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Posts posted by FrostboundFlame

  1. Is there a way to set it to old one? It looks to me like antialiasing is worse also.


    Nope, the models, while similar, are completely different. I doubt the old models are even still in the code.


    That said, try turning off bloom or something similar. I've been in that room recently and it's not nearly that bad with my settings.

  2. I have a few things to say about this. First of all being that the Burston Prime Barrel drops easier in T3 capture than anywhere else. Secondly, in a game with a system like warframe's, the RNG has to be hell at times because otherwise you'd stop playing; not from RNG but from lack of content. Thirdly, the Derelict should be worked on, sure, but not focused on. If anything we need more Corrupted Mods to make farming them more worthwhile.

  3. What is the point to Greedy pull now? The first nerf was bad enough.....now u need line of sight? Its no longer Greedy....

    I just don't know what to say to this.


    It's not line of sight. as it says, it requires "An open path to affect targets", meaning that any object that can draw a path to Mag, ANY path at all within range, that is unbroken will be pulled by the ability. litterally the only thing this effects is pull between rooms if the door is closed. this may have an effect with certain Corpus rooms (like the small 3-way room with the two lockers towards the bottom), but otherwise, like in defense missions where all the killing is on one open or mostly open room, Pull is uneffected.

  4. good thing, then, that it's like Dark Souls. Even if he seems impossible to defeat, he has a weakness that you can exploit to a degree. My advice would be to always stay mobile; don't stop moving for whatever reason, just don't get close, and keep fire on him the whole time.

  5. you know, I feel like a lot of people don't realize that the sentinels aren't supposed to be killers in and of themselves, they're just... supplemental. A nice added bonus to your damage without forcing you to take on a completely different weapon.


    Which, in the end, is kinda sad to see everyone expect them to stand on their own when that's hardly going to be the case.

  6. There's no point when you shred the heavies just as quickly as the mooks.  Also, Ballistic Battery still isn't one-handed, which makes it clunky as hell. 


    It's isn't one-handed only in the first animation, and even then it's relatively fast (about 1.5 seconds) to trigger. once you actually want to use your charge, though, that itself is essentially no-handed, as it doesn't trigger an animation of any kind. Also, assuming you're using something not "top-tier" or high in burst damage (Boltor Prime, Paris Prime, Dread, Opticor, ect.) then it does actually make a pretty noticeable difference.

  7. personally, I find Mesa's 1 to be one of her most versatile skills. charge it off of mooks with a fast weapon, switch to a semi-auto weapon, trigger the skill, and absolutely destroy a heavy or three with a single shot, not to mention the rapport of the skill and the feeling when you see them stagger backwards dead.

  8. they said that they were gonna spend a few updates flushing out weapon families.

    so far we have the Bolt family, the Soma family, and with the new scythe, the Paris family.

    Also, to be fair, we needed a puncture-based Scythe.

  9. In my opinion the whole concept of Dark Sectors is bad.

    you fight to put down a rail to an area that is good for farming, build up a whole army of people in one alliance, and fight to the death, IN A PVE GAME, to control that one tiny section of space.

    This game is not built for PvP. Movement especially is almost strictly keyed to a PvE environment, and most weapons, if not every weapon is at least viable somewhere in that same environment. that DOES NOT EXIST in PvP.


    EDIT: Actually, who knows if Movement 2.0 will fix this problem or not, but for now, using the same movement system that was more or less in place all the way back in 7.0 (directional melee non-withstanding), back when PvP wasn't even a thing yet, just does not do this game justice.

  10. I have to disagree with you in the terms of Accelerated Blast, because while it gives 40% more puncture damage, that is NOT the reason why you put it on a shotgun. the reason is for that 40% speed bonus, making a lot of shotguns much more viable with a bit of extra armor pen.

  11. How can I change the syndicate mission? In my current situation, I chose Cephalon Suda first then my syndicate mission was in Suda and how can I change it to Perrin?


    you can have multiple missions from multiple syndicates, just rank up Perrin until they show up.

  12. So u never quistion why you  are killing all those workers or soldiers or mindles beast. Cause lotus told us to do so. What do we gain from kiling them.


    Its like the speaker from destiny theres something fishy going on here man


    The Corpus, if not controlled, would gain a quick monopoly on the market, letting them set prices as they see fit and take control of the system via manipulation.


    The Grineer are much worse, as they'd subjugate, enslave, torment, and otherwise control the system through fear if, similarly, left unchecked.


    They do fight with eachother, yes, and perhaps they'd eventually defeat the other side, but we're here to make sure that that never happens, because neither side can be allowed to win.

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