95% reduction location.
    1056 > 1046  (10 damage) (95%) <- 'Darkest' parts of map, found a few more pockets.  They did not always make sense, some are clearly light sources rather than shadow.

    Test 2: (New Instance)  All points are within a 5m area of a 95% damage reduction shadow to test how fast it can change.

    330 > 129 (201 damage) <- Unbuffed (0% DR) Different numbers but just going to assume 200 damage.
    330 > 320 (10 Damage) (95%) <- Actually a source of light but game counted it as shadow
    330 > 285 (45 damage) (77.5%) <- 1m away from that.
    330 > 265 (65 damage) (67.5%) <- 1m off from the 95% reduction zone, in another direction
    330 > 240 (90 damage) (55%) <- Random data sampling.
    330 > 230 (100 damage) (50%) <- Random data sampling.
    330 > 223 (107 damage) (46.5%) <- Notable that this is the only non-neat number.
    330 > 190 (140 damage) (30%) <- Lowest reduction within 5m of a 95% reduction zone.


    • Like 1
  18. Yeah, I'm thankful for that too. 

    My PC is too potato to run OV well in a squad so I am pretty much forced to solo if I want to load into OV in decent time.

    But it also lets me take my time and enjoy the encounter at my own pace without feeling rushed by others or worrying that I am pushing the encounter too fast for less geared players.

  19. 4 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    Her 3 is simple and fun when you know exactly where Light and Dark are. In the dark it's straight-up damage reduction. Don't listen to the description saying that she's 'harder to hit' enemies will still hit you, but for up to 95% reduced damage, it's pretty good. And in the Light it turns into damage boosting for you, which is also functionally amazing as it's Multiplicative, not Additive, to the weapon's total damage. A weapon that deals around 250 damage per shot will deal 900 with just an Intensify equipped, and the bonus can easily get you over 4x damage boosting on your modded weapon. 

    Best of all, while Eclipse is active you can actually tell whether you're in the Light or the Dark; Mirage visually changes if you're in one or the other. In the Light she glows and in the Dark she becomes smoky and partially see-through. Mirage Prime is even better, because she has additional effects that happen in the Light or the Dark. Keep it up as much as you can, because Eclipse plus Hall of Mirrors is a heck of a lot of survivability and a heck of a lot of damage, just not at the same time ^^


    This is a common misunderstanding unless they recently changed her.

    The Dark buff of Eclipse is both scaled and capped by the level of shadow she is standing in, this means it usually requires far more than just an intensify to achieve 95% reduction (if its even possible in the shadow she is standing in) and in most shadows she is capped at a far lower number, possibly as low as 5% reduction.  As it always displays '95%' reduction the only way to find the actual damage reduction would be to actually get hit and calculate it based on the damage taken, which is made even more impractical with how wildly it changes with even a few steps.

    Similar mechanics apply to her Light Eclipse buff, it is scaled to light levels and was very difficult to get it past even 1/3 its displayed value in my tests.  The most extreme disparity between displayed and actual buff was in PoE at night where a 746% displayed damage bonus only gave a 26% actual bonus.

    • Like 1
  20. I had tested out Mirage a while ago and I feel that at minimum it should tell us what percentage of buff we are actually getting from her.

    Like for a bit more than half the time in the Plains her Damage Buff Eclipse for me displays a 746% bonus but gives a 26% actual bonus.  Scaling for it is debatable too, as its almost impossible to get it to even 1/3 the displayed buff outside of an open world map or Simulacrum.

    Her Damage Reduction Eclipse Buff is even worse, while its actually possible to get to 95% damage reduction in some shadows, most shadows cap her damage reduction at much lower numbers (this is irregardless to power strength).  The lowest I've recorded the reduction cap to was a mere 5% reduction while still displaying the damage reduction as 95%.


  21. Adaptation seems to work fine for me until I die, then it stops working till the end of the mission.

    Level 125 Elite Overtaker does ~1550 damage without Adaptation and 155 damage per bolt with 90% Blast\Electric resistance.  After death it goes back up to ~1550 damage per bolt regardless of Adaptation's resistance and stays like that until I exit the instance.

  22. Yeah, I can confirm that this is happening when I do it too.

    All the Orb Mother loot drops are duplicated when leaving squad.


    I don't know if this says much since I solo'd 95%+ of the Orb Mother's I've kills so far, but finding a public group to test this out in was pretty hard since the hosts kept leaving.  Its possible that a lot of people are doing this now and so no one wants to be host so they can exploit it.  (So would probably be better for Public games if they either get the fix out soon or just disable the drops temporarily, if its that big an issue.)

  23. Not sure if this is your situation but if you are farming toroids at different locations,  the enemy scaling will be different too.  Enrichment Lab is slowest and Temple of Profit is fastest.

    If you are looking for faster scaling you can take a max level bounty before tripping the alert, consistently takes 11 minutes for me to reach level cap at Enrichment Lab or 7 minutes at Temple of Profit like that.  Number of beacons does not seem to matter for me for scaling.

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