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Posts posted by FrostboundFlame

  1. -snip-

    You, sir, are the first to put this in a proper light without seeming completely angry at DE or whatever at the same time. and for that, you get a +1.


    I think that the only things supposed to be affected are Mods, not every last drop that shows up (and I we all know the percentage of mod drops is substantially lower than some people like to believe). I expect a hotfix for this in the coming future.

  2. I'm routinely impressed about how mad some of the forum-goers can get. what a lot of people don't seem to realize is that this game is balanced towards (for defense at least) 15-20 waves before things start getting insane. despite the many people that go farther, you're still the minority. hell, even the number of people on the forums is a minority of the sheer number of people who play this game.

  3. I'm fine with the slot change. Anyone asking to keep the extra 2 slots while warframe abilities no longer take space are asking for too much--they're spoiled rotten. It's balance. It's the equivalent of going to a pawn shop, showing them the item yet not trading it in, and walking out with the money anyway.


    The best balance to appease this audience in a way that may actually be helpful is to mark those rarely used mods as Utility mods, and give them their own custom slot alongside the aura mods.


    I say this as a player who has every warframe both prime and standard, warframes with forma counting from 2 to 7, and I'm actually happy this change is coming.


    If you used a single-ability build, you lose one mod, but gain three abilities stacked into that same slot. This build would not be possible in the old system. If you wanted to use more than 2 abilities, your build would have been badly gimped in the old system--our current system. Instead, a multi-ability build is more viable, and encourages players to have fun and see the variety the developers worked so hard to implement in the game, and bring rarely used abilities into the public view.


    The new ability system aims to give players freedom and choice, and removes the doubts developers and players have of whether or not players have an ability equipped.


    This could lead to better reworks. If an ability needs a buff in the way it functions yet there's no balanced way to add the feature into the same ability, a synergy can be created between two abilities. The developers can do this now because we will always have all four abilities on us.


    You want Overheat back? It can come back as a synergy. You want Volt to cast Overload faster? That too. You want Frost's Freeze to be better? It can happen now. Venom? How about viral Venom that spreads. Many reworks will be possible with the possibility of this new synergy.


    Also, some warframes can just be more fun. You want a Trinity buff? Instead of equipping Blessing and Link or Energy Vampire, you can now use both because the new upcoming build allows for more mods with this build. What about Ash abilities besides Bladestorm, doesn't that sound fun? Every warframe will be that much more fun.


    And for what cost? Almost nothing. The single slot you lost has three abilities crammed into it. It actually feels like a net gain.


    Yes, the players are spoiled--and also blind. They're not seeing the wonderful potential behind what they're gaining.


    not to say that this isn't a good idea, but Venom literally already does that, it just requires a little bit more player interaction. Venom triggers up Viral procs, the player shoots one of the many spores with a bullet weapon, and it spreads to every enemy within the current room with extra range put on.

  4. I realize that with the current server issues, the decay timer on the Argon Crystals has been frozen. However, at the same time, it seems like any and all Argon Crystal drops get changed into Control Modules. Seeing as I have enough control modules to build a small house, I've been getting (hopefully understandibly) frusterated with the lack of Argon Crystals. Is the lack of drops intentional, or a bug caused by freezing the timers?

  5. While this has happened to me alot recently, I wouldn't really call this 'game-breaking'. all factions have one way or another to knock you down, so it's pretty simple to fix, so long as you pay attention to what you're shooting. granted, I still want it cleared up, but there are some worse bugs out there.

  6. ...Bug nonwithstanding, I find this hard to believe. Mainly because, for whatever reason, I'm able to put a Rank 3 Fast Hands (which I only have one of) on both my Braton and on my Wyrm's Laser Rifle. If that were to remain true, then this shouldn't be possible.

  7. Edit: Ok so let me just poop out a fast alternative here. How about drastically decrease the material requirements of the keys, all the way til it's very low but still non-trivial. Also, decrease the key build-time to something short like 10 minutes. Then we can keep the grindception system, but at least then it'll just be: build derelict keys, grind a few regular derelict games, build golem key, then fight golem. It'll be a LOT less taxing to players and at the same time not be just another boss-farm.


    Honestly this would make a much better system. I'm just tired of people complaining just because it's a little bit hard to get something.

  8. What honestly disgusts me right now is the fact that you're all thinking it's a bid to get more money. /yes/ you can fast-track things and use platinum to get the keys faster, but did it ever occur to you that, in one span of creating a key, that you could go back and get more materials for another key? not to mention that you can have multiple keys of different mission types going at the same time, effectively chopping down the time between keys even more. while I don't dispute that the timer itself is kind of dumb, I for one am glad that I have something to spend my in-game cash on that I earn faster than I can deal with. Heck, that's part of why I like this game as much as I do. you don't have to buy anything with real-world money that effects anything in-game, stat-wise, you can choose to play the game completely free and get everything regardless (even if it gets a little complicated due to item/warframe slots). All the game is asking for is a bit of your time, but apparently you don't have anything better to do other than play Warframe, based on the reaction this is getting. Personally I also think it's a better move than just putting the keys up for grabs in missions, where it basically boils down to hoping that you get the right key at the right time. at least this way they let you choose which key you want to make.

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