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Posts posted by ZenDash

  1. This mission mode has gotten so stale that i'm certain i'm not the only one who has a dedicated speedva build loadout slot for it

    Worst is when several enemies get stuck somewhere on multi-floor levels and then of course you have to scoop them out one by one

  2. On 2022-08-11 at 4:03 PM, (PSN)Vexx757 said:

    I`m so glad you said this, I`ll back up your point up with this.


    Now let's see some really engaging operator-only footage, but take away your warframe and that one the second wind ability that's locked to a single focus school and don't shy away from enemies above lvl 40 next time

    You simply cannot convince me that taking away universal operator functionality was a good decision, now you're stuck with just the void cloak egg timer and the amp

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  3. 45 minutes ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

    If they add Operator melee, they'll be forced to continuously update it and make it faster and stronger, because you guys will complain about how slow and clunky it is, and how it ruins the flow of gameplay. 

    Then, what is the point of making Operator melee as fast and as strong as regular melee? You already have strong and fast melee. 

    It's a waste of time. 

    It doesn't have to be a traditional spammy warframe melee, it could be entirely utility based like void blast was or used on an operator centric mission and specific enemies that can only be oneshotted or incapacitated with said melee as an alternative to the amp or void sling

    • Like 2
  4. 5 minutes ago, Leqesai said:

    Still not needed. Operator-melee brings nothing to the table that improves on the current system.

    Personally I think the melee to warframe mechanic that we currently have is far better than whatever wonky version of melee our operator might be capable of.

    What do you plan on meleeing/defending yourself with when transference is blocked in a wide area as we've seen in the zariman? At least back when we had void blast it could've slowed them down to a crawl if not ragdoll, now if your energy for your amp goes out you're screwed basically

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  5. I'm sure you'll do right by the game, I only wish you as a company would steer clear of any more politically related events and stay neutral, you know well what division it brings to a community which is why topics about this were silenced

  6. 31 minutes ago, Zimzala said:

    Most all the angst I see is from very old players - the ones that have 'finished' the game, basically - who just don't have the sense to understand it's their time in the game has passed, not the game itself...

    can't wait for someone to tell you that once you also have "basically" "finished" the game. give it a few years we've all been there.

    people invest a thousand hours or more during which they have playtested the game for you by spotting out various bugs, maybe even spent some of their hard earned cash into the game to help it grow and develop and now you expect them to just **** off? lmao

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  7. The "new" default loadout icons on the majority of frames look like something that came out of a beta version of warframe and was not supposed to be implemented. I hope you'll revert them to the ones we have in the warframe selection screen, because man are they an eye-sore to look at.

    Also UI QoL request: the ability to choose a warframe's skin icon that you own instead of the default one would be nice too




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  8. 4 hours ago, Dakotych said:

    Why not make mind controlled enemy a living suicide bomb. Let it rush and explode doing damage and confusing enemies to fight each other or something.

    This change could actually save Nyx from irrelevancy to atleast partial-irrelevancy, though i'd like to see Mind Control left as a two option ability though. Like if you hit 1 once the enemy remains as your personal bodyguard but hit 1 again while aiming at an enemy squadron and off it goes to send its former comrades flying sky-high.

  9. 10 minutes ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

    If you have it, Reaper Prime is really powerful, and if you forma the stance slot for Stalking Fan, it is a lot of fun to use.

    Just go into melee mode and use the forward block combo. Builds meter quickly and deals a lot of damage.

    if only we had 2 handed scythes, idk what was DE thinking with those discount back scratchers

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  10. I remember this weird bug appearing and staying there since the specters of the rail update or somewhere around that time, can we get this fixed already? Or is it basically warframe lore at this point for warframes to randomly stare at whatever is in the sky, what is it even looking at? Is it sensing some sort of evil sentient spirits spying on us? It's been getting on my nerve for quite some time now as much as i try to ignore it but it's so off-looking, good lord lol


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