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  1. My "change on Circuit reward" path, is leaning on the horse useable there, into the direction of more creature-source(s). > You could add the first points and at other areas add those other points. They can exist without both sides. > Lvl2, 3, 4 & 5 Systems, Chassis and Neuroptics seems (for me) a pretty great possible way as reward to get from there, and all frames benefit from it. Good stats increase & content at that "lateGame" area in my eyes at least. Better than riven for sure ;) Yes this could solo standing as suggestion and i will think about it. All games inspire from other games somehow. There is nothing bad in it persé also straight copy/paste and declare "i made it" would not be the "good" path to do ;) The very first points, would enable any creature "curretnly" InGame to survive, and no need to have a bandaid of this new "companions can no longer die". Solution without fixing the problem. You can get 2 kavats. You can double stats. You can also add a "natural weapon" section like for Sentinels, to free mod space for vital-mods and have more space for the damage section... many of those points can be made "unlock'able" or "drop'able" or both. Including combine'able. Would help frames and creatures alike, rewarding,... but would need some time to do and implement for sure so no ezy fast result what you ment to begin with i guess. So yes i guess if you search for a short-term fast solution my suggestion(s) will not work since they are bound with creatures & char alike, besides the System, Neuroptics etc Lvl 2,3 4 & 5 staging. Well sometimes you shot into the fog & may hit smt hehe i get ya and you are not wrong entirely. Cheers
  2. > Answer to your post within quote, [expand] ;) I can very much understand your throught process and THANK YOU for your time fk'ing typing this all and nothing but agree to them IF some of those factors are true. > The truth is,...no one of us can say A is right or B or maybe C,... it is a guessing in the end and i will padel back from either A or B,...since you said some points i was NOT thinking of. So thanks again for adding some true importent points into it.
  3. Hi. Well,... it might be,... but what THIS RNG stats rivens do, is realy nothing different to what some specific games did years ago, in addition, there are waaay more random stats in different sections on top, able to be hold in a "unlimited amount" in your inventory (until changed to 1k items on char but unlimited in your storage). I will agree that it DID made back then "Town-Lag" when meeting up maaaaaany other players even with a top-gen PC for that time,... today is totaly different for the exact same "Problem". PCs can ezy handle that. And those "loading stats" where not only RNG-Stats, way more items they carried with them and their stats, items & Creatures stats and items,... This "lags" happend only in towns with many players or in dungeons when someone "trained" you with mass-mobs aggro pulled and run into your Party haha this sh!t happend yes and laged a bit suddenly ;) but this is a lazy excuse to not do it or do it better/right. Let me show you smt fast: > Besides yellow, every colored number & text is a random one. How many different "rivens" is this 1 Char holding at "the same time" active?! Riven have not even "set stats" + "4 RNG mods" including RNG side effects for EVERY "user char AND creature gears" ofc including for necklaces, rings, earings, cloaks, masks,... Blue: Set stats, same weapons/gears can have different set-name-stats as well rng. Purple: straight every stats point random. Look at every gear list bottom, slots, to place in mods (stones/shards/... (hard-item with stats/passive o. active abilities)). Also some "mods" with rng stats/sideeffects... *reroll'able* > At the +23 Executioner Lvl10 mid/bottom weapon/gear item,... you see at the very end,... a purple (bounded item) mod (shard) in the last socket adding +453 phys dmg & +371 Ability.Damage > Those numbers SOLO are RNG and reroll'able to get a better or worse output. & in addition, this specific "shard" also adds a changing visual effect > And this are just a few ones in the list here,... those are the 1st ones they were introduced into the game,... all RNG all reRoll'able & with effects to them. Also able to combine them with the weapon and a "unit-card" into any creature... and you have mullti creatures and weapons/gear on them all... Also... To Awake an item you will need a Awakening Stone Click the Dismantle icon in the inventory window. Place an empty pet card in the dismantle window and click "Dismantle All" to obtain awakening stones. Click the Enhancement icon in the inventory window. Place a dormant weapon in the primary slot and an awakening stone in another slot. Click "Enhance" to apply random adjustments. If the random adjustments are not to your liking, you can return the weapon to its original dormant state an reroll. > I dun think they could years ago (1month before WoW) do this, with some kind of magic trick. I want to say, EVEN if it is true,... we can say with this then,... smt went wrong in doing so i guess. And if it would be somehow right done,.. they CAN do generate those. In addition,... Warframe has LESS mods as this game has SKILL-CARDS,.. stacked on each other and collected in masses with each also own ID. Every single char-skill has its own skill-card. Combine'able with the same skill card to make from a +1 a +2 card. Up to +10.... and you need a loooot to compensate for all the possible fails, (equal broken +cards) you fail to combine from +3 on... so you collect...maaany of them. > Item-sink was invented here ;) Warframe is WELL able to do so. Believe me. Either they fk'ed up smw or they just do not want to.
