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Posts posted by deothor

  1. Just now, GodzLikeNore said:

    I don't exactly agree with this. Nullifiers can be a pain to take, that's right. But even with a 0 defense frame if you stay mobile enough you can easily dive them since corpus well, they should get some lessons on how to aim. 

    It's not because taking them down isn't easy unless you find a way around. But what fun would it be if you could just run trough everything ?

    If nullifiers get nerfed. I would honestly be very sad. They are in a very nice state at this point. If they would be nerfed they would most likely be just some regular unit that gets 1-shot anyway.

    I don;t want Nullifiers to be nerfed or deleted!

    I just want to have some balance.. I can handle 1 nullifier.. 2, okay 2... But they like always come in packs.


    Also There's something I wonder.. Should they protect from bullets? If yet, then they and allies shouldn't be able to shoot trough bubble. I'll  be honest, I'd gladly welcome a Nullifier nerf that makes it slightly bit more logical, like Nullifiers bubble block only 50% of gun damage (also forsts bubble too.) So 50% goes trough, while other 50 on shields and decreases it;s size.

  2. 1. Clickbait title (-1)

    2. Pointlessly complicated with Void Traces. Either:

    a) make it lootable from all Void mobs

    b) delete the damn thing

    3. So.. In endless mode many void fissures = many artifacts to use? You expect me to gladly burn trough all of my artifacts in1 run? Ilike survival alot. But damn this idea is bad..

    4. Btw do you know how long is 20 waves in defense? Like a whole 10 years... Also what.. We have to protect cargo or some dead body in box while collecting void glue from fallen mobs? If someone enjoys defense + multi tasking then.. sure I guess..

    5. Those "advantages" are.. Not so advantagious.. But w/e I guess..

  3. 3 minutes ago, p3z1 said:

    Lol all this rant/salt.

    1 - Hack consoles whenever an alert is up, or else bursas will be up your arse.

    2 - Nullifiers are a pain, but can be handled. Still waiting for them to be nerfed.
    2a - Nullifiers die quickly, due to being easy to kill. Dive bubble -> shoot point blank/slide attack w/ melee usually leads to a dead nullifier.

    3 - You are probably using a Warframe that depends on abilities (probably an Excalibur or a Valkyr). Better get a decently tough frame while fighting the corpus (probably an Excalibur or Valkyr).

    You don't need all weapons in the game to handle nullifiers. Bursas are your problem, hence needing to hack consoles and not going gung-ho (exceptions are endless missions, you're on your own there).

    I guess I wasn't clear enough..

    I have frames like: Ember, Loki, Nyx (which I don't use foten), Rhino (got tired playing him for 2 weeks straight), Necro

    1. I don't mind Random Bursas. Actually I am happy, as I want their mods. I am unhappy with dealing with a bursa + 4 nullies + scrambling dude + bombard drones and other ... stuff. Especially when room is small.

    2. Ember going in bubble = wasting TONS of energy = going empty = getting overrun by mobs.. Also bubbles are so common, that I wont even have time to use abilities

    2. Loki. Do I even have to say it? Do ou really expect me to explain why Loki has hard time in Corpus?

    3. Nyx.. What she's supposed to do? She's caster-type frame. No spells = no win = no fun

    3. Yeaaaaaah. Even though it's valid argument, it's just as valid as "don't be unhappy. be happy instead" sentence. Empty and bland.

    7 minutes ago, JudgeFromHell said:

    Don't play versus the corpus faction then. And watch out your words.

    Next helpful helper who helps so much that it starts to get helpless.

    Best advices ever. Anything more?

    Please shine upon me your protips!

    Was I sarcastic enough?

  4. .... exhausting.

    Number of those blue bubbles is beyond Re****ed On top of that Bursas with sticky bubbles, 

    I don't have all frames.

    I don't have all weapons.

    I don't know any cheesy strategies versus Corpus.

    All I know is that when my abilities are disabled, I just could play some CoD, CS or 123896182462845283428946 other shooter games and have so much more fun.


    Or maybe DE expects me to use my best possible weapon on all times, that could easily handle level 100 mobs for a 25 lvl mission, just so I could have fake feeling of accomplishment while beating corpus? If that's the case then damn.. Computer games shouldn't have evolved beyond Mario Bros.



    Obviously I am salty. Wasting 20 minutes on a mission losing because RNG decided to put too much "things" in 1 room.

    Winner of this spot on observation is [TADUM TADUM] p3z1 !

    Ain't he a clever boy?

  5. 3 hours ago, Shockwave- said:

    In the old void you would play all the frames depending the mission,

    Just little than week passed and you already start to forget that we had the same issue. Maybe it wasn't as obvious as now, but I sure remember hundreds of times where I wasn't invited to a team, because they needed some OP frame. The same crap applied to Draco.

    We had, have and will have this issue, because some frames are just TOO DAMN GOOD for some missions.


    Excavation/defense/MD = Frost, Nova, Hydroid

    Survival = Necro

    Spy = Loki/Ivara

    Anything = Trinity


    Your "perfect void fissure team" is nothing more than players calculating the best gain. It's not their fault.

  6. I've read all posts and it saddens me..



    Because no matter how valid and well made arguments player would use, I haven't seen any game company going "hmm duh you are right, we'll revert some of those changes that are obviously hurting you and us"



    Which means, those changes are here to stay. Sigh.

