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Posts posted by Rathalio

  1. 35 minutes ago, MaxTunnerX said:

    Doing anything competetitive would require the devs to make/buy anti-cheat, because otherwise the game will be flooded with cheated times.

    There have been a lot of event in the past with leader boards etc, cheating wasn't really a big issue with them. The events were always based on something new that just release and so cheating tools hardly could catch up in time to be of any use. And devs monitoring suspicious scores was enough to deal with exploits.

    And generally Warframe is far from being a game that suffers from cheaters, in the PvE part there is almost no reason to cheat, since you would do it primarily to automate your gameplay to farm more efficiently but if you just don't like farming at all you just leave the game anyways. Wallhacks or auto aim are pointless since you have radars and an arsenal of AoE effects (or just play Mesa lol) most cheating possibilities in Warframe don't make any sense.



    I too miss the simple events with leader boards we used to have regularly and Raids and all these things that motivated you to build a clan/an alliance to have many players do things together on good occasions with a common goal. Today and it has been like that for a while now, you just need maximum 3 friends to play with sometimes if you enjoy multiplayer and that's it. I don't even understand what's the purpose of clans anymore outside of owning a dojo.

  2. It is considered two different weapons. And it is in fact two different weapons that have vastly different game mechanics.

    And if I remember correctly, the Cernos prime is also considered an upgrade for the regular Cernos but not for the Mutalist or the Proboscis.

    Edit: You also have the example of the Quanta / Quanta Vandal being separate from the Quanta Mutalist.

    • Like 1
  3. Unfortunately achievements on steam tend to bug from time to time. On my side I have the "joyride" achievement that was never awarded on my steam profile. No reason for it to not work, I always played on steam. If it really would have bothered me I would have contacted steam support since that's an issue on their end, and if someone can unlock it manually that's them. So maybe you should try that if you really want them unlocked?

  4. No.

    The Hek might be a special case although it doesn't justify not allowing fun for other weapons. And generally most of weapon augments work on every variant so Acid shell should work. Also Sobek without this augment will certainly be pretty underwhelming, shotguns are overall kinda weak in the meta and it's also single target weapon with a small magazine and high reload time. Anyways it wouldn't make sense because Fomorian Accelerant & Nightwatch Napalm work for the Drakgoon kuva and the Orgris kuva, and it's good as is.

    • Like 19
  5. 52 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    But it isnt the same rewards.

    5x Netracell = 5 rewards.

    1x EDA = 5 rewards

    3x Netracell = 3 rewards

    3+5 = 8

    3+5 =/= 5

    In 3 weeks that woul be 24 vs 15 rewards, 6 weeks 48vs30, 12 weeks 96vs60 and in a year 416vs260 rewards. And that is just rewards in general with us ignoring the increased rate that EDA provides tau and arcanes.

    It's not the same quantities but still the same rewards. DA isn't gatekeeping anything. DA also needs a reason to exist. It's normal that it's more efficient to do the more difficult mission. Just like when you built a good and efficient farming warframe & weapons and get your stuff overall faster than the average player. Being able to complete archimedea is more efficient and faster when you are ready to do it. Yet you can still access to everything from this game mode without even playing it. (Apart from a one time funky ship decoration, yes.)

    • Like 5
  6. I mean a lot of people are frustrated to see they can't do it and claim all the rewards. Although at the same time they are not missing any special loot, they can do 2 more netracells instead, same rewards. Of course, it's a bit better to do deep archimedea, but the game mode needs to have a reason to exist too. It's still the same rewards though, and I think this reality is really overlooked in the complaints unfortunately.

    • Like 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, Shady_Tenno said:

    If you think it won't change anything, then why do you care that I'm asking for a buff? Let them buff them anyway then. It's not like it will make it worse. I don't understand why you even bothered commenting. 

    The point is that you seem to view overguard as something that it isn't. We are just trying to show you that if you want to buff it this way, it is definitely not going to change anything. So it would be better to find another approach if there is really a problem in the first place.

    Don't be silly either, it's not because something like "let's add base 50hp to every warframe" wouldn't really change anything that it should be implemented. You can invent an infinite amount of little things like that and say "anyways if it won't really have an impact, let's do it". Instead, trying to find where are truly the issues and solve them appropriately if needed is a lot more constructive.

