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Posts posted by SPECTR_Eternal

  1. Most important question ever - why are the Oculysts glowing gold? Are they Primed? Are they "just not like the others"? :D


    What is coming about The Sentients and The Scorched? We all want to know exactly who he is, and we all hope that you'll give us the answer. "One way or another" © - Captain Vor

  2. Maybe you should get rid of RNG then? It's this games weakest feature.

    Remember, in the Dark Past of U10 there was a toxic cloud around place of death of Toxic Ancients. Now it's just disappears. After what? After Prime Time when Glen wanted to hang around with her Ortos and dies a few times because of it!



  3. Hotfix broke my steam overlay...again. Seems to fix randomly every few hotfixes/updates. By broken I mean trying to open the steam overlay does so without a cursor, followed by closing the overlay putting a second regular mouse cursor on the screen. Opening the overlay then has a cursor allowing me to click on things but the second unstylised cursor refuses to go away unless I alt tab out and then back into the game. The second cursor moves across the screen faster than the warframe one but cannot click on things. Again, seems to happen at random with some updates/hotfixes correcting the issue and others returning it.


    According to who? And by that I mean irrefutable statistical data.

    Thats Steam problem - it allways happen with PayDay2, Dota 2 and many other games.

  4. I love aim gliding, but I can actually aim better without zooming in. I'd very much like the option to turn zooming off. Or a mod for it maybe?

    We already have a separate buttin for zoom on Right-Click-grenade launchers etc, why not do it as an aditional option in Controls? - On default, AimGliding triggered while in air with holding of Zoom button, so make a togglebal option like "Initiate AimGliding on ____ (set button)".


    Actually, AimGliding is nice, but you completly looses understanding of what going on around you if you using it not like offensive movement, but for mobility purpose. Because of zooming in you seeing only what you have targeted, your fov is too low to understand, will you hit that ceiling/edge with your head or not, and will you then fall into crowd of enemys that you doesn't see.

  5. Thats nice idea, but rewards must be more... Encouraging, or all who'll do this missioms will be theonly one who cares about lore. Warframe is a massive multiplayer shooter, It must be interesting and encouraging for most of player.


    Offtopic: the game mode of my choice - is "Search and Destroy". When you need to fastly aproach to objective, run your way using new Movement 2.0 system, kill/detroy/capture target/engine/resource of some sort and get out. The more enemys you'll encounter on your way into the facility, the more enemys will try to stop you on your way out.


    It must be Parkour-friendly or specially desinged for it, 'cause even now with old tilesets there is some problems with parkour elements.



    Or it can be mode like "Run'n'Gun", some sort of old Raid-mission, where you need to catch a fast target and do it the most effective way you can.


    Subj: Your idea is nice, as I say, but it needs some twiks. Good luck, man, I'll explore the Uranus underwater caves with a pair of sharks with big joy. :3

  6. I don't know was it there or not, but while me and two my friends was trying to complete Quest "Natah", only one of us actually hear ALL the transmissions. I've lost a pair, and acidensially, I've decided to abort mission becouse of this.


    I hope, it'll be fixed as soon as possible, 'cause I'm really scared and... frustraited about all of this.. Sentient-related things, and about Lotus.


    WHERE: The "Natah" quest

    WHAT: Missing transmissions for host and client

    WHEN: Right before Hotfix 17.0.2

  7. So, our first emotions with U.17 Archwing-Submersible missions was... Actually, very strange. VERY. STRANGE.


    After we leave water and was grounded, my friend continue to floating in air on his Archwing, besides, he was seing himself normal, but with Arch-gun and Melee.






    And so. Rhino was able to use all of his abilities, especially his Iron Skin, which applies to his Archwing. And yes, he was SOOOOOOO SMALL. :D


    Hope it will help in Hotfixes.

  8. Actually very nice! It keeps the main style of Frost, adding some cool details. But in my opinion, I'll give him some more non symmetrical paint job on chest, and change the hip part of his pants. It should be more... Organic, not a cloth.

    All in all, it's a very cool concept!