  7. > The one that says Complete a corpus spy mission on Jupiter with 3 successful data extractions just will not complete, 

    Didn't it also mention which spy mission? Because it kinda does with everything else "destroy x in y mission 3 times"


    > The ones that say "seal -insert void fissure name here-" don't want to count towards the junction for me either.

    It could be you are trying to complete mission from "blocked" junction. You'd have to onlock it beforehand (finish mission that connects to junction)

    OR you use wrong fissure :P


    My problems with junction missions are that they want me to craft things I already crafted before or do things I have done hundreds of times already. This system should see "oh this dude has crafted Soma already, so he doesn't have to craft mastery 5+ weapon again to unlock junction"


  8. 8 hours ago, cannonfodder1982 said:

    oh wow, i thought it was bad having to get 100 to upgrade each type of relic now i know its for every single relic then thats me pretty much done, im not wasting my time with this upgrade bs ill just use each relic and take the risk of not getting what i want, just like the old system but far more tedious 

    From what I heard with this system, unupgraded relics have lower chance for good loot than old rewards from keys....sooo...




  9. I kind of disagree for "Void fissures being better than void missions".

    Here's my list of complaints:

    1. Every participant who wants to get a reward has to use his relic. Old: 1 key shared for whole team.

    2. Even though Everyone has to use key for rewards, number of dropped relics is still as low as it is for keys. So you use 4 times more relics, than you used to use keys, while still getting the same amount of them from missions as before.

    3. To craft Dragon keys you need those ... fissure traces? The things to upgrade your relic. Well tough luck. You get less than 10 per 1 void fissure mission. So sooner or later vault runs will become rare.

    4. Void fissure missions are simply boring. Excavation style. It can be easily fixed by adding different methods of closing fissures, like kill boss that spawned fossure, or shot fissure dead'ish.. Food for though. But so far, it's terrible

    5. Monsters spawn out of thin air. So far system of mobs spawning was smart. Let them spawn in next room, behind doors or whenever you didn't watch. It gave that slight real feel. In void fissures, mobs spawn out of thin air. While glowing... Yeah i know "they came from hole"... But had they come with angelic star-trek teleportation way?

    6. This is slightly important. In "old days" 1 key have been used, all participants got their rewards. god or bad, doesn't matter.

    Now, when you can choose which reward you'll get comes a problem "what I actually need". For that to work, We'd have to have some veavy inventory overhaul. Here are fixes we could go with ATM:

    • add rarity of each items we can choose from
    • add number of items we already have (like Ash prime socks 3 owned)
    • Add diary/own goals thingy, where you make a list of what you need. Once it shows up it is "marked"
    • Add relic loot to once we are in ship with some inventory interaction.. Maybe search (worst idea from all so far)


    7. What else I dislike about void fissures.. Maybe how daring they are.. Like corpus corps talk with each other:

    "dude look at this 1 huge shiny hole.. what could it be?"

    "dunno.. pretend you dont see it, then maybe it'll go away"


    Here are some fixes for that aswell:

    • Make holes SPAWN when player shows nearby. Logic behind: This Artifact has created an anomaly within space, we have to close it asap!!"
    • Make holes spawn small number of random mobs who'd fight with normal ones from mission

    8. Last one:

    This excavation mode of bringing some orbs that close the fissure..

    Could we like make them on magnet? So player just has to stand near it, it suddenly starts to hover nearby and follows player.. I know it's less logical than "pick part of some angelic hole with your bare tenno-hands to close the portal", but it'd help immensely!


  10. 4 hours ago, Chaosmagistrate said:

    Hidden Messages quest now won't update properly either.

    I finished crafting the Chasis and proceeded with creating the Mirage with the market blueprint.

    The quest still is asking me to create the Mirage Chasis.  I hope it will update when my Mirage finishes in three days.


    The same.

    And then when you check Market for Mirage BP (which should be enabled with credits) = nothing, only platinum

  11. 2 minutes ago, Avalona said:

    So, why were you posting that the map is unplayable again?

    Try not to give people wrong impression on the game mode you're bad at. They might started blindly accusing DE :^).

    Not everyone is good at archwing. DE gave too small time frame for completing mission.

    I myself wasn't even near half way of map when I lost. And don't give me that comment at "get better" when it was mission for players who have pretty much just unlocked archwing. 

    And because of that,  yeah, I will accuse DE. I was close to losing my breakfast because of motion sickness. And on top of that I lost a game.. Which supposedly was meant to teach me how to archwing. Seriously.

  12. I started Mirage quest 3 days ago.

    Made helmet and systems. Chassis was almost done before update came, but it didn't make it in time.

    Now i know that once I have completed those 3 parts I should be able to buy Mirage BP from market with credits.

    And I'm not sure, but it looks like market only wants to screw me with platinum


    What should I do? Please.. Help..


    EDIT: To make things clear

    Mirage in market does NOT have this small credit tab to buy blueprint. So I have 3 parts of mirage and can't proceed.



    Tried 1 archwing "rush" mission on phobos. 

    Archwing steering is TERRIBLE

    Archwing speed is TERRIBLE

    I had motion sickness.. F*** this i still have.


    Awesome update 10/10 Would uninstall again.


    I'm out.

  13. Guys, could someone explain me this...

    Before update I had 3 planets fully unlocked. And had lots of completed missions on rest of maps.


    I have all planets either "clean" or have randomly 1 or 2 missions done. WTH?


    Second: Will DE enhance starmap? Why I ask? Map sure looks fancy, but efficiency dropped rock bottom...

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