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Posts posted by FrostboundFlame

  1. They'd better not. I'm in the minority, sure, but vacuum as a passive is a terrible idea, let alone on frames.

    Understand though, for a moment, that with said 89% of the playerbase using carrier, that this will allow said carrier spammers to go to other (and better) sentinels instead of sitting on a glorified household appliance because they're too lazy to pick up after themselves. Sure, it doesn't fix the problem, but it at least gives the option for diversity to begin with.


    Why?! Why couldn't you just make it a mod?! I know I'm in the minority when I say this, but I hate the idea of vacuum as a passive! I never use it because it always picks up ammo, wasting it when I could go and grab it when I actually needed it. I was so excited for the vacuum split, because then I could set it to mods or resources (whichever I'm really focusing on, whatever) and not have to worry about wasting ammo drops because my stupid sentinel decides it's a good idea to pull in a 10-pack of arrows because I decided to fire at something with a bow.

  3. Fill out your codex; damage weaknesses are listed in there when you finish an enemy's Codex Entry. That said, Scan often and frequently if you can, but don't focus on just scanning; make sure you're still contributing. Any scans acquired during a failed mission still counts to that enemy's overall scans.


    That said, the factions are typically weak to more than one weapon type, but a good rule to follow is as such. Grineer are weak to Puncture and Corrosive, Corpus are weak to Impact and Magnettic, and Infested are weak to Slash and Heat.

  4. Just take a break.


    No, seriously, you're probably burning out on the game. I've been around for a while myself (I still remember damage 1.0) and I've had my own fair share of burnouts with this game. Put it down for a bit, give yourself some time to unwind from it, and then come back later. Everything will feel at least a little fresher, so long as you don't go catapulting into the high-level missions again.

  5. Enemies would need to scale for this to remain balanced; the only reason missions like Spy doesn't scale is because you need to go through all the vaults undetected. Also, Loot Cache would likely not be a thing, but maybe the room before extraction would be, like, a treasury sort of room. no rare crates and whatnot, just a whole bunch of credits and materials and such in unlocked lockers.

  6. I am a big fan of warframe but i have to admit, i can't help noticing some small changes that would possibly make the game better...


    here are some things that i would love to see changed...


    Imperator- Wouldn't it sound better if it were called Imperiator?


    Sentients- I thought it (may) sound better if they were called Sentinents


    Mods- I've been working on a Channel Nikana build but i realised; Killing Blow won't even work it's max potential on this knife... Really DE? same with my Crit Nikana Build... my mods wont work max potential... :( change pls


    Redeemer- DE, the redeemer is a instrument of DEATH! and it's finishing blow looks like some sort of execution! Shouldnt the knife be called Executioner?


    Maroo's Bazaar- Because of the bazaar, i can't deploy an extractor... REALLY?! Fix PLS


    trust me, Maroo's Bazaar isn't the reason why you can't deploy an extractor.

  7. okay, this is total crap. I know people have said that's how it works, but I'm almost certain that's not how it works. I have hit them dead-on with a tonkor shot, taken off about a 4th of their hp, and the next shot does next to nothing.


    That said, I actually seem to have more luck with my Braton Prime, which, while it does end up eating more ammo, seems to trigger their damage reduction at about the same amount; 1/4th of their hp depleted.

  8. So let them revel in their success while they can and don't sweat the issues with their current operating model?

    In that case, I'll buy some flowers.

    success never lasts forever, but nagging on them while they're clearly doing what they can to get the build out, and not trusting them to follow through despite the track record of being hours or so off, just leads to a more vitriolic situation than it has to be.

    EDIT: Also, I imagine very few are worried about their operating model, as you're honestly the first person I've seen on the forums fretting about it.

  9. These issues aren't mutually exclusive, though.


    It seems like you think that they could keep going without financial support which is simply strange.


    what I'm trying to get across is that this game could've not only crashed and burned a long time ago, back while it was still obscure, but could have been (and could still be, in theory) abandoned. now that the game has gathered as much traction as it has, new players keep coming in and spending money on the game which in turn keeps generating revenue for the developers. In theory, yes, there could be (and probably will be, in the distant future) a time when Warframe stops making money hand-over-fist, but I do not see that time coming any time soon with the rate the game is going.

  10. Out of the kindness of their hearts, right?




    Hell no.


