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Posts posted by ShiraHagane

  1. Guys, stop saying that devaluing effort is a bad reason, we know it's a bad reason, DE knows it's a bad reason, the people who put in the effort know it's a bad reason, it's just DE making you grind 24/7 in the most efficient manner or pay plat.

    Here's some constructive feedback, if you want people to believe that DE listens to their players, you should listen to your players.

  2. why do zephyr, atlas, valkyr, inaros, banshee, ember, Excalibur, frost, hydroid, ivara, loki, mag, mesa, mirage, nekros, nezha, nova, oberon, rhino, saryn, ash, titania, trinity, Vauban, volt, and wukong get to keep their passive in nullifiers, but nidus doesn't?

    (the other frames' passives only affect their abilities, i.e. not actually passives)

  3. 1 hour ago, Cephalon_Esrius said:

    Mutagen Samples are obtainable on two tiles: Eris, and Derelict. Sure, you can't use extractors at the derelict, but they drop more commonly than at Eris as compensation.

    Having around 450... If everyone in a clan contributes roughly that amount, the research is complete. Furthermore, a point of research is for the clan to work together to complete it.

    And DE was aware. They wanted a small gap between release and obtainment, so the content isn't done as soon as it is released.

    Have they overestimated? Yes. Did they have solid reasoning for this estimation? Also yes.

    having around 450, you'd have to have a clan with 100% active players all having that amount, and it can be as much as 100 times that amount depending on how many people are inactive

  4. 6 hours ago, (Xbox One)Demon By Desire said:

    Funny thing though, never does it say it's a polearm, and aren't polarms single-bladed, conventionally used with a chopping motion? 

    not all polearms are single bladed, monks spades like the tipedo are double bladed, oh wait, tipedo is a staff

  5. 7 minutes ago, Starscope5 said:

    So earlier today I was in a normal LOR (Law of Retribution), using my Trinity Prime to EV, and suddenly a player decided that since they were to far away to get Energy, that they would complain about my EV not giving them more energy... Well they took it far enough that they decided they would take this little rage fit outside of the squad so when we finished they PM'ed me calling my playstyle trash and proceeding to insult me. Even if they were the same mastery, now if this were a player that had taken a more light approach rather than straight out lashing at me. I may have listened, but that's not the point of this post...

    My reason for this post is to ask you people (other Trin players), what do you do or (what would you do) if/when this kind of thing happens. Because it happens to me constantly, but that is the first time that anyone has complained about my EV Trin for a good half an hour. So just how do you guys cope with this kind of thing?

    there's this magical little button that appears when you click on someone's name, and it says "ignore"

  6. Just now, (PS4)CactusButtons said:

    There's Primed continuity, primed point blank, primed pressure point, primed flow(not great actually but a +), primed heated charge, primed cryo rounds. I personally like primed fury as it lets me actually use heavy blades, hammers etc as they're to slow of attacking for my play style 

    I was talking about the 400 day log in reward specifically

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