  4. Related to Rivens, core problem is the limited amount 1 can have in 1 "Riven Slot" from max 180, as many stated. • Make "Stash" instances, for EACH typ of weapon. Melee, secondary,... each 180 slots. Problem solved "temporary". Related to "Rewards", we should rethink away from WHAT IS offered and look at WHAT CAN be offered to make this "late game" content more worth playing... I would suggest the following: • Creature Unit card; enables to bind any weapon (melee/Bow) into a card, which can be placed into a creature, to act as amplifier to their "natural" dmg source. Also combine able with diff. creature Gear to add paths into Vit/ Agi/ Int or/and Str. • Creature EVOlution shards; enables to unlock a creatures Evolution 1, 2 and 3 each at max Lvl. With each Evolution (doubling prev. stats), the lvl of a creature is reseted back to Lvl1. BEFORE going into next Evolution, a player can choose to "overbreed" a creature +10 Lvls, to gain access adding stats to the creature manualy, before going into next Evolution and gain at each +1 overbreed Lvls, 2 additional "skill-perks" to be used on Lvling up Creature skills. So if you do not overbreed, you will not be able to max out as many creature skills as if you would max Overbreed at every 3 possible access to it. • Creature "Soul Catalysts" (staging); Soul Catalysts are used to combine two "same" creatures of the same type into an enhanced version of the creature. Visualy changing in coloring to showcase increased power status. This "staging" is done over 2 same max Lvl creatures, combined into a Stage 1. For a Stage 2 creature you need 2x same Stage 1 creatures. Staging also unlocks creatures "specific" 1 new active ability & 2 new passives reaching stage3. Also unlocks a slot each time staging a creature, to add ANY creatures sprits, even from other ones. > Evo3 stage0 Hawkman but +25 overbreeding (left top corner, green number before name "German Tank") > Evo 1 to 3, How stats could be, Role of creature: > Other creature, other stats, other Role: > Staging Ability, unique to each creature: > Adding a not used (summoned) creature, into your Char/Frame, grants unique passive stats if skilled in creature passive-skilltree: > Every creature, gets a Unity toggle buff as long summoned, unique to this creatureTyp (M.Atk = +150% Ability damage, owner & creature): > Staging unlocks slots to add sprits, soul-artifacts & additional gear (Armor/Chassis & weapon (melee or bow)): ...and more than 100 different creatures please. Leaving away "Soul-Creatures" at this moment... /// New stuff, long time grinding to get it all, buuuut rewarding in use of time & effort made. And not only rewarding in the end! Durring the adventure, the way to the end, should be the most rewarding point here, step by step. I also would like to see a real Dungeon for LateGame to grind/farm in, and need to group up or at least need for duo to take on "for ever fast respawning" mobs at maaany different locations, like here: And huuuge walls high up. Big, medium small rooms with mobs spawning fast back perma. Patrols, in pathways (respawning) no real save spots,... excample how a LateGame party, with low lategame gear/items, farms in a not so deep in, smaller room, going later into a medium-small room: ... I dun need another riven path, i realy do not need stuff we all already have... my take is, add new stuff, to WASTE time in playing the actual game, with guilds, more with others together than all solo...and fk rewarding. No instant dungeon crap, > Real time open Dungeon systems ALL player partys can go farm in at the same time. > Guns could be hard reduced in power, by dungeon mobs beeing kinda immun to bullet/laser dmg, if not ability based. > Guns could be transformed into a "Dungeon-Unit card" to amp. a melee weapon, placed into a dungeon slot on melee weapons! > *Skill-Cards* drop in dungeons, for *any Frame ability* to inrease this *specific Frame skill by +1 Lvl up.* This skill-cards *can be combined with another same skill-card!* Making a skillcard +1 into a +2 skill card. To make a +3 skill-card, player needs 2x +2 skill-cards of the same card. Reaching a +3 Skill-card, combining 2x +3 skill cards could have a *fail-rate* of 40%, if failed, *one of the two +3 cards breaks and is gone.* So getting a max *+10 skill-card* will be seen as smt rar and realy powerful...worth the grind...if you could imagine to just have a Frame with each of its abilities increased by +6,+3,+5,+4,... 1st skills can with that reach higher potential making them on some frames insanly powerful, same for all the other abilities esp. "ultis". Realy worth the grind! > Btw.: the shown pictures/videos skills/items/etc. are from a game which is 1 month older than WoW. /// Edit /// I also want to add this suggestion into it: > Neuroptics, Chassis & Systems lvl2, 3, 4 and 5, "could drop" in those dungeons, for each specific frame, similar to "skill-cards". >> You would need 2x Lvl2 Systems to combine them into a Lvl3 System etc. but with a higher "fail-rate" than skill-cards, or the same. Those parts would increase the base-stats of each frame, and with reaching Lvl3, unlocking a "frame skill-tree". This or better those skill.trees, use up perks, which you gain per LvL up. So you would not be able to skillUp ALL passive skills, but able with further LvLing up, gaining more perk-points to invest in. Each Lvl+ could add 23 perk-points and different passives need either 3 or 10 points to max them out. Smt in this direction. We could say to this Frame-Mastery-Tree, with 3 seperated parts, each with its own skill-tree. >>> Additional with reaching Lvl3,4 and 5 of a part, unlocking 1,3 & 5 slots for Mastery-Stones/Shards with diverent stats, or able to place in Boss-cards/Mods...droped inside dungoen. My 33 or smt takes to this ;) Cheers
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