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Posts posted by MartianGHunter

  1. 7 minutes ago, (XB1)TyeGoo said:

    The difference is easy, all tasks can be done in minutes, some even under 60 seconds, liches however, with bad luck and screwed spawns can turn into 6+ hours.

    Unacceptable. I really thought they would not #*!% up more with nightwave and they just did.

    And there's still no feature of declining and re-rolling acts.

    This is not really true even on a bad roll of luck this takes maybe 3hours max solo if you have all the requiem mods and I would I had two unlucky runs in a row and it took me 3 play sessions (1hour where I do other things along kuva liches) where I would find all the mods but get the order wrong.

    And like others have mentioned this is optional content you can skip all the tasks you don't wnat to do and still get max rank.

    • Like 2
  2. 52 minutes ago, MollAgdeduba said:

    Yea... but in a single mission yuo can farm houndred of the guys that drop condition overload. and you can also desecrate them, you can use khora and hydroid, you can cut them in half or more for have a fast farm.

    Railjack don't have a nekros, don't have a khom don't have any farm skill. The mission is not endless and the spawn is 30/60 fighter for each mission (and for complete one you have to lost a lot of time killing crewship and destroy turbine or cannon or other). But most important the mob you are looking for is rare. This means that you can find 1 or 2 in a single mission, no more 

    Result: you can kill 1 of this mob every 5 minutes (if you are lucky enought that mission work well and the host has a decent railjack and the team know what to do [and also this is rare])

    But it still takes atleast a few hours like even with boosters it takes forever. And this is the first few missions of RJ like early days of Warframe like multishot mods in the early days took forever to acquire so there is nothing new here we as players are now just moving the goal posts as to what is acceptable this is now just a time of patience and grinding it out like we do with every single mod in the game

  3. I agree with OP but I think individual extraction should be implemented. Sorry that's happening to you OP but I suggest once mission in PUGs unless you communicated with team before go to nav and head straight to drydock to avoid grieving 

    • Like 4
  4. 14 minutes ago, Felsagger said:


    I will not use harsh words critiquing a company or a developer. I have my ways of being explicit without being hostile or offensive. In a company we have human beings that works their back for a salary and such humans deserves respect and recognition for their labor. They earned their salary doing 3d modeling, motion capture, story boarding, thousands of code lines and compiling, sound effects, 3d animation and architectural stage design. DE has a long tradition of game development and expertise in their delivery. 

    We are here to point out how we feel about the game without insulting any individual in the company or lashing out hate against any member here in particular. A community should be build on respect but sadly there is power, interest and conflict of interests in the world we live in. I will not tolerate any member here being offensive towards other team of individuals who works their back for a fair salary. However I will not accept either how a company guile the customers promising a product in an advertisement and then neglecting the delivery of fair quality. 

    I can agree with you here.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

    Missing the point why players are against LoR/JV return, as @Tinklzs said: you don’t like them? Just don’t play them.

    Actually I think you missing other people's point Raids where poorly implemented and had a tendency to break every update due to low player interaction the devs made the decision they were not worth maintaining in their current state moved all their rewards out of the gamemode and removed them. They will not be returning in old state which is what we  think the OP wants and alot of us well speaking for myself I would not have them return if they were to come back in their original an I think thats everyone point they were not fun for the majority of the community and as some one who ran a couple of the with the raid school bus they just a terrible gamemode in general.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

    I feel sorry for Bioware. They had it with Mass Effect but EA came in and you know the rest. It became "ASTRONOMIA" and the dancing guys with the coffin for BioWare. 

    Warframe helped me understand other games mechanics. And other games helped me see what Warframe is doing. I think Warframe is a fresh F2P that gets better with age when you combine it with other games. Playing it as the only game can cause fatigue. 

    I couldn't agree more, I see it every time I come back from playing Dead Cells and other free to play games.

    • Like 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

    In my own experience, it's almost always been fairly explicit as just 'go away'.

    True, but usually there's a constructive way to talk about it.

    For example - why not first person. Instead of 'because Warframe isn't a first person game, go play an FPS', you can say why it's a first person game. It's a game with a large amount of movement that would have some get motion sick and First Person limits the field of view in a game very much designed for a wider perspective due to attacks from multiple directions.

    Thing is though some of these points are kinda expected knowledge wouldn't you say, like if they are looking for a first person experience would directing them to a game that better suits that needs be better than trying to defend why the game was designed in 3rd for the reasons you stated above, wouldn't the former be more helpful.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

    In the context of a debate around feedback, the 'go play something else' card is usually played irrespective of the point or the person making it. It's basically used as just "I disagree with you, go away".

