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Posts posted by Fatalityyy

  1. Hab den Link mal raus genommen, da es scheinbar n Problem darum gibt, dass ich einen Namen und ein Logo verwendet habe

    Thema kann daher denke ich auch zu



    Unseren Clannamen und ein Symbol zu unserem Clan welches nicht zu uns gehört.


  2. I would much rather like a ranking system where after a mission, you can opt to rank another player as helpful, etc. Some form of system of other ranks that allow people to know if a player is toxic or helpful or even does awesome things.


    Vote kick is a nightmare on WoW. They had to put so many checks and balances to make sure people, say 2-3 from the same guild in a 5 man dungeon don't troll one person. Their vote kick system is why I quit using their raid finder tool.

    The system u Prefer also isn't that good... there are pretty much people which would just put it on (for example) 1 of 5 Stars just because they want to... so that be pretty bad... i would never play online again with such a Option.

  3. "Walks in"

    "Naaaa, too much power given to one person"

    "Walks out"

    Thats why he said in the P.S. "VoteKick"^^

    Host with Kick-Power - NOPE

    Votekick - Hell Yeah...


    P.S. Im only Playing with my Clan or Solo... NEVER Online because of things like this, because u are better of Solo then with a**** like that.

  4. Hi, I started this topic because I think support team needs more people and more training.

    My problem is with the long times of waiting for a reply (10 days in some cases), but also the quality of the answers. For example, if you ask 2 questions, you can bet they will only answer to one. More of, if you make a new request to see where is the answer to a question submitted over a week ago, they tell you to not do that. Putting a smiley face at the end of the sentence doesn't make it nicer, and you feel put off, especially if you're a paying customer.

    Hire more people, DE. Train them well before putting them in front of the computer, because the quality of Client Relationship Management can make or break the game. There are standard of quality in CRM, and right now those standards are not met, to say the least.


  5. Gallium x1 - 10 plat

    Control Module x1 - 10 plat

    Morphics x1 - 10 plat

    Orikron Cell x1 - 10 plat


    The ingredients for the Orokin Catalyst, they cost 40 plat together.



    Or you can just buy an Orokin Catayst for 20 plat.




    Because u can farm them easily and its not meant to buy them, they just did it so ppl which are damn annoyed or dont want to farm for mats can buy them for an OP Price! :D for my Opinion it should be even more expensive.

  6. Hab mir mal letztens den Clan Trailer von Hiroshi-Saido angeshen und hab da mal wieder Lust drauf bekommen was selber zu probieren

    Siehe hier: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/87957-mein-erster-warframe-trailer/

    Danke an dieser Stelle für die Motivation ;

    Hab daher das ganze mal auch für den Blood Oath Clan gemacht :P


    Und ums kurz zu machen hier das Ergebnis nach ner halben Stunde rendern :P




    Programm: Sony Vegas 12 Pro

    Music: We Ruled The Earth



    Hey, zwar sehr nett von dir aber hättest uns vorher ruhig fragen können, eben auch wegen dem "Knights of the Blood Oath" am Ende mit dem Symbol. Da das Symbol noch nicht entschieden ist und wir uns gerne erstmal untereinander für eins entscheiden würden. Trotzdem Danke.



    bLAZE aka. Fatalityyy, Großmeister von "Knights of the Blood Oath"

  7. Any one playing later game stuff knows that right now the quick attacks are pretty useless. Since there has not been a viable option to fix that (as it has been a complaint since at least u 7 and has not been fixed yet), Would it be possible to add in a charged attack combo? I.E. You do a charged attack, you do another charged attack, and an other one, and they chain together in combination with a different animation. Not doing any more or less damage mind you.



    TLDR: Doing the same single attack over, and over, and over is an eye sore. At least make it pretty.


  8. Warum sollten wir z.b. 70% unseres Platin's zurückbekommen gibt Leute die haben ca 5000 Platin wenn nich noch mehr mit andern Worten müsste DE denen 3500 Platin zurückgeben, trotz allem für das von dir vorgeschlagene gibt es grob gesehn die Account-Reset Funktion.


    P.S. Das wäre ein riesen Verlust für DE



    bLAZE aka. Fatalityyy, Großmeister von "Knights of the Blood Oath"


    Edit: !!!!Selbst wenn es 10% wären, wäre es ein Verlust für DE!!!!

  9. a customize-able cross hair would be awesome! Great idea


    would also be cool if unlocking them through doing difficult challenges was a requirement 


    + If anyone knows the Game "Blacklight Retribution" the Crosshair customization is awesome there!

  10. 2. There was no Top 100 Reward anywhere... so its your own Problem, i also played pretty much to get my Clan under the Top 10 for nothing but Fun, so... i think there shouldn't be a Top 100 Reward because there wasn't even once an Top 100 Reward announced for this Event.

  11. This would awesome, only problem is that you would need double the slots. On the other hand you could dual wield a hate and a glaive.

    He Already Said :"Large weapons like Gram and Orthos are too large to equip two of them, so the the second slot will be unusable." So no Dual Hate + Dual Glaive/Kestrel would also not be that bad, u could Throw one and then still have the second one so you can Throw that one also or just melee attack with it while the other one is Flying.

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