    You realize FTP doesn't mean free for everyone, right? People pay to play for various reasons and that exchange keeps the company afloat. If DE wants to keep those particular people paying and attract new sources of income, then they need to maintain some minimum standard to their work and do all they can to keep their community happy.


    do you realize that this is a pet-project for them? with the amount of toxicity in the forums especially, I'd expect any other developer to quit, but DE has somehow managed to keep forging on despite it.


    yes, the players are their only income, but those players all pay by choice, especially now that the trading system has made it so that platinum can circulate into a non-paying players hands, and, as far as I've seen, the community has two overarching rules when it comes to major updates; they're on time as soon as possible, and the devs don't kill themselves working in the process. 

  11. If this were an occasional occurrence I might agree.


    Sadly, it's become par for the course and they have just enough of an addicted fanbase that matters of professionalism can apparently be glossed over.


    see, if they were selling a static, never changing product, I'd be inclined to agree with you, but they're not. they're providing a free-to-play experience for us to download and enjoy. not to mention the fact that the code for U18 has to play nice with every bit of code they have in the game already, which is no small feet in-and-of-itself.


    I wouldn't even really call this "professional", not because DE is bad at their job, but because the Devs have a very close, much more casual relation with their playerbase, as was the point from when they started Warframe in the first place.

  12. you dont really know saryn, she is actually got nice melee kit skills, spore your target, cast toxic lash, kill your target with the spore debuff, toxic will spread and its actually strong combo, keep using molt to distract your target while keeping the spore to jump from one mob to the other, toxic lash is your kit to spread spore a bit faster due to its wider range... with a little armor and health buff she is good as the other melee frame, you dont play saryn that much, you dont know her


    yes, the skill is good for melee, but it isn't your only method of quickly spreading spores. as long as you have any iota of aim, you just have to hit the spores with your gun and they spread just as far. mod for toxin damage on your guns and, hey, suddenly everything's doing a lot more damage.


    Mind you I'm not saying the skill is bad, it's great for letting Saryn get in close and really wreck face, but in doing so, you're not keeping yourself out of danger, which might make it a little hard to keep yourself alive in turn.

  13. It is well known that Saryn doesn't have survivability. She has slightly above average health and armor with no true damage mitigation skills. Her only method of health regeneration is through a band-aid mod. She also lacks any form of crowd control.

    That makes her survivability pretty poor. I guess if you don't play anything with higher levels than Saturn she might seem fine though.


    her survivability is just fine, buff her health and armor as a precaution, but focus mostly on spore in higher levels. seriously, her guaranteed viral procs really screw up whatever faction she fights, and the more enemies that are dead, the less you have to worry about taking cover.

  14. Great!

    Now please fix her Health stat which was lowered rather than raised as was explicitly stated by DE Rebecca's original post.  She is way to squishy for any high end content now especially now that Molt doesn't get any boost from the augment mod which benefited from a LOW duration build, which is no longer viable with the new Saryn comb req.  


    1) Boost her total HP and maybe Armor as well. (If you want her to use her new melee bling skill she needs a bit more UMPH!  =)

    2) Make Molt have a short static time of invincibility so players can benefit from the augment mod and not see their Saryn Molt disappear within 2 secs in high end content. OR, give the option to have more than one Molt active at a time!



    The post was edited before the change went out, showing what the final changes would be, and it DID say she was losing some health.



    yeah, i dont know whats keeping DE from doing the slight armor or health buff... with the molt upgrade sure it will give saryn a bit of time to run away but what happen if she run out of energy because with her gameplay which is not really efficient. Those slight armor and health buff could be the very factor of her survival in the later levels. Now that DE wants to make her a melee, why not treat her with some melee buff


    That's because she's not a melee oriented frame, as only one of her abilities utilizes her melee. If you want a melee oriented frame, look at Valkyr, who's entire kit is based around getting in melee or doing things in melee.

  15. I find myself dying extremely quickly with Saryn now even with a tank build, losing 200+ max health is really noticeable. Even trying to be a tanky, regenerating caster by using Rage and Regenerative Molt just doesn't work anymore, I can barely do a T4 Exterminate solo without being melted by everything.


    Molt seriously needs some kind of defensive buff, I can't even count the number of times that I pop it and go to cast Spore only to find that it's already dead. Give it max stats based on Saryn's (especially armor) or a Snowglobe-like effect, I don't care, but it needs something. It's practically useless aside from Regenerative Molt's effect.


    then you're not doing it right. don't focus on an individual skill, focus on her kit as a whole. Cast spore once per group, make sure to always pop it, take out key targets, ALWAYS be moving when you're exposed, be liberal with molt, and, naturally, always use cover when you need a moment to recharge.


    Also, you know, level 40 and up is supposed to be hard. as in you're not really supposed to solo it.

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