    People are entitled to their opinions, and discussion of those opinions. Including what they think the game should be, or how current events are affecting it.

    I think there is 2 fold argument here feedback is fine and thats an opinion so you can't use go play something else. But asking for the game's fundamental concepts and design to change to accomodate you warrants a go play something e.g. when people ask for Warframe to be made into 1st person or to slow down combat for example those are fundamentally opposed to the design of the game such that you would be better off playing something else

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  9. 18 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

    Burned out players is one thing. I've got nothing against telling somebody who's saying something along the likes of 'this has lost it's lustre, I'm starting to hate the game' to take a break and only come back if or when they want to. I've even suggested it on a few occasions of really angry forumites.


    When it's being said as a response to criticism, however (something along the lines of 'you don't like what this game is so go play something else') it's usually in lieu of counter-criticism. You'll usually see it in the form of "I want more challenge for X reason" and instead of suggesting potential reasons why lower difficulty might be healthier, or why the reason given isn't worth the downsides or any other form of debate, the response is "that's just what Warframe is, go play something else". That's not a constructive point.

    Wanna touch on this for a moment while I do agree Warframe needs "difficult" content I also am caught in two minds why play a game that you know doesn't have the challenging content you desire why not play a Nioh 2 which will throw you to a brick wall and then some why demand that from a game that has been designed to accomodate the gameplay you desire


    9 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    No, it was the best when you weren't being overly critical and played the game for what it was. I'm not saying the game is perfect by any means, but its the same flawed game its always been. Devs arent suddenly incompetent and trying to make you hate the game. Game didnt suddenly become more grindy, and theres just as much bugs now as before. 

    I strongly agree with this for me Warframe has only gotten better with time and I started playing when we had stamina and God awful graphics and less powerful frames.

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  10. 1 hour ago, NightmareT12 said:

    Because when used as an argument it can sound (and usually used) in a complete dismissive way of arguments that try their best (even when they don't sound like it) to highlight very valid points. AKA makes them feel like you're telling them to just shut up and go away because they don't matter anymore.

    That obviously doesn't invalidate the fact that people should take a break when they feel there's nothing in game.

    I fully understand that during someone's criticism of the game and what needs to be addressed this is not a valid point to raise. But lately I have been noticing that a lot of threads aren't even feedback its people blaming the game for making them unhappy(over simplifying) which I find ridiculous, and is a clear sign that they should step away.

    • Like 4
  11. Basically title. Like I see so many posts bashing the game after someone has invested thousands of hours into the game and you can clearly see that this player is just tired and bored as you can only play 1 game for so long. So why do they get mad when they told to go play other games.

    Heck I think its healthy for players to not focus solely on playing Warframe essentially when you stop enjoying it because first and foremost this game is meant to be fun and when you stop having fun its okay to stop playing.

    Personally experience right now I have % other games(Path of Exile, Dauntless, Dead Cells, Shadow of War, Football Manger 20) that I have been playing and enjoying because currently I have no reason to play the game. It doesn't make the game bad if anything it shows how amazing DE is for making a game that can keep players invested for thousands of hours which a lot games can't manage at all.

    I don't maybe I am the crazy but playing only Warframe can not be fun. But would love to hear other people's thoughts? And what other games are you playing right now and how much fun are you having in those games>

    • Like 23
  12. Warframe isn't bad people's expectations have changed and are clouded. If people genuinely remembered Warframe of 5 or 6 years ago that was a bad game with a lot of potential now Warframe has fulfilled a lot of that potential. Most likely a lot of older players are just tired of the game after playing something for 1000+ hours its time to put it down and do something else.

    Warframe is first and foremost a game which means when you stop having fun its time to put it away and move on. 

    For me, I play much much less but still have as much fun as I always have I think its time DE focused on connecting the islands to make the grind more streamlined and allow players to grind through multiple avenues.

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  13. 44 minutes ago, Smilomaniac said:

    It's a stupid opinion and here's why people keep playing and/or complaining about something they feel isn't fun anymore:

    1. Because they love Warframe despite the actual bad updates.
    2. Because they've sunk money/time into the game.
    3. Because their online community is in the game and to stop playing the game means to stop hanging out with friends.
    4. Because even though some of the game is bad, doesn't mean all of it is; You can do stuff apart from the new things.

    It's always good to take a break from something you've spent a lot of time on, but sometimes you have to speak up as well, especially when things are obviously not going that well.
    Nothing is so sacred it can't be criticized, especially not a product.

    Firstly you didn't even read my post properly and yet you call it stupid. The internet ladies and gentlemen.

