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Posts posted by (PSN)Boggy-Yobbins

  1. Honestly I'd be fine with hooks if only enemies onscreen could hook you, but 90% of the time it's going to be from offscreen void and typically at the worst time ever.
    They certainly aren't a thing I'd like to see stick around in general since instant knockdowns seem to be the only trick in the game that is used to make you think enemies are more challenging than they actually are, but there are definitely steps that can be taken to improve the mechanic, you could even make it so that you can still shoot your pistol while being dragged so you don't just have to twiddle your thumbs for 5 frustrating seconds.

  2. I really enjoy feeling like I can explore without some mook nipping at my heels and I cannot overstate how much I dislike the change to exterminate. Exploration is super fun in this game, and I think spy level structure and the game's movement systems are heavily under utilized.

    I really dislike quest frames now needing to be farmed in random locations, and in general. There's a million other things that suck the fun out of this game, and sometimes it feels like it's intentionally designed to be that way.

  3. What I cared about was the story of the universe, not the story of the tenno and I'm not a fan of them taking center stage or even becoming characters. I felt the player was the tenno, the operator, and the plot revolved around crazy stuff the other factions were doing. Quests based on your self imposed concept of being a neutral 'peacekeeper' of sorts and getting involved in everyone's business. The reason tenno themselves are targeted was usually due to the advanced technology of the warframes, like with Alad and Vor.
    I also am less of a fan of the more goofy tone the game is taking, Kela basically being a gameshow host and the Queen being the wicked witch of the west, or recently in Ambulas Reborn with Bek being utterly incompetent.

    Basically I don't care at all about the plot, and the progression has pretty much lost me. Nothing is really going to change, so I just play the game ignoring it for now.

  4. I'd like more bosses like Lephantis, giant and imposing, specific weak points to attack, clearly telegraphed attacks, and minimal adds. On that front I also like Jackal.
    The biggest problems with how fleeting bosses are is how powerful your frames and weapons get, but I don't know if there's a way to properly limit those things without players feeling like they are being forcibly restrained. There's a reason people don't like nullifiers. Even Lephantis goes down in seconds under the effects of molecular prime.

  5. I pretty heavily disagree, though there's bound to be a good amount of cosmetics you don't like through sheer volume I heavily prefer warframe's typically unconventional artstyle. I like most of the alt helmets, all of the deluxe skins, though I think armour and syandanas are pretty hit and miss. Tennogen provides more backpacks though, I'm pretty much done with capes and the like, I need more stuff like jattuk and raiji.
    There are far too many items I see people call ugly that I just don't understand why, asuri was the only one that made sense and it really only looked bad because of the default colours.

  6. This just sounds like trying to project an inferiority complex onto other players. Consoles already have their own unique skin packs, and not only that we have tennogen now, which we can buy with platinum instead of cash only. There's this weird level of competition over the founders' items between console and PC already, why exacerbate it? Exclusives will only serve to divide the community.
    Like many, I'm slightly annoyed that there is a handful of items I'll never have in a game about collecting stuff, but in the long run it isn't really a big deal.

  7. My issues are with how rampant knock-downs and staggers are, and grapples have annoying aimbot accuracy and hit me from offscreen way too much. My issues with the way enemy mechanics are involved feel like they exist to be aggravating and that's it. I'm not a fan of the game being horde based, but since it is the amount of 'high priority targets' should be a bit lower than they are, personally.
    Toning the spawn rates down a bit I think could have a positive change, like most people hate sapping ospreys because of how common they are, locking down whole rooms, not the design of the enemy itself. I'd love more enemies that felt like an actual challenge, but that's not really how this game works.
    Though the issue of balance comes from the players basically being superpowered gods where the only way to pose a threat to players is to completely deny them of actions, which seems to be the name of the game for both players and mobs.

  8. they're all pretty great sans the synoid, personally, though I really like cosmetics in general. They don't really do anything other than potentially look cool, so if you don't like them then there's no real point in investing your points in them.
    The more annoying problem is that they are not tradeable, so you may end up having to grind all the way up from being an enemy to get the one you actually want.

  9. What I'd really like for spy would be basically a new variant tileset, each tile with pre-existing enemy patrols with all sorts of nooks, crannies, and vents to sneak through effectively with any frame if you're careful. My biggest issue isn't exactly the difficulty, but how little sneaking is actually encouraged and enabled, especially when enemies can just spawn in behind you. The missions are the exact same as everything else resulting in the only interesting part being 3 relatively small rooms that everyone already knows how to cheese into oblivion.
    I'd love to see these types of new tiles, along with some new, maybe even larger spy rooms

  10. I don't really understand the idea behind this suggestion, if it's about trying to add more depth to the progression of this game (which I do have some issues with) I'm sure there are much better ways than gating frames behind numbers. Not to mention starting out in this game can already be pretty painful.

  11. These types of events are kind of frustrating almost primarily because of how long matches are, 10 minutes or 50 points to win makes any match into a total slog and forces you to piss away half an hour for mostly uninteresting rewards. Personally I've liked variants over normal modes due to the sudden death aspect making things feel a little more balanced and fun, but it also feels like lately there have just been more events and quests based around being advertising for new modes instead of being anything particularly interesting.

  12. I feel this way with all of the hidden nooks and crannies all over tiles, like the void has so many little secret areas that more often than not contain nothing particularly valuable. I feel like caches should be more common throughout the game and yield better stuff, at least alert level rewards(5-20k credits, 300-1000 of a resource, rare resource clusters, maybe even blueprints?). I like exploration a lot, but it's basically never worth it as it is now.

  13. My personal issues are screwing up recruit chat, especially since I think key leeching isn't a bad thing at all, but also needing to find a relic while it's still in vogue otherwise tough luck.
    There's a ridiculous amount of relics that overlap with each other in drops, resulting in an obnoxious amount of clutter and making it difficult to keep all the relics straight. I wish each new prime set was released like the fire & ice unvault, 1 new relic of each era that collectively contained all of the new parts and removing the risk of accidental vaultings in the process.
    Making the Void basically useless, this area was actually one of my favorites. I may be in the minority saying I never got 'void fatigue', since no matter what tileset or mission you're doing basically the exact same thing for the entire game. The Void to me felt pretty close to 'endgame', a pristine, beautiful area, accessible only with special keys, that contains the shiny, upgraded weapons and frames obtainable nowhere else.
    I do remember the void hell, but I wish it were something expanded upon more, not removed or otherwise made obsolete.

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