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Posts posted by KunoUshinawa

  1. I've held my tongue for a while about this, but today I'm done being nice.

    While this has always been a problem it's gotten steadily worse since arbitrations became a thing. I have a very inactive clan, and those that are very active don't do: steel path, arbitrations, sorties, Archon hunts, or circuit. So I have to do public parties, in public parties I've had hosts go through arbitrations until Adaptation drops and they go "LOL bye" in group chat and abort mission screwing everyone as the mission was no longer available so it kicks us to the orbiter. (this is why it took over a year for me to get adaptation) In circuit people will do one rotation select continue and then with one second left switch and cause the party to disband (if they're host) or leave the rest of us in a position where we have to abort. Today I ran sp circuit for 45 mins, the host left and a second member got kicked to their orbiter so the two of us that were left doing excavation with dps frames with no crowd control and had to abort.

    This type of bs happens EVERY time circuit resets and makes it take twice as long or longer to finish for the week. I NO LONGER run archon hunts unless I can solo all three missions because it's not worth the effort (so no excavation, defense, or disruption) same for sorties. I don't run arbitrations unless it's survival because I can just solo that, but I can't solo sp circuit so I'm done with circuit as of today UNTIL WE GET A BLACKLIST so we can NEVER end up paired with these types of people ever again. There is no point to doing group content because I will just burn time and energy to get absolutely nothing in return.

    EDIT: Actually I'm just not playing warframe AT ALL until there is a blacklist.

    • Like 1
  2. So the first is with rivens, yes I know there was a hot fix for them resetting when they shouldn't, but it seems one slipped through the cracks.

    Trying to unveil a melee riven with the task of: Land the killing blow on 5 sentients without getting a status aliment.

    Went to Lua, Yuvarium, solo, played as Ivara in prowl so enemies can't attack me. Killed 2 sentients which counted towards completion. Second round of sentients spawned and after killing 1 I was at 1 out of 5 on the challenge. Got hit with crossfire, no status affect, and it wiped my riven progress and then I landed the killing blow on the 4th sentient so I was at 1 out of 5 again.


    The second: Defixios sometimes get dropped and I'm not sure why. So I always run solo, and do steel path. At first I thought they were getting dropped on knock down, because I would realize that my defixio was gone and would have to run back and get it, and multiple times it was in a room where I remembered getting knocked down, either from fire eximus attacks or a Nox charge attack. However after multiple other runs I found that sometimes it would be a room or two back and I hadn't been knocked down. No I didn't switch weapons.

  3. 12 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Universal Enemy Radar
    Players now have a Universal Enemy Radar set to 30m to help new players navigate through their missions. Warframe is more fun when you know where your foes are, and we felt that this important mechanic no longer needed to be tied to game progression.

    Existing Enemy Radar Mods will simply add to the base Enemy Radar values!
    ie. your Enemy Radar with Enemy Sense equipped would now be 60m!

    I assume this stacks with Ivaras passive.

    Though I would rather she get a new passive if everyone has radar.

    • Like 1
  4. Did a railjack mission and had a bug occur. Did this side objective:


    and used form up as soon as I hacked the last console. I had parked(?) the railjack so it was touching the side objective. And the shaking from the side objective falling apart just never stopped. Through the whole mission. Some clips from that mission:

    In testing I have found that you have to use form up pretty much immediately after you finish the last console of the side objective and have your railjack within a certain distance for it to happen. It was pretty annoying, and at one point made me a little nauseated, which is strange since I never get motion sickness.

  5. 3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Covert Lethality - is remaining as a Dagger Mod for now with +16 Initial Combo and 100% Finisher damage, pending later review. (Note: This has changed from what was laid out in the recent Dev Workshop)

    Hey look all daggers are useless. Least amount of dps, shortest range, smallest block angle AND no guaranteed lethal. Right so no more melee for my Ivara, and no more focus farming for me.

