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Posts posted by PakkiTheDog

  1. Survival is my favorite game mode in warframe. The longer you go the harder it gets and that's fun. Pushing the limit with different warframes and different weapons. But there is a problem that a lot of players force extract you. Either they come up with an excuse that they have to do something IRL, or that they are just bored. Or another one is that they want to camp...in survival :facepalm:. If you want to camp go defense.

    I get it, don't be selfish, but this is a two way streak. You don't start survival with pub if you know you only have 5 min. And i know what people will immediately say, what they always say when there is a problem with matchmaking, go recruit. But that is not a real solution, that is avoiding the problem.

    So here are a couple of ideas on how to improve survival:

    1. What pretty much everybody wants: Separate evacuations!!!!!

    2. Extra options before you start survival that lock evacuation for a certain period of time. Meaning that for instance you choose a 20 min survival and the evacuation is available after the 20 min/4 relics are opened. Now ofc you can go longer, but you can't exit before certain period of time. This way you'd get matchmaked with other long runners.

    3. Better rewards the longer you go, or after 1h you get a special void trace whit which you can make your relic like the old keys worked - that it can be used multiple times in one mission.


    If anyone else has some good ideas on how to make survival awesome again, would love to hear them.

  2. Did anyone else notice an increases of warframe just freezing and you have to force close it bc it's not responding? It happened to me a couple of times now when i was trading, so being inactive on the same spot for longer periods of time. Also don't have any other complicated programs running in the background.

  3. 3 hours ago, infinitebubbles said:



    2 hours ago, Pooroldude said:



    52 minutes ago, Arcainyx said:



    Thank you all for your answers and making things a bit clearer 🙂. I have some builds to revisit and weapons to test. like you guys said, for some weapons it depends on the base stat what mods are the best and you have to do a couple of test in simulacrum and than find a good fit for yourself.


    It just goes to show you that even after 2 years of playing you can still learn plenty new thing in warframe and there is the awesome community willing to help. Thank you again guys 🙂

  4. Hi there.


    I'v been playing this game for over 2 years now and i'm still having trouble understanding how damage works on weapons and how to properly mod them.


    From searching on google and reading the wiki i gathered some information but i'm still unsure if i completely understand it, all the red colored texts are those i'm unsure of, so i'll make a weapon example and if someone can correct me where i'm wrong or add to what i missed:

    So lets say the weapon has:

    5 Impact        

    5 Puncture

    10 Slash


    1. If you shoot with this weapon the dmg is equal to all IPS dmg, so it should be 20 right?

    2. The best first mods to put in the weapon are the damage mods and multishot. They both increase the dmg output while multishot also increases the chance for extra bullets. So if i understand this correctly if you have 90% multishot, there is a 90% chance to double the amount of bullets you fire with one press of a button? Also the dmg of the extra bulled is the same like the first one?

    But here is another question, when to mod for more multishot and when for mode dmg, or in other words, when to use heavy caliber and vigilante armaments? Does it all depend on the guns base stats and you just need to test the two?

    Also multishot visually increases status chance but as it also increases the amount of bullets so the status chance gets split up between pellets, so it's always best to achieve high status chance before adding multishot, especially when it comes to shotguns. If you have 100% status chance on a shotgun without multishot it means at least one pellet will proc a status or all of them will?

    3. Critical chance. If the weapon has a high fire rate, a big magazine and the possibility to bring the crit to up to at least 50% crit chance than it's worth building a crit build? Yellow crits increase all your dmg with a crit multiplier with the formula "Total Crit Multiplier = Crit Level × (Crit Multiplier − 1) + 1". So on yellow crits with above IPS stats and a 2x crit multiplier you should deal 40 dmg? Orange increases to 60, red crit 80?

    For slower firing weapons is best to get to as close to 100% as possible. If you manage to get over 100% than you have a possibility to get orange crits. So if you have 120% crit chance it means each pelet has a 20% chance to orange crit or a 100% chance to yellow crit? Or does the crit chance split up the chance between the pellets like status does?

    Also when building for crit you have to increase your crit multiplier and i'v heard hammer shot doesn't make that much of a difference, better to use the 90% elemental. Why is that?

    4. Status chance. Each IPS has it's own effect when procing, and like i said above each pellet has it's own status chance to proc.

    So for instance if we take the same IPS stats from above, and say that we also added 30 corrosive dmg and that the weapon fires 2 pellets and each has a 100% of procing. If i understand this correctly the way the procs are chosen are by their amount of dmg?

    So first you have to multiply all of the IPS with 4x and than you have 40 slash, 20 puncture, 20 impact and 30 corrosive? So in this case the slash has a 36% of procing, corrosive is second with 27% and impact and puncture each have 18% chance? But now what is the dmg? Does the dmg of IPS also increase by 4x and combine with corrosive? So with the above stats you would deal 4x(5+5+10) + 30, and if the slash would proc that'd be 110 total dmg + bleed proc? If the corrosive would proc, would you get 75% more dmg from the total, 110 dmg, or only from the 30 corrosive dmg?

