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Posts posted by Lochesh

  1. I'm not sure if it's intentional or not, or to which ability it's specifically related (either Territorial Aggression or Sense Danger), but the Adarza Kavat creates these huge white domes from time to time that stay there for about a  dozen seconds. Eventually the domes fade, but they can make visibility pretty miserable. 



  2. I was running a Meso relic (Mobile Defense) alert while it was up and running while on my max rank Oberon Prime. I've no idea what prompted this glitch where it showed me constantly switching between my mainhand weapon (Rakta Cernos) and my melee (Silva & Aegis Prime). Even if it displayed the weaponswap, I was still stuck using my mh weapon. I also seemed to have problems with picking up void traces and other loot, until I switched to my melee weapon. Additionally, my melee weapon was downscaled for unknown reasons and parts of the shield was missing.463a8d89e527dd91a9a0acb9453e85cd.gif

  3. I was on my fifth run of Tyl Regor assassination on Titania, Uranus, in a wild hunt to get a stance mod when this happened. The game tried numerous times to update my account information after I extracted, but failed to do so. Once it failed, the game booted me to the login screen. I couldn't get rid of the loot screen either that in turn got stuck in the login screen, leaving me no choice but to hit the Quit Game button since nothing else worked. Thankfully nothing good dropped from the run, but I can see this being problematic for future instances. My connection was just fine as well, considering I stayed in ongoing calls and my internet never dropped. Not sure what lead to the incident.

    Screenshot below, even if a bit cropped since I didn't want to include login details, etc.


  4. This occurred while running infested survival on Assur, Uranus. I'm not sure what exactly lay behind the reason, but whenever I whipped out my Jat Kittag and did my melee combo, either my teammates frames turned invisible, I turned invisible or they were missing their heads. I was able to get my frame visible by using my Focus skill. However, when I used my melee combo again, the same happened after x amount of minutes. There were no methods, skills, pets or abilities otherwise that would have turned anyone of us invisible otherwise.



  5. Quite self explanatory. Was around 20 or so minutes into Assur survival on Uranus with my friend. I was told I was lagging, which might've ultimately lead to the UI bugging out on the team display. All the stats were gone, even if my friend was still in the map and game, as seen below. My friend was also going all over the place, judging from the infinite bouncing up and around.



  6. This has happened sometimes in the Void. This time, during an Extermination Alert for Infestation in the Void for Void tracer, a random door spawned in a (closed) elevator room. While the door wasn't in the way of anything and didn't hinder mission completion, it might do that in the future. a11ce33537397599281d990af22c002d.jpg

  7. I don't know how else to describe it. I was entering a Mobile Defence mission on Pluto for a Trinity helmet skin blueprint. Loading in was horrendously slow, and I was rather confused when I originally spawned in as Excalibur, despite being on Nekros. I didn't visually have any weapons either, my abilities were blank and my head was missing for a solid minute as well as I slowly morphed into Nekros. It might've been something to do with bad host connection/ping, but I'm not sure. In the end, I was fully loaded in but it took a long time. Doors wouldn't open for me either at times and I couldn't enter the elevator that was needed to be used to get to extraction. Someone else got stuck in the elevator, too. Ultimately, we did make to extraction (thank god).79f8097445ff8158cab67d801ab5fa45.jpg

  8. At the last possible moment, since my Nekros was about to get downed, I switched to my Focus mode (Vazarin) to heal myself up. However, my frame got still downed for whatever reasons while I was still in Focus mode (might have been perfect/unfortunate timing on an attack from enemies in the Amarna Survival on Sedna, ~ 20 minutes in), popped back into my warframe despite the warning signs screaming I was downed. For whatever reasons, I managed to still run around as if nothing had happened, jumped, skipped, shot things, meleed, and did anything else considered normal when not being downed. My friend did revive me while the timer had about ten seconds left, but overall, it was as if nothing had happened in the first place. 

  9. While it doesn't affect the player who's doing it on their own screen, their ammo capacity/consuption or the sort, others view on the player bug out. This includes wild twitching animations and infinite reloading.


  10. Had the same issue when going into an alert mission for Mesa Longhorn Alert, a Capture on Sorath, Europa. I could still view the map by pressing M and had the chat and menu option, but aside from that, everything else was gone.


  11. I was running a Meso relic Mobile Defense against Grineer with a friend. At the end of the map, there was a huge gap to cross to get to the extraction. My friend was already waiting on the other side, and we'd been talking about different handshake emotes, so we did one. My friend was standing close to the ledge, and for whatever reason, I got stuck. I couldn't use any abilities, emotes, aim, fire my weapon, use my focus ability or even open the chat, unless I went to it through the menu. All I could do was to move back and forward in place. 

    On my screen, my friend stood still as well despite no connectivity issues. I tried to /unstuck it as well, but only moved forward a few meters and still remained in a statue-like stasis with strange graphical glitches/perspective (check the gifs below). My friend couldn't trigger the extraction timer either, and essentially, we were both doomed to be stranded where we were.

    Ultimately, however (and seeing as my friend was actually running around instead of being stuck on my screen), my friend did another emote - Aquarid Narta - and suddenly, I was freed and everything returned to normal; I could move, use my weapons and trigger the extraction. 

    The bug might be related to being stuck in a revive animation until you essentially free yourself by doing any emote.




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