    My point wasn't ;leave the game but don't engage in poor game mechanics if and when yu don't enjoy them because surprise surprise it gives DE the wrong statistical view of player engagement.

    Because your point 4 is what I am telling people engage with content you enjoy. So how exactly is my opinion stupid when repeat what I have already stated 🤦‍♂️

  14. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)MandlorPrime said:

    Sure. Had a friend who hasn't logged in in over 734 days. Because he rather play games that value his time. That value doesn't exist in Waitframe at the moment. 

    All my classmates who I started playing 5 of my mates don't play any more they haven't logged in like 1500 days why because they stopped enjoying the game.


    Point is I agree with you

  15. 5 minutes ago, DerGreif2 said:

    People care about the game and want to play it. Its not about having other games to play its because they love the game. And RJ and also the Lich system where just wasted development time because the actual playtime you got out of these two dont match with the actual content there is to do. They worked years on RJ and it is about 2 days worth our playtime. DE messed up and that in a big way so people are pissed. Sure some like it but in general the game does not get meaningfull updates or even bloody events like other games.


    "Just play somthing else" is the worst answer or advice give to people that case so much about the game that they even post on forums. This answer is a insult and a rad flag for me because it just means: "f you people!" Its nothing more than that. This hole thread is meaningless and just not worth reading. I still wanted to explain it to you want you said. Make the best out of it and maybe creat real topics next time. We have enough white knights that will clap even then updates are empty AF.

    KInda have to disagree a little bit because some people do enjoy Railjack(I don't btw) and some people enjoy Kuva Liches(I do) and the exact numbers only DE will know and they can't innovate with breaking a few eggs for example Trials could have been an amazing End game it wasn't so they tried again Conclave could have been great but its terrible and might never get better but the fissures and the new star chart are great but we would have never had them had they not tried something new and all this is subjective you have your reasons for not enjoying RJ and Kuva liches lt the Devs know why in as constructive manner.


    Not saying playing something else literally said play the parts of Warframe you enjoy and leave those you don't so that DE knows statistical what the playerbase isn't engaging with on top of your feedback

  16. 8 minutes ago, (XB1)MandlorPrime said:

    Let me reiterate. OP said, you stopped playing for 3 months and missed nothing of value. Therefore IMO if there is no value in your play time then there is nothing to play for. As far as playing litches as a stress reliever? That's absolutely #*!%ing mental to me. To each there own I suppose. 

    Value is subjective though in a video game someone may find Cosmetics valuable content whilst another finds a new island i.e. Railjack valuable content for me Kuva Liches valuable content which I am going to play because I value it. Hence why I am encouraging people to engage with content they value and give feedback on content they don't value and not waste their time on said content

  17. Just now, AuroraSonicBoom said:

    If you never give any criticism to anything and just "focus on the positives" you're getting dícked over in the long run because you allow devs to get away with more and more bad choices. Yes, I'm assuming malice here instead of incompetence, because its unrealistic to assume a game dev wouldn't be aware of what kind of feedback a choice like adding another form of RNG to all that exists in the game will garner.

    What is a bad choice versus a subjective opinion? Reason. That's why there's a difference between "I dont like it, stop it!" threads, and "I dont like it because X, Y and Z."

    Once again as I stated in the main post I have given my fair share of negative critisim what I am asking is why engage with a "bad piece" of content when you know you don't enaging with when you can wait for it to fixed 

    e.g. Railjack was roken for from the get on and looked on the forums someone had state the problem I was having so I didn't engage with it until it was fixed enough for me to try it. Now I can atleast play some missions I am not happy with the economy but haven't enough to give detailed feedback but upvoting evey topic that addresses but I am Dev bashing or raging every 2nd post I am just engaging with content worth my time for the moment

  18. 3 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:

    Because 2.5 people played raids. Or conclave.

    So its easy for you to say "dont play it" when its already a side dish. But when the mainline updates or core mechanics suck, how the f can you ignore it? No matter how much you ignore things like operators, they arent going anywhere, and now blasted railjack that is so trash its a miracle it will be playable at any point in the future but all 2020 updates will revolve around it. And if all updates revolve around it, it means if you hate it, you're stuck with 7 years old game without updates, survivving on some nightwave i guess.

    Railjack can actually be sidelined because it isn't intergated into the main gameplay loop and I believe it was on purpose because they knew it wouldn't be balanced. Like I have my issues with the game as some who started Warframe 6 years ago I was playing back when we didn't have a liset and just picked missions. When frost prime had a 1% drop chance.


    And you are not stuck with Warframe this game is one of the few games that has actually evolved and truly evolved with time and will continue to evolve.

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