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Posts posted by (XBOX)BigQuadTodd

  1. he may not be appealing to some mash one button to win people, or for people who dont have good energy efficiency, but hes pretty fun imo. i mean hes a ninja thats good at killing stuff. Sure with level 100's he still gets out damaged by a couple frames, but real end game, like a 1hour and 45mins at mot, a bunch of those frames wont be doing so much damage anymore, only a few will still keep up to his damage

  2. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)DarXenon said:

    Thanks guys but i know that you can get slots for 20 plats, what i meant is, is there a limit to how many slots i can get? or i can constantly keep buying slots? 

    you can get as many slots as you want, as long as you have the platinum for it

  3. how the heck is ash useless now? are you just saying that because you cant clear a room with one button and now you actually have to use your brain?

    let me say this, ash is still one of the frame that can even have a chance at one shotting a level 700 enemy, not a lot of frames can do that, only a few


  4. 6 minutes ago, SuikiAmon said:

    Wrong. I hate it because it's something no one asked for or agreed to.

    actually like @Xirka stated:

    39 minutes ago, Xirka said:

    Ahh, but you did agree to the TOS for the game, meaning you have to deal with the things DE does, just like the rest of us. 

    so i guess technically everyone agreed to it

  5. 2 minutes ago, SuikiAmon said:

    This is driving me to just log in, because I don't want to spread it to other players, or let my clean frames get infected.

    you cant spread it to other players, only touching nidus can infect players (well at least thats what ive read and heard)

    for now if you want to play with your uninfected frames and not get infected, unfortunately you're going to have to play solo, or with a team you know that's not going to bring a nidus

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