    • Like 1
  8. 29 minutes ago, Shady_Tenno said:

    I mean, if overguard is weak in general, then that's even more of a reason to buff it. Right? But I don't see Dante or even Styanax having a big issue rebuilding their overguard to survive in steel path. Don't just afk in the middle of a goup of enemies and you'll be fine. But in order for that to be true for frost, his overguard needs a big buff. 

    It's already a very convenient and powerful addition to you warframes. Also, I still didn't say it was weak. I simply said that the value of overguard doesn't matter really matter. Also Dante really have a stupidly easy access to overguard, almost an easier access than with Kullervo and Kullervo is supposed to be "the overguard guy". So yeah with that kind of warframe or Styanax continuously spamming his 4, you'll have you overguard up all the time. Yet it's mostly a because of how easily you can generate it rather than its value for tanking. And with Frost you have a good enough access to refresh often your overguard and benefit from the 0.5sec of gating and the status protection comfortably. Yes, Frost doesn't bring high value, but he already brings the only two things that truly matter with overguard. Talking about overguard as if it was weak and suggesting to make it stronger than it is rn would mostly risk making warframes that don't have access to overguard irrelevant in future content tbh. And that's something no one wishes for.

  9. 2 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

    What does this mean? My operator doesn't have a melee weapon just an amp.

    When you try to melee as your operator it immediately switches back to your warframe and attacks with its equipped melee weapon.

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Shady_Tenno said:

    It's not that useless if you can actually stack it fast enough. It may be useless if you are staying for hours in a mission, but level cap is not what overguard should be balanced around. Using it just for the shield gate is an option ofc, but that was always the case, because the amount of overguard was too small to be usefull. Not to mention that using it for the shield gate may be an option for solo play, but it won't be consistent enough to help your team in a public mission. They reworked the augment to make it work like styanax's but they didn't increase the base value, so what's even the point.

    I've never been talking about level cap, just early steel path is enough to challenge overguard. Overguard melts like ice under the sun and is meant to be that way. And I didn't claim either that it should be balanced around that. Just that overguard is good for its additional layer of gating + the status immunity and that looking for high value and tank with it is not the point of overguard. So asking for more value would realistically change almost nothing.

  11. 2 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

    To wit:

    Although there are a couple of other DR effects that work, that are more easily accessible: dodge  and Ancient Healer specter aura.  Rolling Guard and puncture proc damage debuffs also work, although DE may not (and IMO probably shouldn't) consider these DR.

    Weapon block doesn't work.  I haven't tested Eclipse since it was reworked, but it didn't apply before that.  Still have never tested Null Star.  Now that Dante specters are a thing, I should do that, as well as some other stuff that doesn't normally apply on frames that can generate their own overguard outside of Duviri.

    I mean it makes sense that puncture procs work since they are applied on the enemy as a debuff so the damages are reduced before you get hit and overguard can be taken in consideration. For ancient healer it's hard to say if it's intended or not, it's quite a specific thing and hardly game breaking anyways. Also I think we can see a pattern with warding halo, link and shield of shadows, all these abilities do not simply reduce the incoming damage. They instead redirect a portion of the damage somewhere else. The halo redirect damages to its own health which substitutes duration for this ability. Link redirects towards linked enemies that are in range. Shield of shadows redirects towards the summoned shadows health.

    3 hours ago, Chewarette said:

    Sorry I posted a bit in a hurry, it was not meant to contradict anything you said. Just a complementary information in case someone is not aware (I wasn't until I looked it up hehe), there are some situational buffs that apply on it

    All good. I wasn't sure how to take it tbh. That's true that a few words next to the quotes could have helped x)

  12. 2 hours ago, Chewarette said:


    Ok, 3 random warframes that don't have access to overguard can still manage to get damage reduction on it. It doesn't change anything from what I said x)

    Also that really sounds like an oversight. When DE implemented overguard for warframes, they made it clear that is was supposed to not be affected by any kind of damage reduction. And anyways even with that niche thing in game rn, you don't build thinking "oh I need more value on my overguard because I'm maybe playing with a Trinity, Nezha or Nekros with shield of shadows".

