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Posts posted by Prexades

  1. As of right now the artillery is pretty useless in higher levels. The gun is not scaling and doesn't have upgrades except one avionic which is not enough to make it useful. My idea would be to give the artillery its own upgrade slot and a few possible variants.

    1. Energy lance aka Thanix. A continues lance of destructive energy that slowly extends when the fire button is held. It is very destructive to anything in its path and melts crew ships as well, even able to strike multiple crewships with a skilled gunner and pilot. But not enough to inflict serious damage to large structures and galleons.

    2. Blast gun aka Plas-even-more: a wave of destructive energy striking everything in front of the Railjack. Large falloff and crewships might need multiple hits to destroy.

    3. EM Pulse. Large range and a bit of spool up time. Can destroy crewships as well because it directly damages the crewships reactor containment bypassing armor. Long range, but its main use is against structures and galleons as it disables their external defenses.

    Oh and at high gunnery the pilot should be able to switch to artillery mode directly from the ships control while still being able to maneuver. Aside from ammunition ussage the artillery could still have a drawback of draining power of the ships systems and cause all normal turrets deal less damage after firing.

  2. vor einer Stunde schrieb DoomFruit:

    It's much, MUCH easier to get a decent AW loadout than it is to get a decent Railjack loadout. I'm ranking things not only on their capabilities, but their availability.

    Ok, there are a lot of misconceptions here. First you dont need a fully equipped RJ yourself. In a group you are always using the hosts one and there are already plenty of people with near full upgrades and looking for crew. Second the Erra quest only requires you to visit the sentient ship when it appears there is almost zero RJ activity required.

  3. I would recommend to always manually form the squads. Public is terrible as there are always trolls and leechers. Set your squad to invite only, NEVER public.

    - Form the squad around the basic roles of pilot, gunner, boarder and engineer and give each team member a primary role before you start

    - honest mistakes are okay to make for everyone. sometimes there is a miscommunication so it pays to be patient and explain stuff

    - if someone is a constant complainer, for example doesn't want to have an assigned role because that never happens in public leave him and reform. He is not worth the trouble

    - mid mission refiners get blacklisted, put on ignore and the team is reformed without them

    - if you find some exceptional people then friend them. Teams of experienced people who now each other always perform better than just a PUG.

    - avoid people who recommend try-hard-wing aka just park the RJ and use 4 AW.

  4. Channeling was indeed removed and the mods changed to a bonus on heavy attacks. However the devs hinted that channeling might return later as a fury mode. I guess we have to wait and see but my guess is that it will be kind of special power unlocked via a story quest.

  5. Had a poor experience today. Pre-formed a group but when we loaded the map one guy dropped from the team which is sadly a common bug. Because I forgot to switch to invite only the group was immediately filled with two randoms who headed straight for the anomaly. Since they had already started killing half of the map without me or most of the team being there I pulled out the hard way by aborting the mission. I hope they lost everything with the host migration.

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