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Posts posted by Rhinobane

  1. With everyone discussing the sortie today, I think I got super lucky with pugs. First defense had a trin to keep the objective alive, I also brought Sancti Magistar/Vazarin but wasn't needed. With the third I ALWAYS take limbo on a Kela mission, and had 3 other Ivaras all using Artemis to kill her. Everything went pretty smoothly.


    They really should get on that limbo and traps stuff though.

  2. I feel like an explosive arrow would be a bit much for a frame who's kit is designed around stealth and subversion. I never thought about changing Noise arrow, because she still has 3 others that are fine everywhere else. I solo a lot, so I get a bunch of use out of noise arrow myself, but I wouldn't mind a tweak to give it an effect on alerted enemies as well, but maybe more of an escape/smokebomb kind of deal.. 


    I dunno, I still personally feel that its fine as is. She essentially has 7 skills, whereas other warframes have 4. 1 out of those 7 being niche/"useless" (2, if you dislike navigator) Is still pretty good overall.

  3. 1st is Ember, loved her since the beginning, she was my first frame aside from starter frame.

    2nd is Ivara. I know she's new, but I absolutely love her play style. Plus its fun to Noise arrow 10-15 enemies to the same spot and use the Kulstar.

    3rd Excalibur. Cause swords and laser beams. Love his Both Offensive and defensive play style.

    4th Nyx. Loved everything about her, still even used her psychic bolts. Sparingly.

    5th. Tough one, but I'm going with Rhino.  I don't play him as often anymore, but he's still one of my favorites. Had some good times stomping and charging.


    Honorable mention: Atlas. I like him too, probably would have had him in the 5th spot, but I just had rhino longer.(Plus that sweet palatine skin didn't hurt any either.)  Skating to enemies to uppercut them and all enemies around them just feels awesome. 

  4. This happened twice to me today, both times with Ivara while using her Bow, but I doubt its because of her. The first time it happened I was running to pick up a teammate who had gone down. I had charges of Vazarin's New Moon left, so I revived them instantly, but when I did, I became completely stuck. I cannot shoot, move, jump, turn, etc. The only thing I am able to do is move forward, and it happens when I press ANY directional key. Or maybe I can't move, I'm unsure, I was facing a wall/object both times and so my forward path was impeded, but I was making the forward walking animation, so I assumed I was able to move forward. 

    The second time happened just recently when I used a New moon charge to pick up my Kubrow, same thing happened, I was completely control locked until I extracted from the mission. Once I'm out of the mission, I can move fine, as if nothing even happened. I can also still go down in this state and be picked up, and using a revive token does not fix it either. Only fix is to extract or leave. This doesn't happen every time I revive, only once in a while.


    Addendum: I mentioned New Moon in this because this has not happened yet when I do not instantly revive, only when using new moon, and even then, rarely.

  5. With Ember being one of my favorite frames, I don't think I'd mind her WoF getting more interactive... But not like Mesa's ring. After all, it is World on fire, not Selective-small-area on fire, that just seems more like a flamethrower to me, or a really awful ignis. If someone had an idea to make it interactive without nerfing it, I'd be all for it.

  6. Don't forget fire's secondary panic effect! 

    ill admit though that toxin's lack of utility effects makes it a bad choice



    you can roll whilst the ability is active to close/open distances (im actually trying to not be condescending here, really sorry if it sounds like im being "mightier than thou")



    i also imagine that spectral scream synergizes well wilth shade's ghost ability. given the fact that abilities don't disrupt it you could get close enough to enemies to hit them all with panic/stun/slow


    Nah, you're fine, I get what you're getting at. I never actually thought about Fire's panic ability, I never find myself using the fire element except when playing ember, and by the point the fire status kicks in they're already dead from a Accellerant + Fireweapon to the face combo. 


    But as I said earlier, using a melee weapon with a fire effect, or with a cold effect, or any effect for that matter is a much better alternative. If anything because you can block with it, mainly because it does a LOT more damage, so even if you are up against higher leveled enemies, you can likely kill the enemy before you really need that status.  And if you're up against an enemy you need the status for, then the 200 dps status blower that can't use the combined elemental statuses isn't really going to serve you well there anyway.


    As others have said, it'd be a much nicer ability overall if it scaled, I'd say even 50% off of (Mainhand, melee?)weapon DPS, it'd be infinitely better than it would now. Mind you it's probably a crappy number there, but point being it needs to scale somehow.

  7. As far as i've used chroma, spectral scream is probably somethng you want for the  status chance rather than actual damage


    I'm not sure I would even use Spectral Scream for that. The status is nice yes, but aside from Electric and Cold, the status isn't really worth it. Especially considering the whole time you're channeling that ability you're widely open to damage, are moving slow, and turn speed is decreased as well with a zoomed in camera, limiting our view, the damage is pretty awful, especially at higher levels, and the range is really limited.  You'd have an easier time placing statuses on an enemy with a melee weapon like the Serro. 


    I can't say for T4 and such, because my Chroma isn't maxed (close, 28) but when I've been to just Jupiter and Eris infested missions, and some Europa corpus missions, I can honestly say I'm shredded before I can even channel the move long enough to matter. Vex Shield negates quite a bit of the damage, but i'd rather have it up and use melee rather than using Spectral Skill.

