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Posts posted by FrostboundFlame

  1. None, cuz there is literally no gore, all enemies die like they had a stroke


    something must be up with your options, then, because there is a 'no gore' option in the gameplay tab, I think. it's there somewhere.


    That said, there's something about the Lex that just feels powerful, especially the Lex Prime. throw in something like Ballistic Battery and it's just satisfying.

  2. I understand that Alad is an incredibly dangerous threat, and while everything you said is possible, I don't think we or The Lotus are keen on letting him use it without supervision. also, with all the information we're stealing, we can likely replicate it ourselves, assuming it exists/works.


    All that said, there's one thing we may have looked over. Jupiter was a purely infested planet in the past before they jumped ship to points unknown and then Eris. It is entirely possible, considering the nature of Infested in general, that the infestation took Alad first before he started working on the whole mutalist empire thing.


    while it's incredibly sketchy that he suddenly regained control over himself, he also is not fully infested, as he still more or less retains his natural shape, meaning he might be able to resist it enough to regain control again... though, to be honest, I expected him to act a little more scared than he does, but he's probably saving face.


    Also, to those who say that the Tenno are without mercy, consider the fact that we, with a completely reasonable compensation for cleaning up, destroy this cybernetic plague wherever it shows up, regardless of who it's attacking. not to mention, at least a few weapons refer to Tenno giving merciful deaths to those who succumb to the infested.

  3. so seems alad v will win, and we all have to stick with the karak, but lest see do you really want the karak instead of the dera?, dera have more % status chance and its focused on penetration witch is damn nice against armored targets and have bigger ammo pull, then there is the karak, witch have a bit more fire rate and a bit less reload speed, tell me what side you picked and why, and would it be worth it?. also thsoe stats may change with the new weapons, but still ;)


    this is less a decision between weapons for me, and more  a choice of morals.


    Alad V is a scumbag schemer who'll likely take advantage of Tenno mercy, but as The Lotus herself put it, "Nobody deserves the infestation".

  4. This is the problem. We got an already unreliable power and now, even if it works on the enemy, it allows the enemy a chance to shot us. In exchange the enemy won't run behind cover. If this is not a nerf, what is?


    because it's not a nerf, they'll stand mostly still, let you line up a good shot, plug a few in the face, and move on. assuming that you're not shooting constantly like an idiot, the chances of them shooting you are actually fairly low.

  5. But he stated they is no friendly damage, its not gonna be like chaos there not gonna shot each other. He was using small burst of fire not constant fire. I'd like to see how they react to constant fire. Will they be able to plot your exact location while your moving and shooting?


    Assuming that you're moving and shooting at the same time, enemies will always aim for the sound of the last shot, which, if you're strafing like you should be, will be behind you constantly. the only potential negative is with hitscan projectiles, depending on how fast your gun shoots full-auto and if they're shooting or not at the time.

  6. No offense, but this was the worst problem with Excalibur???

    Seriously, first the "look other way" nerf, now this supposedly "buff". Why does the RB matter so much, when there abilities way more powerful or too weak? Especially, why we keep changing RB when players like it as it was.


    it's not a change to Radial Blind, it's an AI change that coincides with all blinding abilities.

  7. Removal of choice is never a proper option but i have faith they will however not completely screw us out on this.



    At the end of the day 70% of mission nodes are filler when you've completed them. Does anyone actually actively play phobos or even europa/eris? Aside from thier boss battles and dark sectors mos of these places will be Ghost towns, there is no denying it.


    The even mentioned it, if you look at the nodes being most placed, the top 10 likely get more traffic that everything below it combined.


    at this point, it's not removal of choice; it's removal of clutter.

  8. So you don't see a problem in game dropping you into a capture mission when you want to do a survival mission? (just an example) With terrible luck you might never be able to play a defense mission just becuase RNG decides so.


    no, not really.

    while it's certainly possible that a mission type will never drop, it's, statistically, impossible.

    There are 11 PvE mission types, not counting specific 'alternates' (Crossfire/Exterminate, Excavation/Survival), as well as Assassination missions. if there are 20 nodes open at a given time, it's more likely to have at least one mission of every type (with excavation and crossfire showing up depending on the planet) with a few duplicate missions as well. and that's not even considering if they remove access to individual planets entirely.

  9. It's not bugged, Flow adds energy based on your BASE energy capacity, whatever that is at rank 0 for the frame. Hydroid only has a 100 energy pool to start, so he only gets 150 extra energy.