  9. Те, кто пытаются защитить ЭТО тем, что нам не понравились предыдущие «не вписывающиеся в тематику старых «уродливых персонажей» фреймы»:

    Помнится, давным давно выкладывали работы концепт-художника DE, где был расписан визуальный стиль каждой фракции.
    «Грубые, уродливо-крутые Гринир в тяжелых доспехах», «Пост-индустриальные, технологичные Корпус», «Изящные, органичные пост-люди Тенно». Простите, ВОТ ЭТО совсем не подходит под «изящную органичность».

  10. Хабы просили ТАКОЕ количество людей что все что я могу сказать "тебе не нужны".

    На одной только русской ветке было свыше 10 предложений.

    Про англо ветку я молчу...


    Хабы нужны на столько же на сколько нужно ПВП. "Чтоб был".

    Другое дело что в конечном итоге из хаба сделают. Бесполезную фигню в которой часик побегать и забить на всю жизнь... Или место в которое ты будешь хотеть вернутся.

    Поживем увидим. Может будет как с ПВП...


    Я тоже придерживаюсь мнения что это трата ресурсов. Но "вообще не нужны" к данному случаю не применим.

    Лично мое мнение, как любителя ММО, SWTOR'ов и WoW'ов. Комьюнити-хабы, конечно, нужны. НО:

    1. Как это обусловить со стороны ЛОра игры и общего сюжета? Тенно - немногие выжившие со времен Войны, а тут, понимаешь ли, их десятки тысяч. :D Да еще и в одном месте.

    2. Собственно, само это место. Корабли тенно, даже такие малогабаритные, как Лисет, судя по радиопереговорам, могут обнаружать даже сквозь маскировку Бездны, а тут у нас огромная космическая станция (по меньшей мере). Конечно, да, принцип такой же, как и в башнях, но все же. Как-то не вяжется.

    По поводу физической и технической составляющей, а именно по поводу заполненности - есть такая клевая штука, как инстансы. Те же названные выше "каналы" - две-три-четыре копии локации, на которые могут загружаться игроки, если другие заполнены. Это в любой ММО работает, DE наверняка сделают что-то такое же.

  11. I've seen the video of guys going into the steam stacks but I can never personally find it. I had 4 of my clan members searching every square inch of the maps and we couldn't find anything.

    There is a "Thief's Wit" mod for Warframe. It shows on minimap Halloween cashes.



    Are they all from rare containers? Be specific about word form.

    Yes, I have it from containers.

  12. I think the special rewards you are talking about are part of U15 on PC. The caches in the Halloween alert just drop fusion cores and credits.


    You'll get the update after we're done beta testing it for you.

    Lol no. I have Hammer Shot, Fortitude and Blaze from cashes. There is a proof on Wiki.

  13. Do you play in Mass Effect 3 co-op?

    In the universe Mass Effect there are several types of protection that you and your opponents are worn over the armor: shields and barriers.
    Shields are strong, but have a low recovery rate and serious delay.

    Barriers protect weaker, but can defend you from any kind of exposure (except for direct damage to health), including fully from the effects of status and critical hits. Barriers recharged almost instantaneously and have very short delay.


    And my suggestion - give the player a choice:
    1. Wear shields, the capacity of which is several times the size of the barriers (to compensate for the difference), and not worry about the fact that their capacity can be reduced.
     - But at the same time, shieds are extremely sensitive to the weapon, causing impact damage or to any "hit-scan" weapons. (Effective against Corpus/uneffective against Grineer)


    2. Wear barriers which size will be slightly lower (for example, below the current maximum - about 700 units) than the shields, but under the influence of which is the chance to catch the negative effect of status will be equal to about 30% of the original chance projectile. (For example, the bullet of Tysis has a chance status of about 60%. Barrier will reduce the chance of up to 30% of the current.)

    - In this case, the barriers will be ineffective against weapons, inflicting puncture damage, but is extremely effective against inflicting impact, with a high chance of inflicting status effect. (Effective against Grineer/uneffective against Corpus)

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