  8. I think the only community designed melee weapon DE's forgotten about is the Mios. 


    But yes, buffs would be nice. 


    Unfortunately this is really true too. I understand they need to work on new animations and such for a new kind of weapon, but the Venka and the Redeemer have already come out too, two totally new weapons, so... makes me wonder what happened to the Mios. 


    I remember DEDrew once said, "the CHT votes and discussions doesn't mean that they'll be implemented, it's only a survey, but once we decide to make changes we'll look into the votes and see" (or something like that)

    I do agree in needs a buff badly, but what I want is when blocking, it doesn't take any stamina, the blocking system is really broken, and I'd love to see a weapon that fixes that 


    I would like to see a no stamina block as well, but that might come at the cost of no damage buff too. If I had to choose, I'd want a bit of both., but probably moreso on the blocking half.

  9. I've just been wondering if DE has forgotten about it? I remember a while back there was a community hot topic about buffing the Silva & aegis, but I don't think anything ever happened to it. It'd be a shame to just let it die in obscurity, it's a really cool looking weapon, and the current only of its kind. A decrease in stamina used while blocking would be nice, and maybe even a buff to its melee damage. I suppose now it could be a status weapon, but there are still better melee weapons that can do status better than it.


    Oh, also maybe not make the ring of fire cosmetic...? Make it more like the heat sword's fire ring.

  10. My main issue is mostly with not being able to pick up items within cataclysm, but from what I understand, that's a bug? Also, as others have said, Banish being an AoE would help substantially, along with being able to remove yourself from being banished, possibly by rolling/back flipping/etc? At this point I'm just reiterating with what others said, I'm overall happy with Limbo, He's really great for defense and mobile defense.


    Lastly, maybe this is just me, but the effect of being in the rift really hurts my eyes, maybe toning it down a bit, like to just resemble Loki's invisibility effect? Or at least a toggle option for the effects would be nice.

  11. Same thing happened here, sort of. A few friends and I were playing Dark Sector Defense, and two of us went down. The third tried to revive one of us, but he fell through the floor while reviving. The other friend died, and he spawned outside the map when he tried to revive, as did the friend who initially fell through the floor. I was fine though, I spawned normally.

  12. @Trenggiling


    The idea is nice, but even so her shields are too low to do any real damage, and after that she'd be pretty vulnerable, unless the skill also gave her some real room to breath i.e. Knockback or fear. I think the thing is we cant have a skill centered around her low shields, because I mean... They're ABYSMALLY low, not just kinda low. If she has armor, maybe we should use that? Have a skill deal a % of her armor in damage around her, debuffing her armor for a while but gaining health back?


    In general they need to buff her melee damage, both Loki and Ash can out damage her in melee due to how stealth attacks work. Maybe they should just make her do red crits while in hysteria?


    I'm not sure red crits is the solution, only because  as Vandoore said, it might make it too powerful, even for these standards. If the boost it had on it currently worked, I think it would be alright, but according to people in other forum topics, not even the boost that is supposed to be there works currently.


    I'm  using ripline to get close to enemies, seems to work in my favour.

    Yeah needs to be thought out more, just suggesting cause really paralysis is rather blegh.

    maybe instead they bleed a little health to valkyr, or to all surrounding tenno?


    @ohmlink: Red crits in hysteria would make it op, right now I can take on lvl 40 heavies no problem. Because the ulti draws off your melee weapon (my understanding of it anyway) if you use something with higher normal damage and fast attack speed, say the orthos, you can outdo an ash or lok



    I like the sound of a bleeding health to tenno. Maybe even just a taunt that would force enemies into melee range so they can be hit and health restored. I wouldn't even particularly mind the one you suggested, as long as she could get to them, or they came to her. So instead of a fear, have it taunt, and all taunted enemies restore x health to her for every melee attack. Ripline certainly does help though, but chasing enemies down, even with ripline, just wastes energy and time on her skill I feel :( Her 3 is very blah indeed, her 1 and 2 to me are fine.


     i like the fear, and the inmune damage, but as we can see she plays with her health and rage so why no this:

    while the effect of Hysteria is active, she can't die (can recive damage but can't lose more than their 10% total health) and win a lifesteal attack, for every enemy killed she wins a 5% of her max health AND energy, it is not overpowered, is useful, and very tactic

    Sry for the bad english


    I like this idea alot, rewarding her for the damage she can do to enemies. The only thing is that currently, once the skill is over she dies really fast anyway, because Armor does nearly nothing for... anybody really, especially in the higher levels, unless they buff it somehow. I still think she should get some kind of damage shield or invincibility would be nice in Hysteria, but recovering health for killing enemies is an awesome start.

  13. I agree wholeheartedly. A cleave effect on Hysteria would definitely help, but I feel another pressing issue is fixing the Melee bug, because it can effect Hysteria as well. There has been numerous times I've been locked into Hysteria and been unable to do anything but jump kick things because of it. However, bugs aside, a damage boost and some better mobility while in Hysteria would do wonders for the skill.


    Aside from this, Turning 3 into a taunting lifesteal sounds like a fantastic idea. The only downside I can imagine is that Grineer and corpus still might not run into melee range, and allies could kill them before you got the chance to regain life.

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