    No more channeling, which is also a reason not to play as I am an Ivara main and used that to disintegrate bodies for chaining stealth kills... Not that I can really do stealth kill chaining any more now that covert is bleh. I knew that getting to keep channeling was never going to happen, so perhaps we can get an auto-disintegrate?

    3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Eligible Exilus Weapon Mods:


    Ammo max:

    • Ammo Drum
    • Shell Compression
    • Trick Mag 


    • Rifle Ammo Mutation
    • Primed Rifle Ammo Mutation
    • Shotgun Ammo Mutation
    • Primed Shotgun Ammo Mutation
    • Pistol Ammo Mutation
    • Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation
    • Arrow Mutation
    • Sniper Ammo Mutation
    • VIGILANTE: Supplies


    • Eagle Eye
    • Broad Eye
    • Overview
    • Air Recon
    • AERO: Periphery 


    • Agile Aim
    • Snap Shot
    • Spry Sights 

    Recoil modifying:

    • Gun Glide
    • Double-Barrel Drift
    • Stabilizer
    • Vile Precision
    • Strafing Slide
    • Steady Hands 


    • Guided Ordnance
    • Narrow Barrel
    • Targeting Subsystem 


    • Hush
    • Silent Battery
    • Suppress 

    Holstering Speed:

    • Soft Hands
    • Twitch
    • Reflex Draw 

    Reload Whilst Holstered:

    • Lock and Load
    • Tactical Reload
    • Eject Magazine 

    Projectile Speed:

    • Terminal Velocity
    • Fatal Acceleration
    • Lethal Momentum 


    • Adhesive Blast
    • Cautious Shot
    • Fomorian Accelerant
    • Kinetic Ricochet
    • Tether Grenades 

    As a result, the following Mods have been tweaked: 

    General Changes

    • Ammo Drum increased to +90% Ammo
    • Shell Compression increased to +90% Ammo 
    • Vile Precision is now -90% Recoil 

    Drain Reductions (at maximum rank):

    • Lock and Load from 13 to 9
    • Tactical Reload from 13 to 9
    • Eject Magazine from 13 to 9
    • Vile Precision from 11 to 9
    • Cautious Shot from 12 to 10
    • Rifle Ammo Mutation from 9 to 7
    • Primed Rifle Ammo Mutation from 14 to 10
    • Shotgun Ammo Mutation from 9 to 7
    • Primed Shotgun Ammo Mutation from 14 to 10
    • Arrow Mutation from 9 to 7
    • Pistol Ammo Mutation from 9 to 7
    • Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation from 14 to 10
    • Sniper Ammo Mutation from 9 to 7

    Why not reload speed mods and mag size mods? Seems odd these mods were left out since they are utility and not dps. Also I specifically planned on using those two types of mods for the exilus slot so.....


    3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    An overarching note before you get started, is that every Melee weapon that was originally a single Elemental damage type has been converted to Physical + Element, allowing for more Status reliability as well (Silva and Aegis excluded given Flame Blade).

    This is not a bonus. This is a nerf. My secura lect did purely corrosive, and therefore would proc ONLY corrosive. Now it has slash and puncture... two procs I DON'T want on my secura lecta, and my twin basolks now have more than just gas procs. Every purely elemental melee weapon was used SPECIFICALLY because it DIDN'T have physical damage getting in the way of status procs.

    Wow, and my secura lecta with a range boost from a maxed primed reach and a riven has a range #*!% all.... It's not worth the forma or the time to redo all these weapons. Range nerfs I expected but not this ridiculous of a nerf. I'm outie, bye, I'm done.

    • Like 1
  6. So this is still a problem after how long? I mean bounties in the plains are still bugged so I guess this is normal. Sometimes after removing shields the synovia have infinite life, they hit zero hp, the ropalolyst does a stagger, then the synovia is back at full hp. Sometimes you can't jump on its back and fly it, and sometimes you can't damage its shields. Some times you can get all the way to the end and its hp just refills after hitting zero. I have, out of 20-30 tries, beaten it twice because it somehow didn't bug out.

