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Posts posted by Chaosdreamer

  1. If you felt like it was a extreme cash grab back in beta that is your own fault I did not feel that way. The game plays exactly the same @(*()$ way it did in beta though so if it bored the F*** out of you it's going to continue to do so.


    You're wrong in Beta when you started the games it feel like a cash grab , not because there is alot of stuff to buy ,but anyone with a semi working brain would understand quickly that weapon and warframe slot is not something FREE , and there was no trade 


    you guys should go less defensive on this one and keep calm , anyway you can come back , the only thing that will cost you alot is "exclusive item" that all but you can play withouth them or buy them when you have enought... just remember trading help alot :)

  2. How do you rework limbo ? a Troll Frame really , I think I have idea , give option to not allow Limbo on our squad that not bad idea I think :D


    for Rhino , Rhino is really great frame all it need is to get some buff , since he got stealth nerfed alot , just stealth buff him back ;) 

  3. I was gonna say that 2015 had probably better sound etc but nop , the 2013 version is more scary


    you know what I would love also in this games probably not to hard to do , is some "surprize attack"  like some ennemies waiting just near to door or in elevator ready to kill you.


    Just imagine you push button for elevator and instead of just being ready to use , you get tons of infestations comming at you

  4. I think Fate stay night , saber Excalibur does not fit and is way to strong (our excalibur is cake near to saber) anyway what about :




    Game version (ff7 original) : 



    Movie version ( advent children)


    Enjoy the song and the move


    This is the perfect name ;) ,

  5. Imo bows are actually quite strong. It''s snipers who indeed need some love. And maybe a mission were you got these blue vs red corrupted attacking you, in which you may only kill the red or something would re-acquire the need for marksmanship.


    It's not the fact that they're strong but someone using a regular weapon while wipe everything while you load one arrow


    I guess the solution is remove or hightly decrease to charge attack

  6. Am I really just being stupid?


    Is this not a little bit of a waste? 

    maybe instead of frost nekro why not?


    And why do you complain about this ? Would they still do the ways they have done if you was'nt here? someone else would do instead of you nothing hard , don't get mad at this , people play there ways , for myself , I find it boring to wait ennemies to come at me , and eventually after alot of defense , just doing a defence wave is slow , so the way they did is efficien and less boring. just turn off the sound of games , turn on your own music and enjoy , there is no need to go hard way for something easy

  7. The only sample of a gritty story. A few seconds from a trailer months ago.


    Everything else has been pretty much relayed as text lore.


    As for more gore. And just dumping random "adult" things into it. I rather not play Bulletstorm: Space Ninjas.

    This is a cutscene /trailer , it happen once and never again and this is not something you can do yourself or reproduce ingames 

  8. I'm more of the side that says that the community is overreacting .

    For example:

    The starchart changed.... we don't even know what exactly is going to come and everyone freaks out about it already.


    Personally I want WF to be a game with a storyline.

    A campaign mode... that's pretty much all I want.

    That idea of 20 node is damn wrong just think it 3xx to 20 you are removing more than half of mission this mean each planet have 1/2 mission...


    What I would like is DE tell us what they have really on mind and eventually make this more like mass effect for "social" stuff , you know 


    better relay. Also I'm quite bored of visiting and destroying the same ships maybe time to meet civilian or eventually inground corpus base...

  9. PS4 player really not smart enought , If we can get energy orb/health there is still : 


    -Trinity so you can cry even if DE ever listen to your stupid idea

    -Oberon you forgot about him?

    -Energy/health plate you know those thing that restore alot

    -Well really if you don't have anything above you can set multiple vortex to get item slowly to target


    So stop asking for nerf even if I don't play much gmag / mesa


    Reminder : It's not because you don't like one way to play that it should apply to others players , you're not the center of this games , get this in your head , but send some feedback to improve the games instead , and think why players like this way and what to do instead of being a nerf warrior.

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