  10. I would agree with this, but I won't for one very specific reason. this would be a NIGHTMARE to code properly, with bugs and glitches likely running rampant for the duration of the change over until everything is eventually smoothed out. not to mention, it probably still won't help with people complaining about the mobs being too strong unless something else is changed with spawn logic.


    I get where you're coming from, I really do, but this is only a small portion of what might need to be changed.

  11. Personally, I really liked this event; the event enemies were varied and different from the standard, the event tedium got broken by the fact that the bursa gets stronger with score, and it actually made you do something besides just mindlessly hunting down droves of the enemy-of-the-week.


    One thing that helped was learning that the higher rank offerings take longer to process, so I was able to mostly breeze through it just using humble offerings.


    The one thing I HATED about the event was the isolator bursa. No, not because of the grenades, but because of THAT **** SHOTGUN. In the higher levels, it became almost impossible to get behind it and not get one-shot because of how much damage it did up close even if it just clipped me, and it seemed to clip me a lot with how fast it runs you down. That Bursa alone cost me 3 days worth of revives between my frames.


    Also, on the note of the grenades, they're incredibly easy to destroy. melee them off of you if necessary, shoot it once or twice and it's gone. but the simple threat of not having powers to help deal with the isolator is enough to keep it interesting.


    In the end, it was a fun event, it's just had a bad start with a few bad issues, but not enough to ruin the whole thing.

  12. Jeez dude, you only need to make one forum post for this sort of thing.

    Go to the trading forums proper, you should be able to find someone who wants to trade for a few cheap prime parts.

    as you seem to have just started, let me say this; use your starting platinum to buy more weapon slots. don't worry about extra warframe slots too early, you're more likely to change out your weapon arsenal. Also, go to the wiki and do some research on what frames you want and were to get them so you don't waste time building frames just to sell them again.

  13. to be honest, I see more use for that targeting laser thing when you're not in direct combat.


    Like, for example, you need to bounce a shot, you've got it all planned out in your head, and you need to hit a point to get it to work. assuming you've got a moment, the laser lets you line that up.


    As for an in-combat solution, taking time to learn how the arc works with various mods is incredibly useful, for any form of grenade-based weapon.


    This is my third time uploading this same exact issue and haven't gotten any kind of assistance. Geez. 


    Alright, now this is really starting to &!$$ me off.


    I posted this same topic on players helping players, and some sympathy was given, but aside from that, no one really helped. I'm new to the whole forum thing, but I just need some help.


    Every time I try to join a game, matchmaking, invite, or otherwise, it says that the connection to the host has been lost. Even when I am hosting. So, unless I'm in-game playing already, I can only play by myself. This really sucks when trying to join ODDs and try to take part in events, like the current gift of the lotus. The only way I can play with multiple people is to invite them once I'm in, or pray to GabeN that someone comes to save me.


    Specs (for reference)

    Windows 8.1

    Processor: Intel® Pentium® CPU B960 @ 2.20 GHz 2.20 GHz

    Installed Memory (RAM): 4.00 GB (3.82 GB usable)

    System Type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor

    All in all, I just need someone who knows what their talking about to help me out. You can post it here, I'm sure there must be someone else with this problem, or if you believe it has something specific to my case, message me. I would be very grateful. Please and Thank You in advance.
    I've posted this on three different forums and haven't received much help. If you don't know what is wrong or how to help, at least give me directions on how to contact customer support or opening a support ticket. This is the only real issue I've had with this game and I want to continue playing it.



    I'm gonna tell you the same thing I found out; turn off DirectX 10/11 if they're on.

    I don't know why, but it fixed it.


    EDIT: Shoot, I forgot to tell you how. okay, go into your launcher and go into the settings menu (the gear-cog in the top right), then make sure Dx10 and Dx11 are unchecked. close, restart the launcher, try again.

  15. -snip-


    It's almost as if DE doesn't want you to rely solely on a secondary weapon that's shown to be incredibly strong in the past.

    If you don't have a good primary to fall back on when your secondary runs out of ammo, that's your own fault.

  16. *Requires further explanations*


    Will this affect all enemies? Even standard ones or only bosses?


    How this system can handle "binary skills" such as Bastille, Stomp, etc etc? I mean... either they are stunned or they arent. there cant be an "half way"


    As far as I can tell, it means that skills that hold people in place like that would then stop holding them in place for as long.


    I imagine things like Snow Globe's slow will also not effect them as much as they're inside it.

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