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Posts posted by ShiraHagane

  1. On 22/12/2017 at 5:39 PM, peterc3 said:

    If it was really as simple as building in the main damage mods into the weapons, DE would have done it already. Whining on the forums will not get them to do something they clearly have thought about and not done.

    If it was really as simple as reducing the Hema's research cost, DE would have done it already

    You're implying that DE play their own game and know what would make it better

  2. 23 hours ago, blaes said:

    wiki is actually incorrect, it happens when you try to alt fire during the reload delay (before you start actually loading the shells), whether you emptied the mag with alt fire or normal fire.

    if you empty your mag with alt fire, but wait without trying to alt fire again, it will reload properly.

    Can confirm that you are not correct

  3. I found out the damage was per shot but then I found out that the other ballisticas were listed per burst as well

    also you can't really use it for stealth if as soon as you kill something everything gets alerted by the stupid ghosts

    also, it has a lower status chance than regular ballistica

  4. Like the most

    1 - Chroma (just his 1 needs a change)

    2 - Oberon

    3 - Excalibur

    Like the least

    1 - Wukong (only good for defy and stealth damage bonus)

    2 - Atlas (1 spamming intensifies)

    3 - Limbo (literally just press 4, 2, and go make a sandwich, oh and no guns allowed)

    Thing I like in my squad

    1 - Oberon

    2 - Trin

    3 - Harrow

    Things I think should be entirely removed from the game

    1 - Limbo

    2 - Limbo

    3 - Limbo

  5. What chroma needs before that is a change to spectral scream, at the moment it's just a worse ore gaze, with all the downsides (slow movement speed, scales off different stats than other abilities) and none of the upsides (hard CC, bonus loot).

  6. 1 minute ago, VadiseReikaz said:

    if it didn't have a description people would have complained that it was bland. If it does have one, people complain that it is misleading. "This hooked blade rewards critical hits to those skilled enough to strike with finesse."

    The blade is hooked. Check

    Decent crit chance/status chance. Check

    Main slash damage. Check

    So misleading where.

    what does it mean to strike with finesse?

    because if you look at it simply as saying "muh crits", it literally reads as "...rewards critical hits when you land critical hits."

  7. 3 hours ago, Cicasajt said:

    -jesus christ... stop acting like you are some kind of resource manager at DE. they are releasing new features and fixes all the time. this would take like a day to make.

    -not as hard as you think. especially compared to the rest of the stuff they do

    -solution? thats just how it would work without touching anything. want to be able to switch what? you are talking nonsense

    -yes, im sure that those several things dont exist. so now what? wanna argue about nonexistent things too?

    found the person who doesn't code

  8. 5 minutes ago, VadiseReikaz said:

    It is a sword, it cuts things. It does look nice on some frames, but that is that. If I recall correctly, it does have a somewhat unique stealth animation, but that's it. Why do we need it to be different?

    because the description is misleading and seems to relay that it has some sort of special effect

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