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Posts posted by RenownedWheat42

  1. With how diverse the game itself is, I don't have any innate desire to have other games in the universe. Instead, I'd like to see Warframe's universe expanded upon in the game we've already got.

    The way things feel clear up to Second Dream are great. Meeting the characters and getting introduced to everything set things up pretty nicely. But as we go on, we don't really meet any new people.

    Even a small, simple fix like expanding upon the influence of a planet's boss would be really nice. We don't care about most until the actual boss fight, and even then, most lack any real impact. 

  2. I love sortie spy if the tileset is a Corpus one. Grineer spy, though, will always make me avoid sorties for the day. I just don't consider it to be worth my time. Random lag spikes or framerate drops will utterly screw you over in those, whereas Corpus spy are always considerably easier.

  3. "Just take Limbo" is what basically anyone will tell you, and that is a valid thing to say. Though, Limbo is required because rescue AI is pretty derpy overall, so I agree with you. I've had no genuinely bad experiences since I've gotten Limbo, but the AI doesn't always follow and in rescue sorties/fissures that can be a downright pain to repeat. Missions that punish you for your own mistakes are fine, but missions that punish you due to faulty AI or glitches are a problem.

  4. % of MAX health, especially if that % is 15, can lead to Nekros being incredibly powerful imo. Level 150 Bombard/Heavy Gunner? Ragdoll that boy and strip their health hella hard, while you're at it. Honestly, as a man who loves Nekros enough to have bought PA, I think that would be a little too much, considering bone daddy has so much versatility as it is.

    I would personally think it would need to be a % of current enemy health so you can use it to hurt 'em while they're full, but when they're lower you'd need to rely on something else. Anything else.

  5. Some people like to go one round in Heiracon over and over again. Apparently that's effective.

    Honestly, I just do any dark sector from Ceres and up. I'm also running the PA credit booster, so from Gabii, Ceres, I leave with over 50k in 5 min when you take pickups into consideration. For it being as easy as it is, it works wonderfully.

  6. I don't see this being a thing, or really even needing to, considering invasion missions are some of the shortest around and they're always easy to get groups for. Pub games still clear basically all invasions in like two to three minutes, meaning just about a nine- to ten-minute run for the complete rewards.

    Personally, I don't always have the time or desire to do all three, but that's just me. I still feel like they're fine as they are, though.

  7. MR is stupidly easy to climb through up until like, 12 or so. Preparing you for Sortie Spy at MR5, when your frames, weapons, and mods are going to be trash not worthy of going into Sortie, is just not the intention.

    They are preparing you for normal spy missions. Allowing you to use ciphers isn't actually all that ludicrous. Why? Because you can kind of... uh, y'know, use ciphers in standard spy missions.

  8. They're well worth it. If you're having trouble with the farm, consider investing in a booster, Nekros, or Hydroid with Pilfering Swarm. You'll see a large increase in how much you farm. With Pilfering Swarm Hydroid I run about 4-5k alloy plates in 5 min.

  9. 20 minutes ago, Nurmetya said:

    They've not proven useful in the least. Most are too slow, clunky and to be honest just not worthwhile in the slightest and DE needs to get rid of the single swing before a charge attack (unless its in a combo and really DE needs to drop the combos entirely and adopt a better melee system) as it tends to get in the way if you do try and use them. 

    They are actually very useful especially against any enemies you're too weak to go up against normally. Knock em down, finish em. It's something I did a lot in the early-mid game. Melee combos also work pretty well and do highly increased damage from my experience.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Neo_182 said:

    I suggested this to Steve while at Tennocon.

    The beginning of the mission is sniper rifles only.
    Take out as many guards as possible in a brief time period (a minute or two?)
    Then second part consists of infiltrating a complex/prison to retrieve data or a hostage.

    I need to emphasize that this game mode would be designed around sniper rifles.
    We should be sniping from a building top and stealth into the complex before any alarms or anything else can be triggered like in classic missions.

    Add bows to this and I'm a huge fan.

  11. 1 minute ago, [DE]Danielle said:

    It may be a temporary kick/ban from chat. One of our chat moderating bots might have picked you up, if that's the case you should be back in chat momentarily. If the chat ban lasts longer than a week you can contact support for more info: https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us

    I suppose it is a temporary ban, as any kick I've had from being stupid before would have been undone by now.

    Is there any way of finding out why I'd been banned? Or is that something I would have to go through support to do?

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