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Posts posted by row49382

  1. 7 hours ago, SolarDwagon said:

    Norg's seem to not exist now, also the bug with bait missing the water seems to be back

    I've noticed this too. There should probably be a refund system where if the bait doesn't hit the water, it is added back to the gear wheel. Nothing more frustrating than farming the fish for murkray bait to catch murkray to build norg bait to toss norg bait and not having it activate.

  2. 1 minute ago, ninjamaster345 said:

    but they said it might be 2 hours



    We're working out an unexpected and sudden issue with asset cache that puts us behind schedule a bit.

    Still aiming for tonight as we work through these issues - we'll update this thread again in a hour!


    they said one hour from this time.

  3. Here is the reddit post, if you prefer that medium. I will be updating current bids as they come. Auction closes on Friday or if bought out.

    C/O: 900

    B/O: 1.3k

    BTW: The mod is maxed, this picture was taken right after the first roll.



  4. On 6/2/2017 at 3:23 AM, P0Pz said:

    For the armor striping part...

    Vs Oberon...

    Did you compared Mag's 2 energy use once, throwing 2 pox with Corrosive in with 100% status? Duration 15+sec? Up to 4 bubbles at the same time? Each 15m radius? 

    Stripping 145 Corrupted Bombard armor INSTA ?

    AND on top traps targets/ damaging them with theire own source of power and yours in endless flying arround shots/ procing like there is no tomorrow/ critting like there is no tomorrow/ detonation in end to @*^/$ anyone within the AoE/ The cherry on top: none range atack can hit ya standing inside the bubble only melee hits, which gets blown away by corro + blast 100% status Pox... 🤔

    Your 2 is secure vs enemie punch-trough in and from outside. 

    Forget oberons lil armor debuff and buff. Nothing scals better then mags 2 here in the end. Before he debuffs all to 0 ... i have 3 bubbles up (45meter) and all are debuffing to 0 armor insta...and continue to do so for 15 sec while killing/traping....

    😎 to strip armor, use Mags 2 and pox or a weapon you like with high status.

    I use: Pox/ Torid/ Mios/ Shade or Adarza Kavat.

    Polarize is great already, with the incoming shield-gating what ya want more? 😉


    More energy pool ✔

    Thanks for the input. I have an issue with saying her 2 is good (which is true) and strips any enemies in a  Small bubble with a specific weapon under these conditions. WAY too many floating variables there snd it's not a global strip as it should be. I don't really care about damage at this point, support is what Mag is supposed to be as her description says.

    Albeit, her 2 does F*** loads of damage, which is where I'm ok if the damage stops there.

    also: sorry for late response I haven't been on the forums in awhile :P

  5. 36 minutes ago, (PS4)Shaun-T-Wilson said:

    Dont forget mag has a unique ability Pull, that have a decent chance of energy orb drop of 1 in 4 kills.

    Yes the energy thing is BS but I honestly think it should just be a pull ability that rag dolls as it does with no secondary effect. I use it consistently for pulling enemies into a magnetize bubble.

  6. 38 minutes ago, ZenshadowOfZramx said:

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Oberon's armor debuff is weaker than Mag's is currently. Oberon's not having diminishing returns is okay (because it is weaker), but for a stronger armor reduction, not having diminishing returns could make it somewhat overpowered at higher levels. 

    But I do agree with the energy pool - as a caster frame, it needs energy to use its skills.

    IIRC Oberon at the 214% PS can strip A level 145 corrupted bombards armor in two reckonings under the effect of hallowed ground while Mag takes about 6-7 of polarize.

  7. 14 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

    Yes. I don't use QT on her, but a higher energy pool would be very, very good.

    Here I'm gonna have to disagree, because Polarize doesn't have diminishing returns. It's not percentage-based, it's flat damage to Shields and Armor. Polarize doesn't need to strip ludicrous levels of Armor into high levels, just weakening it is fine and dandy. Her massive damage from Magnetize is more than enough compensation for this. Furthermore, Polarize already does two other things on top of the damage and debuff (ally shiled restore and primes more damage for Magnetize), so I'm totally okay with Polarize taking on that late-game switch that Overload and WoF have.

    Sorry I used the term "diminishing returns" loosely. I would like it to factor in PS as a % of max armor lost -- perhaps while inflicted with a magnetic proc and give her 1,2 and 4 increased proc chance with Ps similar to ember with WoF -- similar to how Oberon has changed. This will still let polarize be alright on its own but doesn't force synergy between  abilities as you can always use a weapon modded for magnetic instead.

    these are just my thoughts, please criticize as need be.

  8. Hello everyone. I was a naive Tenno and started with Mag pre-rework. Once I learned how to use her as a corpus killing machine it was a lot of fun and I was looking forward to getting her prime variant. Anyway in comes her rework, magnetize is good, polarize is ok and crush is also meh. 

    However last week brought some GREAT QoL buffs for her including:

    • Moving while casting
    • Removing .75 second delay at the end of crush

    While I'd even call these buffs to her. I feel she needs two changes to make me say she's PERFECT.

    1) Increase her energy pool to 150 or 175. This is for her prime, maybe 125-150 for base. She's a caster and having under 500 energy pool with a primed flow is laughable especially since most builds use QT on her.

    2) Have Polarize armor stripping not have diminishing returns. We've seen their change to Oberon with reckoning having this effect. I don't see any issue transferring it over to Mag herself.