  7. Happened twice out of two tries, two different times out on the plains.



    This one didn't get very close to begin with and didn't circle overhead like they're supposed to.




    Nothing special to make it happen. Find the nest thing, do the call then tranq and it gets stuck. I haven't tried to get Mergoo in a while so I don't know when this started happening.

  8. 58 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    Are you:

    1. Using the correct lure? I had an issue for a while where it didn’t necessarily show me what lure I was using.
    2. Using the guide box? You need to call the animal, then await a response. Then a little ‘box’ appears on the scale, you need to stick the pitch bar inside that and hold the button down while following it. Then the animal spawns.

    Pheromones are not a required object, so don’t use them for this. I didn’t use them, nor did the people I know that have done the challenge. Just find the call point and try what I said above.

    Yes and yes. I was kind of wondering about pheromones if it might somehow cause spawning problems. But even then that would be a bug anyways so yeah

  9. Follow tracks drop pheromones, use lure wait for biz to finish talking use lure again, and again and again, and again.

    The times I've succeeded I've done nothing different compared to the times nothing spawns. I just refuse to wait more than 5 mins, I have better things to do, this is also the last task I have on nightwave so it's really annoying it can't be finished.

  10. I'm putting this here because if it isn't a bug you suck. Today I went out to try and capture animals because of nightwave... after an unacceptably long time I gave up... again. Every time nightwave has conservation in Orb Vallis I decide to be dumb and go try it. After todays attempt I counted my tags... 16... I have 16 tags after a few thousand attempts. 16 times out of thousands did anything spawn. Can we please stop having Orb Vallis captures as nightwave things until you fix this?

  11. I went to move around some decorations in my orbiter ended up placing and moving the simaris offerings console and the simaris research console. Sometimes the image would get stuck and not move with the rest of the decoration:


    I moved them again immediately after they glitched and the image snapped back into place, but I haven't really experimented with it as I don't want it to get stuck all screwed up.

  12. So today I ran ESO for the first time since before any changes were done to the mission, and I am still disappointed in this mission type. Getting rewarded once every other round is annoying, why should I go through a round to gain nothing (focus is moot, and all my weapons are already leveled because why would you bring a less than perfect weapon in?) I'm not saying the reward should be substantial I'm just saying something like: standing with Simaris (that doesn't count towards daily cap, I like this the best since it IS Simaris that is running the sanctuary), some resources, credits, endo(maybe).

    Beyond that it seems that spawn rates are still a little low, not as bad as they were, but they still need a slight bump. While normal mobs could be bumped up eximus units seemed out of control, having 10 spawn in at a time was rather daunting, 4 were arctic eximus causing me to move at a snails pace which drained efficiency.

    But the worst was having opposing factions spawn on the same tile. Both corpus and grineer completely ignoring the fact that I was there, they spawned upstairs while I was downstairs and just fought each other while I had a paltry amount spawn on the bottom floor with me, forcing a constant up and down that made serious problems with efficiency.

    I know right now you have a lot on your plate with Tennocon, hotfixing the Jovian concord, and other updates you're working on. None-the-less, I would like to point out that arbitrations have gotten a rather large boost to their rewards unlike ESO again I'm not asking for a massive overhaul just a little more incentive.

  13. I'm putting this here until you claim it's not a bug. I have tried doing conservation in orb valis since the day it first dropped and something is seriously wrong... out of a few hundred attempts to get animals to appear I have only been successful 6 times. 6 out of like 200 times has anything showed up after using the call, and yes I HAVE used pheromones. This is ridiculous, especially now that night-wave wants to force you to actively go do conservation.

  14. So anyone else find auto-block super annoying? I mean "block" combos are super janky because block no longer exists and it is really disorienting when the combo stops and suddenly you have your primary/secondary instead of your melee out and are ADS. Also auto block cancels some combos taking you out of forward momentum and causing you to be a sitting duck for a few seconds and with gun-blades (at least redeemer prime) auto-block cancels the "heavy attack" which is of course the firing animation, several times I've had auto-block knock me out of firing, and then when I go to fire again the auto-block triggers again... I once had the firing mechanic locked out for a good 10 seconds because of auto-block triggering.