    Now with all that said when should you use the 60/60 mods and when the 90% elementals? What weapons are even good for status builds, again the high fire rate and big magazine types? Also the ones with slash? And shotguns ofc. 

    5. Also how exactly does viral work with slash? Does each slash tick have it's own % chance to also be affected by viral and increase it's dmg?

    6. And when it comes to hunter munitions do you even need status on your weapon? 

    7. Should you hope for a slash proc on a weapon with small base dmg? If i understand correctly slash only deals 35% of base unmoded dmg and bypasses shield and armor. But if the base dmg is to low is it worth it? Also using hunter munition on a weapon with low base dmg?



    If anyone has more knowledge, experience and time to answer me on some of the above questions i thank you in advance 🙂


  5. 4 hours ago, -Signs- said:

    Dmg = damage | ms = multishot | cc = crit chance | cd = crit damage | sc = status chance

    Burston: dmg, ms, sc/cc/elemental, -punc/-imp/-zoom/-infested

    Snipetron: ms, cc, dmg/cd, -zoom/-infested

    Pandero: ms, cc, dmg/cd, -zoom/-infested/-impact/-puncture

    Baza: ms, cc, dmg/cd, -zoom/-infested/-impact/-puncture

    Tenora: ms, cc, dmg/cd, -zoom/-infested/-impact/-puncture

    Best ones to go for. Any combination should work well too.

    Oh, thanks. So multishot is always the best for extra bullets that can proc and ofc extra dmg, but why more crit chance? when you get over 100% you have a % to red crit, but is it worth it if you only have like 110% crit chance, thats 10% to red crit right?

    The crit chance boggles me a bit still, had a sicarus riven with 300 dmg and some cold elemental, rolled it for crit chance and crit dmg and a - and it deals less dmg XD At least feels like it.

    Other than that i'll look out for these stats next time i massively roll rivens, next time we get a 2x resource weekend XD Have like 20 rivens that need a roll.

  6. Hi there.


    Lately i'm having some trouble deciding on what stats i want on my rivens, to boost the dmg as much as possible. If anyone with more experience and knowledge can explain to me what stats to go for with my rivens, crit chance, dmg or multishot?

    So for instance on crit weapons if you can boost the crit % to 130% or more with a riven and crit % mod than go for crit, but if it's less, than chances for red crits are to low and rather use dmg and multishot?

    Also is it better to hope for an elemental dmg than multishot? Multishot increases all around dmg while elemental just increases elemental dmg and increases chance of procking over other types of dmg.


    For instance i have the following rivens i have trouble deciding if i should go for crith chance, dmg, multishot or just keep them as they are:
    Burston: 127% crit dmg and 96% electricity 

    Snipetron: 230% dmg, 137% electricity

    Pandero: 103% crit chance, 68% electricity, 97% slash

    Baza: 132 crit chance, 52 fire rate and 42% reload speed

    tenora: 120% dmg, 89% crit dmg and 87% impact.


    And i'm not going to sell these rivens, they are for my personal use. They do alright but i'm just wondering if they could do better. Also so i know for the future when rerolling other rivens.

  7. I like him, since the release i did multiple hour long runs with him in survival and he's fun.


    His 4th ability clears rooms even with higher lvl enemies, his 3rd ability is a nice escape and gives an opportunity to recast his 2nd ability. Now a lot of people complain about his 2nd ability, being too weak, but i think it's just right. He's meant to kill enemies before they can dmg him also taking breaks when using his 4th ability to recast 2nd. So instead of being a fidgit spinner until your energy runs out you just use it when you are met with a mob. 


    The only thing i fear is that his 4th ability is going to be nerfed because it is very effective at clearing rooms even at 80 lvl enemies. He can still clear rooms after that but it takes a sec or two longer and bc enemies hit harder you can't spin2win as much. Still loads of fun to play him tho 😄

  8. Seriously? Camon guys, we already spend a bunch of time completing a sortie and on top of that you give us ridiculous challenges like this one? It's not hard, just a big waist of time, doing laps around the plains looking for animals? Seriously, camon 😞 what happened with making the plains less grindy, learning from your mistakes and all that...

    Also apparently feral kubrows don't qualify as wild animals...

  9. 18 minutes ago, (PS4)Burr1toNM said:

    How do you upload an image?

    I upload the picture to imgur and there you have multiple links for different uses. One of them is for forums, it has [ img ]  in front and after the link. All you need to do is copy that link and paste it here...

  10. 1 hour ago, Jarriaga said:


    The melee change worries me as well. Honestly idk why we need any big changes, sure melee weapons are powerful and can scale very nicely if moded properly, so what? People dislike spin2win, why? So it's powerful, not game breaking and the game is PvE. We all know as soon as spin2win gets nerfed there will be another meta/powerful weapon. Also if you dislike spin2win why not just nerf maiming strike? Instead of doing that DE added the same ability to rivens :facepalm:

    From what i understood they will change the combo multiplier, nerf primed reach and increase the base dmg and range of all weapons, which worries me that the weapons will struggle with scaling now. We'll know more tomorrow, hopefully i'm wrong.

