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Everything posted by KunoUshinawa

  1. I've held my tongue for a while about this, but today I'm done being nice. While this has always been a problem it's gotten steadily worse since arbitrations became a thing. I have a very inactive clan, and those that are very active don't do: steel path, arbitrations, sorties, Archon hunts, or circuit. So I have to do public parties, in public parties I've had hosts go through arbitrations until Adaptation drops and they go "LOL bye" in group chat and abort mission screwing everyone as the mission was no longer available so it kicks us to the orbiter. (this is why it took over a year for me to get adaptation) In circuit people will do one rotation select continue and then with one second left switch and cause the party to disband (if they're host) or leave the rest of us in a position where we have to abort. Today I ran sp circuit for 45 mins, the host left and a second member got kicked to their orbiter so the two of us that were left doing excavation with dps frames with no crowd control and had to abort. This type of bs happens EVERY time circuit resets and makes it take twice as long or longer to finish for the week. I NO LONGER run archon hunts unless I can solo all three missions because it's not worth the effort (so no excavation, defense, or disruption) same for sorties. I don't run arbitrations unless it's survival because I can just solo that, but I can't solo sp circuit so I'm done with circuit as of today UNTIL WE GET A BLACKLIST so we can NEVER end up paired with these types of people ever again. There is no point to doing group content because I will just burn time and energy to get absolutely nothing in return. EDIT: Actually I'm just not playing warframe AT ALL until there is a blacklist.
  2. So the first is with rivens, yes I know there was a hot fix for them resetting when they shouldn't, but it seems one slipped through the cracks. Trying to unveil a melee riven with the task of: Land the killing blow on 5 sentients without getting a status aliment. Went to Lua, Yuvarium, solo, played as Ivara in prowl so enemies can't attack me. Killed 2 sentients which counted towards completion. Second round of sentients spawned and after killing 1 I was at 1 out of 5 on the challenge. Got hit with crossfire, no status affect, and it wiped my riven progress and then I landed the killing blow on the 4th sentient so I was at 1 out of 5 again. The second: Defixios sometimes get dropped and I'm not sure why. So I always run solo, and do steel path. At first I thought they were getting dropped on knock down, because I would realize that my defixio was gone and would have to run back and get it, and multiple times it was in a room where I remembered getting knocked down, either from fire eximus attacks or a Nox charge attack. However after multiple other runs I found that sometimes it would be a room or two back and I hadn't been knocked down. No I didn't switch weapons.
  3. I assume this stacks with Ivaras passive. Though I would rather she get a new passive if everyone has radar.
  4. Did a railjack mission and had a bug occur. Did this side objective: and used form up as soon as I hacked the last console. I had parked(?) the railjack so it was touching the side objective. And the shaking from the side objective falling apart just never stopped. Through the whole mission. Some clips from that mission: In testing I have found that you have to use form up pretty much immediately after you finish the last console of the side objective and have your railjack within a certain distance for it to happen. It was pretty annoying, and at one point made me a little nauseated, which is strange since I never get motion sickness.
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