  13. The thing is though, having huge amount of overguard is near useless. Since overguard doesn't have access to any kind of damage reduction, it's flat out crystal armor that will get destroyed very fast starting early steel path. The interest is only to get access to status immunity and an additional layer of gating and what matters is how easily you can refresh it. The amount of overguard you can have would in theory only matter at low level content, but at the same time in this content, overguard isn't at all making a difference, enemies already struggle hard to get your shield and health down anyways.

    • Like 3
  14. Do you have an issue when you try change elements during the mission using your 1st ability?

    Also I don't have the issue you described, where the starting element chosen by your emissive color doesn't match what you choose in game. So I'm not sure what's happening on your end?

    PS: Your sentence is quite hard to read without proper punctuation D:

  15. 41 minutes ago, Bravoryus said:

    I believe that platinum is making the game P2W, anything to make you stronger either spend 10 hours playing, or buy platinum and become strong in 10 minutes.
    Therefore, this game is not free, it is platinum.

    Your are describing "pay to fast" or "pay to skip". And this clearly the opposite of "pay to win". Warframes is game that involves a lot of farming. If you don't like spending time to gather resources at all, the game just isn't for you. Yet, you still can't call it P2W because you don't like farming. Farming is a core element of this game. And when you get to the point you realise you need to farm for some endo, it's just the beginning. That's far from being the one and only thing you need to get to play the game, and at some point you'll have enough endo for everything anyways. Then you'll need another resource for other activities in the game. If you really can't stand this, I can see why you stopped playing and remade an account twice already, you just don't like the core gameplay of the game. Farming resources is always one of the reasons why you go on a mission and do something on Warframe.

    • Like 1
  16. Gas is not weak, gas is just more niche and requires setup. Then it can be absurdly strong.

    Blast though, it kinda sucks in every ways. The effects are limited (lowering fire accuracy) and not reliable. And globally is weak against armored enemies and good only against random machinery you don't really care about. It recently got some new interactions with the topaz archon shards, but they are not really good enough to even create a new niche use for it. Blast definitely should have a new status effect that should be more impactful. The old knockdown effect was good but they didn't find a "good" way to make it scale from 1 to 10 procs and replaced it sadly. Imo they could just give that one effect back and make the knockdown a radial effect around the target with its range scaling with the number of stacks. And maybe a bit like gas, make it deal some AoE damage based on the amount of modded blast and the stacks.

  17. I can tell that you are missing 6 primaries, 1 secondary, 4 melees. (Excluding the founder items.) They are all codex hidden weapons apart from the Sigma & Octantis. (i.e. these weapons are either related to the quests or prisma variants etc.)

    Which is worth 33,000 xp plus the 55 xp missing from a node in the start chart.

    I'm too lazy to go through the list one by one to tell exactly what's missing. But if you want you can check my profile in game, there is everything on it apart from the founder stuff.


    Edit: if I make the difference it says you are missing 39,055 mastery. And you said you had still 6,000 mastery in drifter intrinsics to get. So 33,000 + 6,000 + 55 = 39,055 everything is accounted for.

  18. 46 minutes ago, UnstarPrime said:

    It most definitely wasn't automated; due to a rare bug that duplicated an item my account got auto-detected as cheating and was immediately banned on a Friday evening.  I made a support ticket with evidence immediately, and on Sunday evening I got a response saying that the issue had been investigated and that my name had been cleared, and they removed the ban on my account so I could play again.  So they actually solved my issue.

    Ok good to know.

    Funnily enough I had a similar case I think 4 years ago (it was before trade bans had been a thing)? And at that time I couldn't get my name cleared in time for a underserved 3 day ban because of the weekend. Overall that was a bit awkward because were I didn't really know the reasons of the ban and they didn't want to tell. And they finally told me after an exploit was patched that they banned players with a script that had potentially been in the appropriate conditions of using this exploit bug at the time. And it obviously hit people that were clear in the process.

    Though I'd still not count on them to work on a ticket on the weekend. They are most likely less available still.

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