    But honestly i think all DE would need to do is to buff a couple of old, MR fodder weapons and that's it. With a proper mod setup you can kill lvl 150 enemies with every melee weapon, with lesser ones it just takes time for the combo multiplier to increase and to shred armor.


    Hopefully tomorrows stream will ease our minds and not cause another outrage and petition to bankrupt the change. like it happened with the slash changes.

  11. 18 hours ago, TheProtoPL said:

    1. Make AMP high armor penetration weapon
    Well,  we basiclly shoot a freaking void power right in enemy's face. It should shred through armor like knife cuts paper. Give AMP something like 75% Armor penetration and maybe it will start killing something

    I like to play as the operator even in regular missions, they are very useful in numerous of instance and fun to switch the game play a bit, so not even close to being useless. However i do agree that the amp dmg against armored units needs to increase. It's void energy ffs 😄

  12. 29 minutes ago, Azlen said:

    It works the same for Guardian too. So with 2 Guardians, everytime you are hit, you have 2 seperate instances of 20% chance for 600 armor each for 20 seconds. So rocking 2 Guardians will often have both of them going off at the same time, overlapping to give you 1200 armor.

    Holy moly that's a lot of armor o.O . I guess it's time to get another set of guardian and turn all the squishy frames into more survivable.

  13. 58 minutes ago, Azlen said:

    They are 2 separate instances of the effect proccing. So with 2 graces, each time you are hit, you have 2 separate 6% chances to activate the effect of regaining 4% hp/sec for 6 secs. Meaning that if they both procc, you will be getting 8%hp/sec for 6 secs (assuming they procced on the same hit) or whenever their respective timers start and finish, depending on when they activated.

    Oh, nice. The same goes for all other arcanes? Like guardian? Because when i asked about guardian on the forums everybody said only one activates at the time. Were they wrong or is it just for guardian?

  14. 4 hours ago, Vesiga said:

    one grace and one guardian should be way better, if both proc your EHP would be a a lot more with that +600 armor + regen rather than just two chances at proc'ing regen, and on tankier frames both end up proc'ing at the same time a lot.


    32 minutes ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

    2 sets of grace is better on frames with a lot of base hp like Inaros. Grace + guardian is better for most frames.

    So if you have 2 same types of arcanes do they just increase the chance to activate or does the affect double as well? Each arcane activating separately, each giving you boost?

  15. 19 hours ago, _Euphoria_ said:


    I would recommend Adaro exterminate with silent banshee + atterax with eidolon lenses. With a booster i get from 130-170k of focus in around 4 min, so 3 runs, 12 min. Just watch out to not alert enemies, a couple of runs and you should get a hang of it.

  16. On 2018-07-23 at 7:44 PM, (PS4)DicedSevens said:

    I would recommend that, because they don't get to keep these, the resources and experience they gained from that mission should be dispersed between everyone currently in the mission. This would help to lower the amount of people who leave the mission after one or more people have dropped out as you would lose all the extra resources.

    Honestly if i leave the match i don't care with what happens with the resources, in to the void or to other players, why not, but i doubt this would make that much of a difference. In the majority people leave at the beginning of the game so there aren't many resources and xp there to be given, and again in the majority of the missions the side rewards are so low it really wouldn't be a noticeable change or incentive. While if you are doing specific farming mission and you gathered a noticeable amount of xp/resources you probably won't leave unless if there is some real life related problem.

    Like with many other things this is what you have to accept when running pub, finish the mission yourself or quit as well.

  17. I would only like for the operator amps to be a bit stronger against armored units. It's void power, should go trough armor right?


    Other than that the operator mode offers a new gameplay experience which is always nice. The movement can still be fast, covering distances of 200m in a matter of seconds + if you go trough enemies you regain operator energy, void mode offers for huge survivability, especially if you are kitted out with arcanes, the amps are powerful (- against the grineer). For me especially useful arcane is Elevate, entering the warframe restores health to it, combining it with void dash it offers for a good escape. Also void mode is very useful for reviving, capturing commanders, activating life pods,...


    All in all the operators are powerful but it is true that you need to spend a bit of time getting to that stage. But like with warframes (forma, catalysts) the time investment is needed. I just hope we see future changes to the operators, maybe new amps and ofc before mentioned change of dmg against armor.

  18. Warframes and their abilities are too strong, not to mention the fast paced movement. All this in consideration it makes a big skill gap between players, players that are mostly being exposed to PvE which doesn't make much of a challenge. Imo warframe players don't want Battlefield or Call of duty kind of games, competitive, but are here for the PvE. You try it once, it's ok but there are no rewards and no point in playing conclave. Lunaro looks nice but sadly nobody plays it.

    I would however like it more if there were special events where PvP and PvE are joined together. Regular missions, teams of enemies, one side defending, the other attacking ( i think DE already did this once? before my time).

    Also another suggestion was to make PvP in perspective of Greniere, Corpus and Corrupted and not the warframes. This would reduce the huge skill gap between players and offers quite a lot of possibilities from mission types to lore...but the question still remains, do the players really want this?

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