    I love the directional slam attacks though, they help a lot.

  15. When trying to enter Orb Vallis, still haven't entered for the first time, the video freezes but the audio keeps running in the background so I can hear Thursby(?) still talking but I just have a frame frozen on my screen, I can hear my warframe move around and hear the menu open when I hit esc but nothing changes the screen. This is annoying, not because I can't go run around in Orb Vallis but because it locks me out of elite alerts. I remember when Plains dropped this was a problem I had along with a lot of other people, however it was patched pretty quickly.

  16. So I didn't see any info in recent updates about the Astilla, and I don't remember anything being changed on it during the big primaries passover so I'm assuming this is a bug.

    When it first dropped the Astilla fired a slug that on impact or after a certain distance would "explode" dealing damage in a small area. Today I jumped onto my equinox build, which uses the Astilla, and found it not dealing damage a lot of the time... I checked in the simulacrum and found that the projectiles now travel for an "infinite" distance without ever exploding and if they hit a non-enemy surface they also don't explode.

  17. So this stopped happening for a while, now this issue is back. I've changed no settings so this is rather frustrating since the only thing I'm really after is hunting Eidolons... I guess Warframe is reduced to me getting my log in reward and then leaving until this is fixed.

    I guess I'll put my computer stats here just in case:
    Motherboard: Gigabyte B250M-DS3H
    CPU: Intel I7 @ 4.4ghz
    RAM: Ballistix Sport LT 16GB DDR4
    GPU: Nvidia GT740 with 4GB GDDR3
    OS: Windows 8.1 64bit

  18. So today I went and solo'd a Teralyst for the second time, and for the second time no arcane was dropped, nor were any shards dropped. I didn't play the plains of eidolon when it dropped other than to get Gara, and I finished that in just a few hours before writing the plains off as a mediocre update that I was probably not really going to partake in it. At first the area was riddled with bugs and glitches and was very lack luster in terms of rewards, as I was in a clan I took part in plague star just because the clan required it. When raids were removed and arcanes put in as drops from eidolons I was not too pleased since the plains are just not really worth it. So out of my two times fighting eidolons I've been cheated out of my arcane drop twice. Clearly the plains needs just as much work as the raids.




  19. So the last few times I've gone into the plains the screen either goes completely black after a couple minutes, displaying only the hud and the enemies stats that I was aiming at. The music and BG sound will continue to play but if I try to move I hear no foot steps and the enemy's don't seem to notice. This forces me to alt+F4. Sometimes instead of going completely black it just gets black squares all over before everything locks up except sound. I did just recently update my graphics driver, however it even has warframe listed as a game that it is optimized for. After playing with several settings, it now just freezes the video. THIS ONLY HAPPENS IN THE PLAINS.

  20. 23 minutes ago, (Xbox One)DrivableKarma3 said:


    Embers changes seem counter productive. First off for lower level missions i can run with an overextended build and this will decrease my range but will in turn increase my power (at 100%) and since i'll be killing the lower level enemies so quick the efficiency will matter far less. While it is true that now she can run through missions fast it's not like I can't do that with many other frames. For higher level content over 60's the damage increase will have little effect as by that point armored enemies wont die though her 4 at all.End game for her comes from crowd control that her 4 offers and this change hurts that greatly.



    24 minutes ago, (Xbox One)DrivableKarma3 said:


    My suggestion is possibly even worse but i'll have to see what people say. i think that instead they should reduce her 4's damage to around 1/4 of what it was previously but increase the number  of targets it can hit to around 8. As well as this i think they should add a synergy where when you cast three and it hits a target that is effect by her 4 it will leave a pool of lava that will catch enemies in it on fire. Then if you cast your 2 on the lava pools will refresh duration and grow larger to a max set range. Probably 4 meters initially 6 after her 2 with duration of 10 seconds with only duration being effected by mods.

    This is good since she's only afk farming at low levels.

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