    Here are a few tests to show polarizes current state:

    • On Hydron with 214% PS (Blind rage + Power Drift) and CP aura, you can strip enemy armor successfully in one use till around level 50-60.
    • On a Kuva flood with 214% PS and CP aura (no one else at the time using CP either) you can strip a Kuva heavy gunner in 4-5 casts.
    • In the Simulacrum with 214% PS and CP aura you can strip armor off 5 corrupted bombards at level 50 in the 2-3 cast, 80 in 4-5 casts, 100 in 6-7 casts.
    • In the Simulacrum with 249% PS (Blind rage + Power drift + Transient Fortitude) and CP aura you can strip armor off 5 corrupted bombards at level 50 in 1 cast, 80 in 2-3 casts, 100 in 4-5 casts.
    • If you are using Mag's crush augment with 249% PS and CP aura you can strip armor off 5 corrupted bombards at level 80 in 1 cast crush, 1-2 cast polarize, 100 in 1 cast crush and 2-3 casts polarize. (I wouldn't use this augment personally except in a max range CC build on interception for just the immobility).

    I would like to have polarize strip armor in 1-2 casts at 249% PS at all levels. 

    TLDR; Give Mag increased energy pool and change armor stripping on polarize to not have diminishing returns and I'll be happy. Thoughts?

  9. Just now, (Xbox One)Spaztic Magic said:

    As a completionist I feel this idea deserves a +1. I still mourn the selling of my Ether Daggers, seeing as I had no idea I would never see them again. Not cool. Not cool at all.

    Did you complete them for mastery already? If not, you can submit a ticket and since it can hinder your progression to another MR you can have them delivered to your inbox. I am currently trying this after someone on reddit made a a post explaining it.



  10. 12 minutes ago, maj.death said:

    No picture. But at any rate. ALL one time rewards from quests should be unlocked in the market after you do that quest. Especially the warframe BPs.

    edit: *highlights empty box* 

    Wow. You actually made your text the same color as the background. That is all sorts of annoying.

    that was unintentional. Is it still that way? It looks fine on my screen.

  11. My suggestion would be to have certain quest items only show up in the market after completing the quest, or have the research symbol by the item that instead reads, "Obtained by finishing ___ Quest." This is similar to how it currently says "Obtained through alert" or "Obtained by clan research in __ Lab." (I'm paraphrasing as I don't have the game open to actually quote the messages).

    For example, we can use the ether daggers. MR2 me sees ether daggers in the market or does not see them till the stolen dream quest is completed. If in the market before completion, have a tab that reads, "Obtained after completing The Stolen Dream." When completed, allow the bp to be obtained from the market at a reasonable cost.

    I don't think this should be the case for special cinematic quest items such as the broken scepter as that would be lore breaking to have one craftable. That is unless, there is a scepter that will be coming to the game, assuming the pattern is parallel to broken war and war. If they should appear in the market at all is also subjective. My thought process is that since we already have packs like Hunhow's Gift available to everyone prior to The Second Dream that it wouldn't provide anymore spoilers that aren't already present. Ideally I would like to have these packs hidden until completion of the quest because I prefer to find out lore of the game through the game play itself, but that 's a different topic.

    If there is a better place I could advocate for this change, please refer me to the correct thread or communication medium.

    EDIT: Since text was said to be greyed out, I canceled any formatting. This was not intentional.


  12. On 3/10/2017 at 10:15 AM, [DE]Rebecca said:

    Luckily I hadn't finished the Sortie yet and there is a Defense mission up - this sets the field for one of my favourite Nyx Assimilate strategies. Hopping in a Defense Shotgun-Only Sortie with my 'Terminator Nyx' to protect the Ally after this change was the perfect testing ground for me - especially in Public matchmaking where you're never sure what others will bring to the table.

    I'm conflicted about what I found - I expected to see the sky falling, especially with a full Public team with Shotguns! With my Assimilate build, I was still able to maintain Godmode Assimilate for each wave, stopping in between to hustle for drops and stock up on energy. I only removed my '4' in combat once to run to a fallen Squad mate to quickly reactivate it.

    When the final Wave hit things got a little hairy - as they should - and I had to adapt with quick movements and Energy restock, only losing my Absorb once.

    Is more testing necessary? Absolutely - that goes for everyone in this thread who has claimed we've ruined something that they themselves have not tried out.

    It has been a while since Nyx has gone under any serious discussion so we'll see how far we can open this door based on the constructive feedback that takes place.

    An excuse to play even more Nyx though? Sign me up.


    I feel the biggest issue with this is that there will be players who are downed, or who are trolls that will accidentally or purposely hit your bubble too much and pop it. This is especially true for a max range bubble to shield the defense target. 

    This isn't an issue that the player itself can control and thus seems to limit her based on the coordination of your team. I'm not sure if I am ok with adapting to this play style. I have played Nyx since the Assimilate change and rarely play her now. If I do, it is only with my clan or friends that I trust, and even then, they can accidentally pop my bubble when I go to revive them -- or in some cases, they pop it to troll and then apologize right after. Usually when the mission is early on and there is little risk.

    I think Assimilate worked fine the way it did and should be changed back because of the limitations it puts on her gameplay. 

  13. On 3/13/2017 at 9:18 AM, Eminem2420 said:

    Ok. You can continue to ignore problems with the game. I'm not going to waste my time.

    You should realize that he is only responding to your original post. You claimed that there are a large percentage of players that don't play anymore. He presented an argument with data to disprove you. It had nothing to do with ignoring problems.

  14. 3 minutes ago, DSkycroft said:

    Honestly,I am done discussing this because you people have made it abundantly clear that you are not willing to consider an opinion other than your own.

    It appears you have too. All I am doing is responding to your arguments with valid responses and rebuttals. You have yet to give me a valid response that cannot be countered or has changed my view is all.

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