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Posts posted by Larsurus

  1. I saw this in one of the small rooms leading to the boss platform room at Naeglar.

    The walls were checkered with translucency at a particular distance, but when I moved closer the checkers disappeared. It showed the same problem when I entered the room from the other entrance.




    And if I take a few steps forward...


  2. Why are the alert rewards secret ingame when you have Twitter feeds and an app that reveals what the reward is seconds after the alert appears?


    Is it just to get followers on Twitter and get people to download the app? I see no other logic.


    Personally I'd like to have this info ingame as well.

  3. I've been having lots of fun with my new Flux Rifle and laughing quite alot when Grineer explode into more bodyparts than they should have. I've seen a single Grineer split into 4 pairs of legs (lower body) and 2 or more upper bodies on occasion. How many people have they crammed into those suits of armor? :D


    Edit: Seems Corpus do the same thing (see screen below, that was ONE Corpus who split into 5 legs and 3 upper bodies including heads)


    Edit 2: Also Infected (not chargers)





    noun Cell Biology.

    the usual method of cell division, characterized typically by the resolving of the chromatin of the nucleus into a threadlike form, which condenses into chromosomes, each of which separates longitudinally into two parts, one part of each chromosome being retained in each of two new cells resulting from the original cell.



  4. Personally I never play the alerts that only have credits as a reward. I don't know if there are other plans for these types of alert missions in the future but I'd like to suggest something anyways:


    Add resource rewards to some of the credit-only alerts.


    Sure, I can farm and hope to get an Orokin Cell/Neurodes/Rubedo etc., but an alert mission that guarantees me a Cell or two, (or a predetermined amount of any of the other resources) would make me play the alert.


    I'm not suggesting massive amounts of resources as reward, but merely an amount you would usually find (perhaps a smidget more) during a farm mission. So you would get the normal resources you find during the alert mission + the reward = yay!

  5. Yep, the model is nice, but it is buggy as heck with some animations. At some points it turns into a twisted heap of flailing limbs with no resemblence to what it is supposed to look like.

    Don't know if the hitboxes are affected as well seeing that shooting them in the feet at times result in hitting nothing but air. I've started aiming for the knees.

  6. Just to steer this back on topic, this is not only about Dual Heat Swords, but ALL dual weapons and BP/forge logic. Should dual weapons require finished weapons or only resources? It is confusing and makes little sense to have a mix of BPs requiring either resources or weapons imo.

  7. Feel free to call me an idiot, but when I bought the Dual Heat Sword BP I was certain it would require both a finished Heat Sword and a finished Heat Dagger to make, just like Twin Vipers reqire two finished Vipers. But for some reason this was not the case and instead it wanted normal resources. 


    Please look through your "dual/twin/akimbo" BPs and make them all follow the same logic, be it resources only or finished weapons. 


    Or... state the required resources in the market when you click on a BP.



  8. Mission UI is selectible even though you have, for example, an alert window on top of it. 


    One prime example is when you have a mission just behind the Accept or Cancel buttons, meaning that when you click those buttons you also click on the mission behind. The result is that you may end up on either the wrong mission thinking it is the alert or you end up on a mission even though you clicked cancel.


    I ended up doing the same mission twice before I figured out it wasn't selecting the alert, but instead selecting the mission hiding behind the accept button.

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