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Everything posted by FacelessEnt

  1. Best to show via ephemeras. From what i gather it looks like the red from the color palettes is mixing with the base energy color of the warframes and ephemera, instead of overriding the base energy color. The protovyre apex ephemera is a good example because the red come through on the second channel but not the first.
  2. So a new skin with dual sword skin. I doubt that is a new signa. That ephemera is amazing. And I guess that is a Wyrm skin.
  3. The Devilish Dex-calibur If I win I will take the Baruuk Prime Bundle. Let's make some good fashion.
  4. I know it's super early to be talking about future Incarnon Adapters, but I hope the Dual Ether and Ether Daggers get on the list for future Incarnons.
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